>hardest major second only to Medicine
>yet has one of the shittiest job prospects
wew lad
>>yet has one of the shittiest job prospects
what? is this for real? everyone memes that software developers have high employment rates
wew lad
>Be me, 21.
>Got good enough grades to do medicine, too grossed out by the human body.
>Ended up becoming an engineer and part-time computer scientist.
>skipped college
>became forklift driver
>make enough to be comfortable with a few large purchases here and there
Is it a good idea to major in a non-meme field of study (finance for me) and then learn how to program on the side?
What about actuarial mathematics? You can make A LOT of money, practically anywhere, with that kind of qualification.
Ayyy it's an easy major and there's heaps of jobs.
I'm a brainlet and won't be able to succeed. A family friend I know makes 3 million a year and studied finance... the company he works for is paying for his masters program right now actually.
>hardest major second only to Medicine
and you would know right? Because you've studied everything? Dumbass
I plan on doing this, only I majored in math not CS. Will actually be taking the first exam in February
That sounds pretty sweet, I think I'd get incredibly bored in that field though.
Good luck, user.
Medical student here.
My shit is harder than your shit.
It isn't really though, you're a glorified biologist, you don't innovate shit.
Yeah, it really is. If I end up not liking what I do but make bank in the process, I'll save wisely and live frugally while directing my efforts towards things that I want to do. Hopefully I'll have found my life's calling in that case so I can quit my job and live off what I made.
You're fucking retarded if you think programming is hard
I want to go into tech design & manufacturing, but you need good faith and bank for that shit.
>Doing pre-med this spring
>was not aware of this information
h-hi miles...
>yet has one of the shittiest job prospects
99% of programmers cant solve the FizzBuzz test
Hi Miles, can we meet up?
Don't know shit about that but good luck with whatever you decide to go into bud. I have a lot of anxiety and thinking about the future makes it reach its peak. But then again, I am also excited and hopeful for new opportunities, I also can't wait to be completely independent and surviving by my own means.
>I also can't wait to be completely independent and surviving by my own means
I think you'll do fine, user. Good luck to you too in whatever endeavors you choose.
The fuck are you implying?
We're all going to make it. Don't forget to hit the gym and adopt a healthy diet too mate. Was nice talking with you.
They keep saying that, but it can't real
>We're all going to make it. Don't forget to hit the gym and adopt a healthy diet too mate. Was nice talking with you.
I plan to, I really need to get in shape before my health goes to shit. After all, at around 25 or so you start losing 1% of muscle mass every year.
Thinking about going pescetarian though, to try and sort out my acid reflux.
Anyway, it was nice talking to you to, user.
I made more as a forklift driver than I did for my first 10 years as a lawyer. Don't fall for the memes kids.
Doesn't sound bad at all
What? It's just a rote memorization. Admittedly tons of it, but it doesn't require too much of actual thinking. That's also why there's so many female doctors.
>hardest major second only to Medicine
When did this meme start?
I've met plenty of programmers that are border line retarded
>tfw i want this aswell
>tfw smart and think of things people cant imagine
>but i dont have the budget to do shit
welp if i become a failure im offing myself you take my legacy
>Hardest major
Yeah sure m8
No, 99% of applicants for programming jobs can't solve it, because the shit applicants spam every fucking job, while the decent ones get hired and leave the market.
>yet has one of the shittiest job prospects
That's just because 99.9% of programmers are absolute dog shit trash and the companies know it
The only hard part of health sciences is that sometimes you have to deal with some professor's bs. A friend of mine unironically said this to me.
Programming majors do not need to be smart they only need to get things working.
Engineering majors are a bunch of cry babies that once they reach more complicated math in a question they give up and complain.
Physics and Maths majors are okay.
Never had experience with Finance majors.
Oh, that thing that's been around since forever that anyone can solve? People still fail that shit? How?
