/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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first for Linux

im using Ubuntu Mate at the moment, but im reading a lot of stuff against systemd, should i switch to another init system?

Question about fonts-
if I invoke st, I can specify a font with a string like
"Liberation Mono:size=12:autohint=true"
Something like this goes in config.h too.
What otherh options are valid for this kind of thing? Where would I go and find out?
For example, if I want to invoke a font with a certain stroke weight, or as italic, what do I add?

style:bold, style:regular, etc for ex

How does this make you feel?


Is there something like Webm for Retards on Linux or am I going to have to get my hands dirty with ffmpeg? All I want to do is post music on /wsg/.

where would I find a complete guide to this sorta formatting, though?
In my case, I Just had to figure out that to get the japanese variant is lang=ja

ffmpeg is actually easy.

it's basically:
ffmpeg -i input.whatever output.webm

then you customize it further

usefull switches:

-c:v libvpx to have to correct codec
-crf 4 to se the quality (constant rate factor) lower values = higher quality
-b:v 4M to set the bitrate
-an to disable audio for cucked boards like Sup Forums
-metadata title='the game' to add a title
to cut something:
-ss 0:01.00 to set the start
-t 0:05 to set the time

when you got comfy with this shit, you don't want to use anything else, have fun

webm related, it's my bitch
ffmpeg -i erotic_stallman.gif -metadata title='your a fagget' -c:v libvpx -b:v 500k out.webm

I read a few years ago there are potential security risks to installing GTK themes. Is that true or was that false?

carelessly running people's install scripts for the themes can.
but i'd expect that to only catch ubuntu users

>Tried ubuntu 16.10
> Haskell tasty testing framework doesnt work
> ok 16.04 then
> wifi indicator permanently shows mobile connection Icon
> wat
> linux mint it is then
> Bluetooth keeps on disconnecting
> XScreensaver is annoying
> Notebook crashes and I need to point it to a new superblock
> Whyyy
What linux should i try next ;__;

and use cli only
no stupid gui shit, only web browser is allowed

i running arch btw

Okay I was able to make a music webm with the cover art included, thanks user

I will look into it, but i do like Desktop enviroments

You should try Debian. Works like a charm for me.

no, try tiling window managers
try to be as minimal as possible
do you really need a portion of your screen to be pixelated by stupid shit such as taskbars and the clock?

its neat to have a clock and a few Buttons to click on


It's too bad that rtorrent is shit compared to transmission. I wish transmission_cli had an ncurses option.

Hes pretending to be a retarded asshole because arch devs fucked his mother and hung all his pets. Just ignore him.
Theres something to be said for ditching the taskbar but mainly on laptops, when you dont have an optical mouse.

Is Arch is a meme a meme or is Arch a meme?

whats only necessary is the clock and battery, which I have a keybinding for

every program I use frequently is keybinded
my desktop is literally my wallpaper

rtorrent is only bad in gui, but it has god-tier options

rtorrent is ass, it freezes after a while, whatever causes it


Arch is a meme aswell as Arch is a meme is a meme.

If I love memes will I love Arch?

libtorrent is shit. Most linux torrent clients use it and they're all ass. Except transmission.

Milhouse is not a meme.

Is wmutils the ultimative tiling wm zen?


>using a wm
>not using tty


why would I use a tty, user? Thats not practical. I think you're the real n00b here :(

Hey there /fglt/,

I just finished building a new desktop PC, and now it needs an OS.

I promised myself with my next computer I would get away from using Windows as my primary OS, so I need to choose a linux distro.

To be entirely honest, besides general daily computing and shitposting, I mostly use my PC for gaming. I would like to get set up so that I can play any games that wont run on linux in a VM (Star Citizen, for example).

What distros would be best for this?

Does GRUB recognize freebsd slices? anyone have experience dualbooting ganoo+linoox / freebsd?


I dont think a PCI passthrough depends very much on your distro.
Im pretty sure it requires two graphics cards though, IE, your normal OS cant use the one the VM is using.
Valve reccomends ubuntu for steam. Its a very popular distro and its easy for people not familiar with linux yet.

And by run games in a VM, I just mean do whatever it is I need to do to be able to play games on Linux that I would not otherwise be able to. I've never fucked with VMs before, so I apologize if I come off retarded.

Would WINE be the appropriate tool?

>dat nade

Well I have a GTX 1080, which is what I would be wanting to pass through, meanwhile my normal OS should be able to use the integrated onboard gfx right?

I have still no idea why it recommends Ubuntu. Aren't all distros literally the same?

