desktops go in this thread
Desktops go in this thread
hello here is my desktop
kill yourself
this has nothing to do with technology, fuck yourself shitposting niggerfaggot honkey inbred white trash, chink.
pls don't bully in the desk top thread
desktops go in this board
Actually, desktops are: "Technology."
Looks like im the only one with a good os
Please tell me what browser this is?
This wallpaper is AMAZING. Please share!
here have a (you)
and no, in no way are these faggot pedo threads tech. there's plenty of other places for you to jerk off to pedo shit you sick fuck, how about you do it elsewhere?
ricing your desktop is more tech related than 90% of the threads on Sup Forums
this threads should be abput Cognitive ergonomics at least, you know, a desktop is a way to put the most basic interface to interact with, instead wee see some generic image or some chinese/taiwanese/korean/vietnamese cartoon, a terminal, some media player (text based) and a modest dock with a modest designed icons.
maybe some webpage with horribly css style
Here is my desktop taken via remote desktop
you people really need to visit Sup Forums
what a bad taste...
my retinas want to puke
>when you get tricked in to following a meme so much you actually make your computer less functional for the sake of fitting in
hows THIS for functional
i'm not a pedo u baka
why are you looking for serious discussion on Sup Forums
>Anything but pantheon
What fuck
this is Sup Forums baka
>dat palette
>no close window button
>dat font combination
please kill me, but first go to /gd/ and be ashamed for life
screenfetch? Also what browser?
sorry, i meant /gd/
desktop threads go in this board Most bland unaesthetic piece of shit I have ever seen. Why do you make an effort to post this shit in every desktop thread?
weird positioning. what do you use those 4 screens for?
desktops are technology
not serious dicussion in Sup Forums is also a meme, there are some effort in some threads, this is more like the Sup Forums part of Sup Forums
Here is mine taken through remote desktop that's why the dialogue
these threads used to have lots of serious discussion, no one bothers anymore since they're just going to be deleted by a mod with nothing better to do
anime shit and awful palette are not technology, are "design", and very bad...
Ancient desktop because desktop is busy right now
pls dont' pretend to be me (。>﹏
what theme is that? can't find anything about NanoOS
There is literally no point in using Elementary OS if you aren't going to use the included DE.
how's this for homosexual
Mainly for stock trading
I just realized Linux are only being used by pedophiles, which is obvious
Just Arch Linux.
it's obvioiusly not a serious desktop wth
It's like they don't understand that you want attention, and that all the (you)s and kys are just feeding you.
Pic related
every time
I quite like your terminal colors. I had given up on purple but that looks nice.
Can we get that pape?
I want to crop a screenshot of Sup Forums or something on it.
nvm, thanks! Im blind.
This. The "its not technology" meme needs to die.
HOWEVER they don't really have a function on Sup Forums. There are boards meant specifically and only for this function.
they're more related to Sup Forums than /w/ or /wg/, since those boards are only really for wallpapers
i agree, but that doesn't mean you should shitpost and add ontop of an already ruined site
as some people might actually be looking for tech related discussions rather than some pedo hangout for faggots.
hi this is my desktop
>add ontop of an already ruined site
so we're just supposed to cater to the people who ruined the site? this is Sup Forums, if they don't like anime they shouldn't be here
post that wallpaper
or else
What are they really for?
Is that your bedroom?
9/10, best ITT
- 1 for using windows
Really not a fan of the font.
Hide your IP address before I hack you.
shit, I don't know. A lot of things I guess
do it pussy!!
>implying linux can do 7 monitors
i have my icons turned off always, they're ugly
Very nice.
>too intelligent for desktop threads
are you all the same person or is there a severe lack of imagination going on here?
all me
Don't think so
>he doesn't know about sysadmin guy
Spotted the summer leftover
No, i just don't go in battlestation threads.
No rice. just life for now.
post wall pls
here you go
Does she have human ears as well or is there nothing on the side of her head?
i assume there are three options:
1. she has human ears and has fake prosthetics
2. she is some strange amalgamation of feline and human, and thus only has feline ears, and otherwise entirely human features
3. she has both feline ears and human ears as a result of some fucked up experiment
any one of the three still makes me hard, so hey
Good goys, good goys everywhere
>inb4 normie
>inb4 posting retarded smug chinese cartoon faces
u can stop now
>all these GUIs
CLI master race reporting in.
sorry not anime. I know it ruins a desktop =(
would be so much easier if I were into it
back to your containment board
This makes no sense
>triggered weeb
Same as your existence
Why are you here if you hate anime so much?
You too
By 2018 I expect this to be loss desu