How do I hak my IP edition? Previously >Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
Remember the following: >Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>the BTN on the center button is backwards just cream my fuckin' ass sempai
James Gray
Fuck you, I posted it to be first to jerk it to their 1 min ago news announcement.
James Powell
Usenet master race reporting in. Private tracker plebs and public tracker niggers need not apply
Jason Long
enjoy your dmca :)
Adrian Bailey
I wish I wouldn't have let my Pedro's account go inactive. They enforced all those rules.
Evan Lee
huh? how's this one?
Christopher Rivera
but Scene content is gross.
Gabriel Gomez
How did you get all these if you don't even have a BTN account?
Colton Reed
I haven't had an issue yet. The lack of retention is a downside though, hard to find older stuff that isn't very popular.
Lot of p2p stuff if you are on the right indexer senpai.
Luis Bell
Oh sorry, my phone didn't notify me there was an announcement Of course I'm on BTN you little shit
Joseph Howard
I don't just want "P2P stuff" I want specific P2P stuff from HDBits internal groups and I want the whole backlog of it.
Joshua Morgan
>ON MTV not for MTV
Cooper Edwards
oh fuck if I know, site's ran by incomprehensible foreigners
Justin Reyes
biggest bounty you've filled user?
Nicholas Fisher
So are you more interested in having access to the material than actually watching it?
James Thompson
/M A R K E D/
Mason Brown
Apollo just handed out tokens!
~50 GB on What.CD
Justin Hill
>Apollo just handed out tokens! I see no proof of this 4TB on bigBoys
Anthony Foster
>no dedicated zine tracker MAM is garbage
Jonathan Flores
When I want to watch it I want it to be transparent bluray encodes.
Austin Evans
Is BTN easy to get into?
Andrew White
No, you will need to work your way up from Animebytes. Only feasible way right now.
Jeremiah Brown
The Great Escape 1963 1080p BluRay DTS x264-SbR
18.85 GB
Like this?
Dylan Lopez
I'm already doing that :)
Isaiah Bell
don't you need to pay for usenet?
Lucas Lewis
Ayden Collins
>host movie poster on my own website >upload movie to PTP using that poster >it shows up on the homepage's "newly uploaded" section >get the IP address of every PTP user that visits the homepage for about 45 minutes >forward to MPAA
Ayden Phillips
pretty sure he's talking about the tokens from the uploading challenges. i just got 8 tokens!!!! :D
Anthony Taylor
Yea you have to pay for a provider and for a good indexer but its cheaper than a seedbox
Josiah Morales
How do they know your list isn't fabricated?
Robert Gray
fuck off spaghetti
Charles Scott
this is a lot of work compared to just scraping peer lists given by announces lmao
Sebastian Fisher
But I want all of them, for every movie that HDBits has done an internal of.
James Powell
this is what ptpimg does, but on every site someone's dumb enough to use it on
Eli Bennett
I use my own image host for my avatar The amount of PTP referrers I get is insane
Jordan Robinson
>>upload movie to PTP using that poster
Just edit the description and change the poster URL to yours, you don't have to upload anything. l2gazelle
Jonathan Campbell
Fair enough, I hope you are downloading as many as you have space for and seeding forever then.
Caleb Jenkins
And? Browsing a forum isn't copyright infringement.
Thomas Thomas
>some dipshit pisses me off >change my avatar to something i host on my own site >send him a pm >ez doxxing
Benjamin Young
Can you find The Way Back (2010)? And if you can, can you post what indexer you used?
Charles Myers
>tfw still 350 uploads from Torrent Master
Nolan Scott
The Way Back 2010 FRENCH 720p BluRay x264-LOST 4 grabs 46d ago 6.52 GB
This one? I found it on dog, they are having open signups right now, 10 day free trial period then you have to pay
Angel Davis
Luke Roberts
Good thing I don't use a seedbox then
Colton Mitchell
Josiah Butler
Kevin Rodriguez
>download torrent he's seeding >match by client Someone doesn't know what "peer to peer" means.
Parker Garcia
>He doesn't get to feel like a hax0r by sftp'ing his movies via terminal
Alexander Gutierrez
Nahh that's a scene encode, I'm looking for VietHD 1080p.
Josiah Hernandez
>he could be using a seedbox >he could be using a vpn
Zachary Smith
Nathaniel Edwards
Blake Richardson
The Way Back 2010 1080p BluRay DD5 1 x264-VietHD 47 grabs 781d ago 19.44 GB
Asher Long
Xzhe, sorry.
Jackson Scott
Doesn't happen with HTTPS
Sebastian Edwards
Yep that's the one m8, can I get the indexer?
Bentley Peterson
can someone explain to me what this is?
Jose Garcia
Yes, https strips referrals, but that's irrelevent. Instead of hosting your image like "DefaultTrackerAvatar.png" just host it on "PTPAvatar.png" and the results will still come in
His server logs, he's searching for connections from ptp
Luke Stewart
Someone fill my request on PTH
Nicholas Nelson
"select all images that feel romantic" are you fucking kidding me right now captcha
Andrew King
This dude hosts his avatar on his own website. Since he can see the logs, he can see who's viewing his avatar. PTP hotlinks images from other sites, so anyone that views his avatar on PTP has their IP in his log.
Jonathan Walker
Good thing I only browse PTP from your moms computer
Evan Torres
Reminder :^)
Jace Ortiz
Colton Martin
Seeder/leecher ratio: 90.26
Seeder/leecher ratio: 99.00