WINE is a good tool, considering what it is and how much you pay for it, i think it is great. however, not perfect. some games you can really expect to spend hours trying to figure out how to run, and you might not even get it to run then. you can make a forums post that might not go anywhere and might even be waiting days or weeks (or never) to play a game. ive never tried to play videogames in a virtualmachine with windows but i think it would be better in the end. however linux through WINE also occasionally runs games better too (windows has been dropping support for older games, star wars tie fighter wouldn't run in windows 7 last i tried for example, and then you get more options too like being able to run games like starcraft in a window at any size with cursor locked within if you emulate a desktop)

as for full 3d games, i get great performance with opensource amd drivers/closed source nvidia drivers, but while i could control the fan on windows with speedfan and make it run more appropriately to keep temperatures down, linux wont let me control it at all, so playing games like stalker in WINE will overheat my fucking shit because linux autists actually want the fan to run quieter and don't give one shit about it actually overheating. also ive not tried playing any really new games either, star citizen might not work but you can check winehq

ive been playing games on linux and it works, i recommend linux mint as it is very easy to use and looks great. but windows is still the ultimate option for videogames unfortunately

not necessarily. the way packages are handled, difficult to replace shit like system utilities and init systems, software bundled for your computer (libraries other programs depend on), packages for shit like drivers, all this crap distinguish different distributions. you can use steam on anything, but ubuntu has the most users and therefore the most support if something goes wrong

steam os is also another option

Thanks for the information. That's a pain about the fans, but I'm using a bay mounted controller to run my fans and pump so fortunately I shouldn't have to deal with that.

I think at this point I'm leaning Kubuntu + VM / WINE depending on application.

All this still doesn't explain why Ubuntu is "better" for gaming.

i guess it's just some canonical/valve marketing shit

What happens if I run a virus through Wine?

Will debian run well on an old MBP? Looking for an alternative to Ubuntu because it looks like shit

bad juju

more users is more support, you would get officially supported packages from hardware manufacturers such as drivers (many distributions wont even let you download proprietary anything which requires even more steps to setup), ease of use (preinstalled libraries, so you wont have to find out you don't have them installed and track them down), and so on. for example, in arch linux, to run steam you need to remove a fuckload of libraries steam comes with, install 32bit versions of all the libraries it needs (which requires enabling 32bit repos), and finally it will open with fucked up fonts, whereas in ubuntu it would open after installation

kubuntu for example is still ubuntu though, same repositories

its not a sandbox, it can still harm your system

What's better for grandma, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Mate, Ubuntu Gnome, Kubuntu, Linux Mint? Anything else?

Malawares usually don't use the more conventional windows ABI and API, IF it works, it can't damage anything outside your home directory.
Just create a new user to test and you should be safe.

Mate, Kde or Cinammon should be fine.

Unity and Gnome are >JUST

>I would like to get set up so that I can play any games that wont run on linux in a VM
PCI/GPU passthrough works on pretty much every single distro out there. The procedure is pretty much alike on everything except initramfs which can be different (debian based uses initramfs-tools, Fedora uses Dracut and Arch uses mkinitcpio) though that's not very important.

I'd say either Debian based distros, Fedora/OpenSUSE or Arch/Manjaro/Antergos. Arch has crazy amounts of documentation which makes it easier. Ubuntu as well, and the VFIO people are Red Hat members who use Fedora. So go ahead and pick something.

I'd sincerely recommend a distro that has a kernel at 4.4 or higher. Debian Stable has 3.XX which is so old that VFIO isn't built in.

There's a lot of guides out there, so pick and choose a guide and follow along. Once you get it set up it's fucking amazing. A protip is that vfio-pci is the way to go as pci-stub is the old way, and use libvirt with virt-manager as it allows you to pin certain vCPUs which solves sound issues.

Correct. You can pass the 1080, and use the integrated onboard graphics on Linux. You can also use an old GPU if you have one laying around if you need more "power", but the integrated GPU will certainly suffice for most cases.

What's a good book for low level programming knowledge?
I've been programming in C/C++ for several years now, but I'm worried that if I go to a job interview for a programming gig my low level knowledge about the computer implementation side isn't up to scratch. Stuff like floating point precision, stack management for objects/function calls, etc sometimes doesn't quite click.

this one helps

How do I get lemonbar to display japanese characters?

I figured it out, I needed to install the fork with xft support.

Nice blog post!

When I run glxspheres64 it says that the openGL renderer is Gallium 0.4 on AMD Tonga. Does this mean my drivers are not properly set up?

I am worried because when I had an Nvidia GPU, it was showing renderer as llvm Gallium when my drivers weren't installed and when it was using CPU's onboard graphics unit. Does anyone know?

Not pure interview stuff, but something more on the technical aspects of computers that programming hides from you, like how the compiler works, how stacks are manged during function calls - basically looking for "computers 101 - the book" as a basis for coding, if the makes any sense.

what is your problem? you would prefer he not say anything at all even though he found the fix?

I appreciate the information. Some of your advice meant absolutely nothing to me right now, but I'm sure I'll know when it's relevant.

