What CPU are you going to buy and why is it Ryzen?
AMD Ryzen
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SR5. I have only 300$ for cpu and I wanna get a decent one.
Intel + Nvidia, it is the only way to have trouble-free experience.
>Nvidia "trouble-free experience"
>Registering to use display drivers
if it beats my 6700k and cheaper why not?
The trips speak truth
First of all, Ryzen is a terrible name to the degree that I refuse to call it that, let's just stick to Zen.
I don't know which Zen CPU I'll likely end up buying since we have no idea what kind of configurations will be available and how much they will cost.
If AMD goes way below Intel price-wise for similar performance then I'll probably get one. If they just go slightly cheaper then Intel then I might as well keep my current motherboard/CPU/RAM a while longer.
I'm also very curious what the motherboards will look like and how they will be priced.
im not buying this pajeet garbage and so should you however i will emberace a price lowering from intel.
>pajeet garbage
>beats your shit at a lower price
nice meme
>tfw going full AMD next year when VEGA gets released
Probably the equilevant to Intel's i5 or i7, now to hope that it's priced well, i'm running a crappy i7 930 so i'm fine with any upgrade right about now.
I need as many threads as I can get for xSplit so I'm considering the 8 core if the price is right
I'm actually fairly hype for the APUs.
Do we have an ETA on those yet?
Never ever. You'll always have some kind of issues with it.
I'm hoping to get something in the 200€ range, but we'll see what happens.
Ill buy it if i can get 8cores/16threads for 3-400usd and if it overclocks to ~4.5GHz
Well it's good for starters not to remove your cooling solution in general. Pretty weak example you got there.
That's like removing all the cooling liquid from two cars and then put them together as to which one fucks up first.
Might pick up some midrange models to test down at the shop, but it'll be a while before I'll have enough faith in AMD cpus to put them in my own rig.
Hate the name, is it suppose to be equivalent to phenom? Or there are no numbers at all, and this specific CPU has single name?
>installing goyforce experience
you can install the drivers without their goyforce app
>but it'll be a while before I'll have enough faith in AMD cpus to put them in my own rig
And what exactly do you expect to go possibly wrong that you dont learn from reviews?
what you wrote is really silly and stupid.
They're targeting the Razer crowd.
planning on replacing my 3930k with one if they're solid
if they kinda suck i'll build it up as a linux rig or something
Razers were good-ass phones. Talk shit get hit.
I'll be getting zen and vega, but not on release on either of them. There will undoubtedly be shortages for the first couple weeks to month or more and when they become available again they'll be 10% above initial MSRP for another half a year or so until supply and demand finally evens out. Just look at the 480 release, we didn't see the cards go down to initial MSRP until black friday, and they've still managed to come back up a bit since then.
This is why I'm glad I upgraded my fx 4170/ hd 7870 to a 8320/fury nitro with the black friday deals. With this i cam happily await the release of zen and vega and the inevitable price rollercoaster we're sure to see.
only the Octa cores version would be released in Q1 while I'm waiting for hexa or the quad core version.
I hat the Ryzen name.
Sounds like a type of bread that combines rhy and raisin that you'd find at one of those stupid trendy bread stores.
>AMD still makes CPU's
Good for them desu
This and if it those 8 cores actually is comparable within 10-15% of an Intel 8 core at the same clock. Then I'd actually go full AMD and realise my plan of having a kvm host with a VM for windows with gpu passthrough. Nvidia went full blown retarded with their no gpu passthrough unless you bought an enterprise card.
I hate the name too
but I kinda like the letters used if that makes sense
Can finally have a all AMD system for the first time since my Phenom II.
I am going with the highest binned octa core.
same here, my last AMD was the Phenom 2 955BE
He's talking about the gayzer gaming brand.
I still use my A8 3850, its the bottleneck in my system. Its almost 5 years old now.
I still use my 1100T in my secondary system.
It was going to be an Atom C2750 but I've pushed the build off long enough that it'll probably be a quad core Zen APUdrive
>implying a 2500k isn't enough still
I beginning to think we're never going to reach a point where a consumer CPU needs more than that
yeah I can imagine what a hassle it would be if you're the kind of retard that doesn't use a cooler
Can't wait to graduate. Sold my gaming gear on second year due failed first year (thanks gaming). Promised to build new one after graduating.
