Eaten by 312c for breakfast >Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
Remember the following: >Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>CGPeers, Bibliotik and MAM still doesn't have any Allpose books
Lucas Hall
>US VPN Blocked >No VPN blocked >Netherlands VPN Unblocked Youtube is run by a bunch of MAFIAA pleasing faggots
Noah Smith
no wonder you made a bad op
Jayden Howard
go become an esl teacher in some eastern country.
Aiden Taylor
How many trackers is considered "collecting" and why is it bad?
Michael Harris
Fuck off back to animebytes.
Jason Ortiz
only plebs define it by the number, and it isn't bad
Justin Cruz
What was that really nice looking custom CSS for PTH that was posted a thread or two back? Had a thin multicolored stripe at the top like the Google Pixelbook logo, and was mainly a dark blue-gray.
Colton Watson
Muh OPs
Tired of memeshit copy and paste OPs since 2014.
>everyone too lazy to create OPs themselves >everyone too lazy to update my fucking pdf
Henry Bell
>Youtube is run by a bunch of MAFIAA pleasing faggots It is an entire Bluray.
Joseph Diaz
ill memeshit my dick up your fucking ass faggot
Christopher Garcia
Sure you will.
Andrew Sanchez
Kayden Cruz
Today I will remind them.
Carson Thompson
there's nothing to really add to the header, it's all the same every single thread just shitposts
// what fucking pdf, you keep posting screenshots but never a fucking link
Jaxon Long
So how can you get on to BTN right now? Is there some sort of path of recruitment that can be followed? The trackers I'm on that have decent invite forums are AB, MAM, and Teh. Is there any path I can follow?
Dylan Price
As of now AFAIK BTN only recruit on PTP, which in turn have closed off all recruitment Get into PTP ASAP. AHD too, if you can
It's a WIP but frankly there's not much to add other than the fact that I removed the spectral analysis section from my original and a PTH section to replace the WCD.
The pdf was an update on the pastebin that the old IRCfags had up.
Samuel Nguyen
>tfw can't view cache pages of so can't get into PTH easily
Adam Bennett
I really can't believe people who are this late to the party.
Isaiah Sanchez
seriously it's been a month
Andrew Turner
Being late is fashionable.
Gavin Clark
Then obviously you can afford to wait longer.
Brandon Foster
>i can't believe people don't dedicate their lives to private tracker communities
Landon Reyes
I can add a bit tomorrow
Jeremiah Campbell
>i can't believe they couldn't bother to check /ptg/ any time any time at all in the last month
w e w e w
yeah man busy life
Jeremiah Walker
It's been a fucking month.
Aaron Wood
well enjoying being fucking cucked
cabal closed bro
there's no way in currently and probably won't be for a while
Juan Brooks
But I have 2.5TiB of Drizzy in flac to upload and I need to upload it now.
Logan Rivera
Thanks user. Freshly pastebinned I'm not on GGN, Teh, bB and AHD.
Jace Ward
Someone get this man an invite PRONTO
Justin Wood
i hear kickass torrents is open, pleb
Eli Young
>Myanonamouse is the closest to what you’d want and even then the tracker selection is pretty bad and might be a dead end. What is their tracker selection? Just include what's there right now so people can decide if it's worth it.
>How do I get into PTH? also port 7000 for SSL
>for any user not on Egypt. "not in" I assume?
should also mention PTH and APL since they're going to be *frequently* asked about
Elijah Kelly
sorry thought the port comment was "PTP" not "PTH"
if someone can provide a list of MAM invites right now (inb4 /marked/) i'll maek changes and pastebin it
Hudson Bell
i'm reformating this whole fucking thing, it's a nightmare
Noah Kelly
fucking christ, pornolab is such a pain to navigate. guess ill just stick with pornbay
Mason Morgan
Yeah you should because I used the format used by the old ircfags and it looks like shit.
------------------------------ Q1 How do I get into Private Tracker X? A1 All of the starting trackers are currently shit, Myanonamouse is the closest to what you’d want and even then the tracker selection is pretty bad and might be a dead end.
Maybe a few interesting trackers - Nostream it has a shit reputation and is shit - Maybe interesting user invites: jpopsuki (not cabal, only god for weebs), (not cabal, no tracker invite giving allowed on PU so it's a dead end), IPT for extremely desperate plebs
The only tracker REMOTELY RESEMBLING cabal on MAM is TehC
Anthony Rogers
help me understand what this doc is supposed to answer. should we have shit in here like, is this really just a dumb list of popular private trackers and info on how to get in? these aren't really "questions" in that sense, it's more just a list of info
William Kelly
latest graphs
Parker Butler
source? basically i just want the data
Jackson Myers
dog on pth, he's collecting his own data you could probably message him
Jacob Robinson
The point of the doc is to facilitate entry into cabal trackers.
This is stuff like BTN, PTP, HDBits. WCD when it still existed. And lesser trackers but still desirable ones like AB, GGn, Bitme, etc
So it was really handy in letting people get into the top tier/most desirable trackers.
