Why the fuck does 4K TVs come with VGA inputs and not DVI?
Like i get that HDMI is the primary input, but like, why the fuck even include a VGA input?!
Why the fuck does 4K TVs come with VGA inputs and not DVI?
Like i get that HDMI is the primary input, but like, why the fuck even include a VGA input?!
vga is still the standard
VGA is still an industry standard
VGA in still A stanrdard. An old outdated one.
Don't think I've had a single device with an VGA output (except DVI-i whicvh includes an analog signal, but then you might aswell use DVI's sigital output).. Today everything comes with HDMI or mini-DP? And in some rare cases DIV?
>I don't use it
>therefore no one uses it
Try leaving your moms basement kiddo.
So that I can use it with my Sega Dreamcast.
VGA on a 4k display is pointless.
I'm with OP here, VGA on a 4k display is literally pointless. VGA can't even get close to powering 4k, laptops haven't come with VGA for awhile now, in what situation am I going to A: Need to connect something to my TV via VGA and B: Not get so pissed off at how badly it works I stop using it?
quads of truth
I like you, even if you're being sarcastic, now only if there is a way to get light guns to work on a new TV.
What does Sup Forums think. Go 4k or ultrawide
144hz Ultra Wide
Cool ultrawide looks awesome on the vids I've seen. Wanted to make the jump to 4k this year though
>state of Sup Forums in 2016: They request less features because they are too dumb
Whatever gives me 180dpi.
Currently running 24" @ 3840x2160
>inb4 muh workspace and gayming niggers show up
I can afford about a grand don't wanna spend much more than that. I mostly game and watch animu really
Dell P2415Q is only about £400
Why would a TV, which is normally used for both audio and video, use DVI, a video only cable, instead of HDMI, a cable that carries DVI video in addition to audio and Ethernet?
I heard they work on plasma TVs, too bad they're dead.
Definitely ultrawide. 4k is 16:9 shit while ultrawide is essentially two 5:4 monitors without a bezel separating them
Thats a nice monitor
Thx for advice
I know. I had it for about 2 years now and I'm considering getting 2nd one soon.
Check out Benq XR3501 if you're thinking about going ultrawide. It's only real draw back is that it's only 1080p, but it has 144hz. It's perfect for gaming and animu. Good response times, excelent black levels and colors and it's 35 inches.
It should be around 600-1000 dollars depending where you get it.
Cool. Good input. I'll check it out. I live in canada