How long have you been here?

how long have you been here?

Since 5pm

all summer

i'm only here when i get bored with reddit and Sup Forums

6 years just let me leave

As long as I remember

What's up Issac?

like 6 years i think


Since 2009 on Sup Forums, I guess.

Same June 09

Long enough to know your name, Isaac.

where did all the oldfags fuck off to?

Around the time of nvidia 500 series so early 2011 I guess.

since toradora started aired

Sup Forums since late 2012
Sup Forums since ~2009

About 4 months, so I'm an old fag I guess lulz XD

on and off since 2007.

probably only consistently visited Sup Forums for 3 years total of the 9 since then.

Since 2004

But I only used Sup Forums for 2 years, when it became shit I migrated my cancer here and started enforcing the Tidus desktop meme.

Only on Sup Forums since 2009ish.

2009 I think
Sup Forums was the first board
I later had stints on Sup Forums, /o/, Sup Forums, and /k/

2010? something like that.

When was Boxxy?
Since then.

2007 or 08

i only go on Sup Forums /lit/ and scv now, everything else disgusts me

5 years

Sup Forums: 2008.
Sup Forums: 2013.

since this shit had guro.

back then tidus was a desktop thread killer

December 2008 here.
Still come every day.

Where's the Mr Burns "Don't Forget..." when you need it.

since 2012 i think, i rarely post tho

I don't remember, but I was here when Nevada-tan killed that girl. So at least June 1, 2004,
Send help

lurked for 3 years and have been posting for less than 1 year

too long

>when it became shit
by that you mean pedofags where getting permabans right?

Today is my first day in this hell

hey isac what do you do for a living?

Longer than you've been alive, kiddo. x^DDDDD

Sometime between Pool's Closed and NYC Cardstand Earthcam Trolling era.

about this long

Since blue waffle

playing overwatch, currently deranked to gold from plat

She got out in 2012

Sup Forums - guro

dae remember techloligy?

lol i meant for a job you big b a k a d e s u

Since the Sup Forumsuro days

post more wahas pls

i place foods to the store

I havent actually started coming here yet, but I will soon


So you stock shelves at a store?


anyone that thinks this is anything more than a shitposting board has mental problems.

you drop your pants, take a shit and wait for the flies to start buzzing around.

feels bad man

Long enough to cum inside you.

Way too fucking long.

No sane well adjusted people browse this shithole. I wish it didn't exist.

you shitposting niggerfaggot named travis.
filthy fucking anime shitposting weeb

anime website

Static webmfag here: fuck you.

7 fucking years

>implying posting anime negates a shitpost from being a shitpost
nigga you dum

>using an axe on metal

FUUUUUUUCK that guy.

I think since early 2010
Started on Sup Forums, expanded to /fit/, and eventually came to Sup Forums

11 years. Just over a 3rd of my life has been spent on this site.

I like how nobody is a "newfag". That term didn't come around until maybe 2007 and it fucking exploded quicker than any other term. Instantly adopted and accepted by every board

Simpler times

summer 2013: started browsing Sup Forums
winter 2013: found Sup Forums never went back to Sup Forums
newfag forever

No, I left because 1 in 3 threads was a 5/10 camwhore thread and people posting MOAR and SAUCE all day on ugly jailbaits. I had to dig like 5 pages back to get actual content and just gave up. Basically Sup Forums was Sup Forums with video games instead of camwhores so I stopped using it.

Which is ironic because I lost my virginity to a camwhore on Sup Forums that posted nudes there when she was 14, when she was 16 I took her virginity after I found out about her from Sup Forums.


I've been on Sup Forums since 2006, what I've never understood is why people who have been here for a decade think they are somehow superior to others who haven't been here just as long.

Who cares?

I think you need to ask yourself that question.


there was far too much CP back then
couldn't refresh the page without that sick shit there. fucking idiots actually believed they were anonymous on here.

Since atleast 2007 which desu is too long... im trying to figure out a way to make a thread thatll help me figure out how to pick up programming, some books/courses on that and maybe networking...then im thinking ill take a break from Sup Forums for 6months while I try to make something of myself with the programming.

Because new, young people come here and try to change the established culture/rules basically by screaming and shitposting until they get their way. Newfags should not post until they assimilate, and if they can't then they can go somewhere else.

Spring 2009: Started browsing Sup Forums
Winter 2009: Posted in a desktop thread on Sup Forums
Summer 2010: Installed debian
Winter 2011: >putting your ketchup in the fridge
Summer 2012: Anime is gay. I hope japan sinks into the ocean.
2013: getting real tired of this linax shit
Summer 2016: Bought my first fursuit

If only moot was here.

Moot's cool with it

I showed him pictures and we hugged

Lies. Moot would never allow his tutu within 10 yards of a fursuit.

It's a good thing he wasn't wearing the tutu then

Or anything else for that matter

Mayve since last summer

2009. I was here before captcha. Last time I frequented Sup Forums people were ironically saying that they were oldfags for being here before captcha. Time moving is weird.


Sure, user, sure. Haruhi S3 will be announced today.

About 12 years now. I used Sup Forums for a year or so before coming over to Sup Forums. I knew absolutely nothing about computers at that point, 12 years of reading threads here and I know it all :D

proof: picture of my old desktop in roughly 2004, maybe late 2003.

in 2004 I was just entering into Elementary school, whoa

Pretty sure I started lurking heavily at 14, back then I never posted though. I didn't start posting until recently, a few years ago. The site was just like a mindless flow of information for me, plus the obscure porn and edge factor was very appealing back then.

I've only started frequenting Sup Forums for a few days, it's a much more enjoyable blue board than /o/ which I frequented for 6 years. /o/ is cancer, corrosive hivemind that can't agree on anything and are extremely volatile to the point that it makes Apple hatred on Sup Forums look insignificant.

>Sup Forums
>or even full of dudebros and girls

I heard your fedora furrowing as you wrote that comment

around 7 and a half years now...

10 minutes.

Good music taste

More than ten years, pretty much every day.

Long enough to know you have a shit taste in anime and shitposts on this board. Also

Sup Forums since 2015
Sup Forums since 2015
pls no bully

Since November 2010, so 6 years.

>tfw pic related never happens

Sup Forums since 2010 (stopped in 2011 and came back this year)
Sup Forums since 2007

The matter in my body has been in existence for an immeasurable amount of time.