Problem with recommending MAM as a starting tracker is, I don't know if the MAM → TehC → Bibliotik pathway is actually valid or if in recommending MAM as a starter we're recommending a dead end.
Back in the days of WCD you could pretty much get into everything directly from WCD or one step away from WCD.
Matthew Nelson
some PTHfag scrapes the data automatically, check pth forums i think its all closed source tho
Mason Nguyen
non-pth pajeet here sir
thanks though, good to know
Jayden Ward
thanks you too
Levi Cruz
he's /u/stats_doggy_dog on reddit as well, could message him there.
Justin Turner
might try something different, hang tight
Josiah Wilson
* And to add to this the point of /pyramid/ was to let people get into the top tier trackers like BTN, PTP, HDB etc as well and this term especially refers to getting in early on a staff pick or freeleech to maximise buffer.
I reckon you could do the lesser tier trackers as well but if you were to list all the minor trackers it would take forever. Furthermore, focusing on a few cabal trackers reduces the amount of time it takes to update.
Hudson Rogers
You could get into PTH from WCD?
Anyways their invitation thread is up for Power Users on BTN and PTP.
Josiah Campbell
Is this nigger serious?
Nathan Nelson
Also, if XnX lifts its ban on other tracker invites it would definitely surpass MAM as the starting tracker. MAM is a shit starting tracker, the selection is pretty bad.
Alexander Johnson
this thing is 90 lines right now, ridiculous. 45 or bust
Eli Rivera
They did lift that ban
Sebastian Ramirez
There's a lot of in my opinion useless/contradictory information especially where HDB is located but I'm not sure what part of it is actually accurate.
I mean an invite forum where PUs can get entry into other trackers.
Ethan Bennett
Nobody would recruit on APL though because of the open reg. Not cabal at least.
Ryder Jackson
yeah i'm sorting it out,. it's part of what pissed me off about it
Parker White
True but some people might be able to sneak by with good user invites.
Nolan Martinez
Like anyone cares about the cabal, I'm just here for the music that is not on rutracker.
Hunter Lee
No one is asking for it to offer direct to cabal invites. It's a stepping stone tracker.
Easton Jenkins
No curry is gonna make it to PU+. Need to upload at least 10 torrents and UL a good bit. People who don't know shit and shouldn't be on a private tracker aren't gonna make that.
Evan Jackson
The only thing that I can confirm is Bibliotik recruitment. The rest is ??? tier information that other anons gave me (because they got in by seeding 1 TB or something some time in the past). And some bits of it were inherited from the old, old ircfag pastebin (the 1TB can recruit on PTP, BTN or vaguely anywhere part)
Jack Cruz
calm down, you're curry tracker is great for what it is.
Jayden Rogers
>people who seed at 2.3 KB/s on the new music trackers
Do they think trackers are some kind of a game?
Gavin Perry
And just to say this: the old IRCfags are pretty much all on HDBits but they were always deliberately vague about where HDB recruited. I guess that part of it is tracker loyalty and not wanting your favourite to get into trouble.
Nolan King
yeah i'm ripping out questionably sourced shit
Jonathan Anderson
this is an rpg idiot
Kevin Lopez
its got a glossary and shit
Joshua Allen
>upload 3 albums >overall rank is more than that of 50% of Apollo users
Logan Sanders
memefree, list cabal trackers
ptp hdb ab bib
Sebastian Barnes
do you not listen to music
Elijah Reed
yeah i'm hoping they put in tight inactivity requirements and cull that shit
Logan White
There is no cabal music tracker right now and anyone who says otherwise is delusional or memeing
Alexander Mitchell
pth isn't cabal yet
invites aren't going in both directions
there is no music cabal tracker right now
Caleb Jenkins
John Ramirez
thanks lol
hows my list tho
Lucas Rogers
>pth isn't cabal yet someone link the pepe pastebin where the staffer threatens to ban him from his other trackers.
Jack Moore
if waffles comes up let me know been 6 months homie
Julian Sanders
waffles is dead, user
woodenhead took your dosh and ran like a motherfucker.
Aaron Harris
Oh right let me just log in to Waffles really qui.... oh right.
Noah Gonzalez
>anyone can threaten anything back it up and sure i'll think about it
but we're talking about an FAQ helping new people understand how to get into private trackers
invites don't go both ways with PTH yet
not cabal
Lucas Cook
>it's so cabal the only way to be on it is to have owned an account before it went dark
I mean you really can't top that.
Charles Ramirez
>believing power hungry staff showing off their e-peen
Michael Moore
ThePepe got banned from PTH/APL/AB/GGn at the very least PTH made it happen PTH is basically pseudo-cabal at this point A quasi cabal, if you will.
James Evans
cabal isn't about invites though, it's about staff collusion.
Brayden Smith
Could use BTN and EMP but minus that fine. I also prefer MAM over BIB but I think I'm in the minority.