A BS in computer science is really only useful for either
0. lucking into a job cuz you're a fucking dbag which would happen anyway cuz life's handed to you on a little silver spoon
1. getting a master's then a phd
Getting a CS degree for a job is retarded. All anybody cares about IN THIS FIELD is your github or whatever i.e. a portfolio. If you need a degree to pull that off, then congratulations, you're retarded, and everyone in the industry will look at you that way. Having a college education in sort of knowing how to write C and Java amounts to sort of knowing how to boil water.
B-But mmuh python!!!
Nobody gives a fucking shit about fucking python. The people who get jobs have been doing this shit their entire lives. Scripting and blubbing is some shit-tier work for shit-tier people who have shit-tier understanding of boolean algebra or whatever. Throw a real problem at these fags that involves type theory, and they crumple.
-5/10 troll
Try law you lazy fuck. Or physics. Or real computer computer science, not something that has been outsourced to India years ago. No one needs pure programmers without some sort of management skills.
>>yet has one of the shittiest job prospects
Nice b8 m8 made me respond 7/11
good luck grabbing any interesting and well paying job in the field without a mathematical background
mathematical background =/= compsci bs
come on
is the usa really that shitty?
>What? It's just a rote memorization. Admittedly tons of it
And that's the tough part. You can't rationally connect a lot of that shit and fill in the blanks if you're smart enough. There's a shitton that's for all means and purposes empirical knowledge. You have to gobble it all up piece by piece and go insane by the sheer amount of raw data you intake.
to elaborate:
>i took a placement test!!!
nobody cares
>i have no solid understanding of set theory, type theory, etc
well, nobody cares about that either but it sure as fuck impacts your ability to be good at what you do
well considering that alonzo church was an american, i'd say not
fucking chink
>hardest major
Holy shit do still browse g ?
Missed seeing you on irc
i'm honestly curious: how similar is a CS degree to a degree in mathematics and how similar is it to a degree in SE in the us?
>yet it has one of the shittiest job prospects
Only if you're shit.
you think we're just gonna give that information away? fucking russian hackers.
it's totally different and i'm not going to explain it to you like a two year old. google it before you hack the gibson
>>hardest major second only to Medicine
Programming and medicine aren't hard, they're just fact-heavy. They're only hard if you find it difficult to study.
Philosophy, maths, physics, and engineering are the only fields of study with an intelligence floor. You actually need a firm command of reasoning and logic to study them.
fuck off miles
>"programming" major
>Implying that CS is hard if you're not completely retarded
Your muted trumpet is kind of a meme, but it does sound cool. Thanks for passing by.
Okay, okay, okay...
Represent that sentence to me with some of that motherfucking binary logic. Or, like, hard-mode, just prove to me that what you just said was true without a solipsism
Sorry. I blacked out sometime last night.
No though.
A little bit.
I'm probably going to overdose, desu.
I have no clue what you're talking about. I don't play Trumpet.
Philosophy, maths, and astronomy are the three majors with the highest average graduate IQ.
>hard-mode, just prove to me that what you just said was true without a solipsism
Do you mean "an appeal to solipsism"?
>I'm probably going to overdose, desu.
ok good luck
I almost asked how one becomes a forklift driver, but then I realized this is probably an area ripe for takeover by AI. (No offense. None of our jobs may be safe.)
t. Frustrated Software Developer
>making millions, fucking bitches, and doing coke
>"incredibly bored"
>pajeet grunt work and copy/pasting from stackoverflow = "programmer"
>t. retard
>programming major
Is this a thing in the US?
Most places aren't going to be able to afford robotic forklifts any time soon, not to mention they likely can't deal with clean inevitable spills (box failures happen even while sitting) or situations where you have two open top boxes stacked and one box falls into the other partially. Warehouses usually need to be setup specifically for robots. I'm sure you could retrofit a warehouse to work with them, but that would mean even more money, and possibly lost floor space. Small and medium sized companies won't be switching any time soon and multi-nationals already have robotic forklifts.
Structural engineer here.
""""programming"""" is something engineers are required to learn in their spare time to deal with problems we encounter.
it's not worth teaching because it's actually really easy.
I'll go back to my FE analysis now. Thanks.
The joke of philosophy is that it lacks employment prospects, not that it's an easy discipline.