What's the best FOSS IRC client?
Please no CLI applications.
What's the best FOSS IRC client?
Please no CLI applications.
>no CLI applications
Well irssi then, it's a TUI application
just use mirc like everyone else faggot
>runs on every device
>100% uptime
irssi or bitchx
>em IRC
is this real life?
That isn't "IRC"
hexchat, this is what I use to dl animes and it works great
>not making your own client
At this point used only by stuck in the past retards and pure schizos. Have fun
I used to use Hexchat, and then moved onto Weechat because it was the Sup Forums ricer thing to do. Now I've grown out of the ricing phase, but I can't leave Weechat. It's super convenient once you get used to the commands and config it right.
This. Lounge is the best.
I do prefer weechat, there is a plugin to use OTR :D
Weechat relay + glowing bear
I can't go back to IRC. The old fuckers from 5 years ago are still there in the same channel, but I refuse to introduce myself again.
Stop being a pussy and use irssi or weechat.
Use a new different nick.
a diy one :^)
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>using java
I can't because I always use my real name.
I used one.
It just so happens that their IRC network is very, very small, has like 5 or 6 channels and there's always the same users around for a specific community, so if they see any new activity they'll really put attention on that. It's a community about retro computing, but I don't really fit much in there anymore. I just have some curiosity I guess.
eye cancer
Obviously this, there is no better option available.
i'm a CE student not a designer