>Phenom II 720 BE + Radeon HD 4850 + 4 GB RAM
>Ryzen + whatever is good Radeon then + 16GB RAM
likely for same price. Can't wait.
it's not like the i name is good.
I just updated to a 6600K, and my machine is primarily a gaymen box. When games techology can take advantage of hyper-thread/multi-core better than it can now, hyper-threaded hexacore intel processors will be on the market aimed at consumer level instead of enthusiast/professional tier.
So, I probably won't be getting an AMD cpu anytime soon, unless whatever they bring to the table is finally actually better than what Intel offers.
7600k + 1080 ti or three upcoming volta gpus. Sorry but amd still aren't worthy of my money.
CPU bugs that take months to surface, like last time.
You and me both user.
this. 1055T and r9 390 combo, feels bad
I want a CPU that can 120fps civ VI for when I buy my 4k120hz monitor wayyyyy in the future, but neither of those don't exist yet.
Still using my 3570k.
Obviously I'm going to dump $1100 on a fucking 6900k OF COURSE I"M WAITING FOR RYZEN YOU FOOL
Oh boy can't wait for Bulldozer again
All we need now is the price of the damn thing, now AMD has got the hype train in full motion they probably think they can sell the damn thing for $999.99. Hell they tried selling their 9590 CPUs at launch for over $900 and now they're under $200.
Do not fall for their hype, wait a bit after launch, look at the benchmarks and wait and see for Intels reaction.
I just want a CPU that will last me for a 5+ years from now, is it too much to ask for
Yeah Keller's totally known for being brought in only to release a lackluster µarch
AMD can easily fuck up a Keller product.
Probably Kaby or Skylake depending on how Ryzen affects the price in the next month.
Was going to give it a chance, but then it turned out that you're not getting thunderbolt 3 support on AMD's new AM4 board.
I'm really tempted to just go with 6700k build now, the Ryzen event they sure did cherry pick the games and what was really off putting was they used nVidia cards to do their benchmarks when they fucking had a Vega card right there with them when they tested that star wars game out.
I'll believe it when I see it.
You should be good with a CPU released in the past few years. Hell, my processor's 8 years old (at least, that's just how old the computer itself is) and I'm perfectly content
>Hell they tried selling their 9590 CPUs at launch for over $900 and now they're under $200.
wasn't it before Su? they are somewhat reasonable now, I hope they learned from fiji sales something
>not getting thunderbolt 3 support on AMD's new AM4 board
Does anything actually use any variant of thunderbolt? I haven't seen a single thunderbolt anything, ever. As far as I can tell, it's actually less successful than firewire.
eGPUs, external drives, high bandwidth stuff. It's one port that works for USB C and PCIe 3.0 x4, too bad it's so poorly adopted.
Mostly used with displays, storage drives and NAS, or as a port for a dock.
It uses a mini display port connector btw
Thunderbolt 1 & 2 do, Thunderbolt 3 uses USB C's connector.
Already bought Skylake because I wasn't willing to wait 8 months for Zen. My last PC was a shitheap from 2006.
It's much better but it's amazing how some programs still lag a lot even though my new PC is 30x better.
been out of the news for a while.
when will the new amd platform hit the european markets? im looking for a cheap build for my brother, but I can't believe I'm forced to play at least 75-80 euros for a mini itx 1151 mobo.
>broadwell/haswell IPC
>moar cores xD
>intelligent auto-clocking system
>all our fingers are crossed for a $500 consumer 8 core that hits 4Ghz+ on high end air cooling
Yeah if I had the $8-900 for the parts I'd buy it immediately
Thunderbolt 3 will/can use the same conmector as usb 3.1 (usb c) but it has some differences.
Though I just want to point out that Gigabyte has made a revision to their 990FX platform to add USB-C, so even if we don't see support for thunderbolt 3 standard initially, I wouldn't doubt there are some absolute madmen out there who will find a way to add it in time.
On the subject, it's absolutely nuts how many revisions gigabyte have made to their 990FX boards. Especially considering they didn't really have much competition since the Asus and Asrock boards are pretty shit.
When are 100-200$ price range zens coming out?
I dont know If i can wait anymore and not buying a skylake i5
That's some ancient chips there.
i7-6950K and never AMD
What programs? And do you have SSD or regular old spin HDD?
>tfw I lost my thuban to a powersurge
>So I replaced it with an 8350
We're well past the days where the CPU is the single most important piece of hardware in your computer.
Say, for example, if you're loading that program from a hard drive, the cpu will be waiting on the hard drive quite often. Hell we've gotten to the point where SATA 6/gbps isn't fast enough to keep up with the highest end solid state drives. This is why we're starting to see a move toward M.2 and pci-e in the highest end ssd's.
Plus RAM development is stagnating like crazy and the future is in 2.3/3 dimensional memory like that found in samsung's vnand on their ssd's, amd's hbm which is currently only used in the fury cards but has plenty of potential, and intel's xpoint memory.
And a lot of specialized compute loads are starting to be placed on gpu's instead of the cpu thanks to the thousands of cores (or texture units as they're generally reffered to sunce they're nowhere near as complex nore capable as a proper cpu core) which can process certain work loads better than traditional cpu's.
I'm getting ahead of myself though. Point is you're probably bottlenecked by something else.
Normies don't even need a desktop PC anymore.
Asus make the best 990FX boards. At least best if you don't want your vrms to explode when running at 5ghz.
>Ryzen is a terrible name
The next generation of AMD. I'm fine with my i5 2320 for now. Ah and i want an APU build, those things are cute as fuck for some reason
I have a 760 gtx and i can tell you that you're full of shit
>Ryzen is a terrible name
Heh, he doesn't know.
You don't either
otherwise your autistism and will to always show people your obscure autist knowledge would force you to tell me
If it costs less than $250 for the CPU then I will consider it but for optimized games my 3570k is still working just fine
can anyone advise me free CPU? really don't know what to buy
intel + intel, you mean
oh look an obese neckbeard with an animuu GF is feigning elitism. How adorable.
Oh boi do I miss my 720 BE. It was unlocked to a 920 and oced to 3.4ghz.
I fell for the FX 4100 meme because it was cheap and less than 2 months I got lucky and grabbed an 8320 for pennies (sold the 4100 and bought they 8320 on sale at almost the same price)
>The Sup Forums's strawman logic that never applies to real life
Every single time.
Actually we are back at it in 2016. Literally every AAA game ends up being a console port that takes a i7 with HT to prevent bottleneck.
I'm more interested to see what AMD does with the chipset. The Bulldozer launched with a stale repacking of the previous chipset that aged like fine milk with AMD not providing any revisions and board manufacturers turning to crappy third party chips to add stuff like USB 3.0 support.
That's only really a few stand outs, my i7 860 runs most things at least adequately. But more importantly;
>modern triple A gaymeme
I like the ZEN hype, what I don't like is win 10
Unless it ass blasts my e5-1650 v2 clocked at 4300mhz I'll be holding out for zen+. Either way will be getting plenty of hands on experience with it as I'll be working on building zen based systems. Curious to see just how effective their dynamic clocking will be.
This thing is more of AMD's bullshit until we see independent benchmarks.
Pretty much. AMD cpu and Nvidia gpu is the true patrician choice. We should perma ban all ATI Indian niggers from this board though.
Hoping they at least Intel price points with +2 cores. Just want an 8 core around 6700k/5820k prices and I'm golden. But the i5 tiers is where I think the price war will be interesting. Until they land in the UK and the cost advantages dissappear.
Chipsets have me worried, I think they're attached via 4x pcie, which is great for compatibility (think 3rd party cpu on Am4 tier) but does limit combined i/o use. Then again zen is a socket so I'm hoping for an itx boardwithout the need for a Chipset at all.
Doesn't stop you from shilling for 480RX which is worse than 1060 across the aboard except for win10 exclusive DX12 though.
I5 6600k
I don't shill for anyone, I have a stolen radeon 6450
You forget that Nvidia installs telemetry crap with its recent drivers
Sup Forums is so hypocritical, they keep screaming windows 10 is a botnet stick with windows 7 but when it's time for AMD benchmarks they always bring out DX12 which is only on Win 10.
AMD's RadeonSettings.exe is botnet by default
whatever happened to zen