Would using my onboard GPU require a monitor being plugged directly into the motherboards graphics ports? If that's the case it would sort of necessitate a second monitor.

Has anyone tried AMDGPU drivers with a GCN 1.0 card?

>Would using my onboard GPU require a monitor being plugged directly into the motherboards graphics ports?
Yes. Basically if you have one monitor, you'll have one cable to the passed GPU, and the other is in the motherboard. So two cables go into the same monitor and you switch manually through the monitor's input button.

If you have two monitors, your main monitor will have cables to both GPU and motherboard, while the other monitor is connected to the motherboard only.

Having a second monitor is nice since you can interact with both Linux and Windows at the same time without needing to change input on the monitor.

As for the advice I gave previously, pci-stub is the "old method" of doing GPU passthrough. Many guides aren't updated and use pci-stub. What you want is vfio-pci as it is easier and it puts the card in S3 suspended mode which means it'll be sleeping when not in use.

The libvirt and virt-manager thing was how the VM is made. A lot of guides are using bash scripts to start the VM. If you use libvirt and virt-manager (which is a GUI), it'll be easier to use and it can do some special stuff like pinning the virtual CPUs to the VM. Basically it can "reserve" cores and threads to be only used by the VM. One of the biggest hurdles with passing through is sound issues where the sound is garbled. This is due to DPC latency, and pinning CPUs like that helps a lot with solving that problem.

Ok, this is digestible. Nominated for best thread.

Another question. Do I need to set up a disk partition for the VM at the time I install the OS? Does a VM even require a disk partition?

Going to ask this here since I think it's out of the scope of /sqt/. I want to set urxvt up such that I can use a keybind to swap color schemes (like from solarized dark to light). Also if it's reasonable to implement I'd like to have it switch based on the time of day aswell. I'd probably end up wanting to swap my background, and i3's colors aswell to make everything nice and cohesive. Where do I even start with this? The only method so far I've seen of doing this involves swapping one config for another, but I'd prefer to be able to do it with one so I don't have to keep two of each config synced up.

>Do I need to set up a disk partition for the VM at the time I install the OS? Does a VM even require a disk partition?
You do not need to set up a disk partition. The VM can live perfectly inside a disk image. Having a raw disk image is better than qcow2 (another disk image format). Raw disk images can be written to a disk if you want partitions later using dd, though it is not common to use physical disk partitions for the VM.

Usually you load a different config with xrdb, but for "live" changing such settings you'd need to use ANSI sequences. You can control with them near everything. For example to change the background to black, the text to green:

printf '\e]11;#000000\a'
printf '\e]10;#00ff00\a'


Thanks for all the assistance. OS is installing to SSD right now.

It was about time I made this change. Now the hunt for a new monitor begins.

>Thanks for all the assistance.
No problem. Good luck!

This stuff might be useful:

The Arch wiki is especially useful. It's pretty much the same procedure for Ubuntu as well, however as I mentioned previously, Arch uses mkinitcpio while Debian/Ubuntu uses initramfs-tools so the modules are placed at different places, other than that it should be identical.

I'm a linux newbie who's been using ubuntu with gnome 3. After ubuntu's last update, my old laptop is running slower than ever, though it was never exactly quick to begin with ) Does anyone have any recommendations of a distro / desktop environment that runs quickly and isn't slowed by its own updates?
Or maybe this is a better question: when people on Sup Forums post their minimal-looking desktop environments, do they actually run faster or is it just for show?

where do files deleted with the delete button go? i cannot find it in my trash folder

Okay so how do I show that thing in terminal where it's like the logo of whatever linux you're using and then it's got the info in it, too... I wish I had a photo but just use your brain powers?

how smelly is his stinkpad really do you think?

screenfetch, neofetch
retard, faggot

>retard, faggot
he's not a retard, he's quite gifted. as far as faggot, it's up in the air...


Is dwm worth learning ?

While I have to say that systemd isn't the best thing to have in your OS, the hate towards it is just a meme.

at post 58072508
please go to 9gag

Learn C.

This desu

googling isn't getting me anywhere, extundelete isn't getting me anywhere ive been deleting shit all day and the one time i fuck up is near the end why is linux so unforgiving

fuck linux mint, what is a distro that actually uses the trash can functionality? i need this functionality im not perfect i just wasted my whole day

My grandma runs xubuntu :^)

>Lighter weight desktop
>Can't tell the difference between it and windows
>No viruses

You mean in Nemo? The delete function deletes it permanently. Why don't you just disable the delete function and click "Move to Trash" on right click instead?

I mean heck, you don't even have to disable the delete function when "Move to Trash" is right above it by default.

i don't use right click, i only use keyboard, and im using thunar

I just switched to thunar and pressing the Delete key sends it to trash on my end. Try putting "trash:///" in your address field?

Go tiling user. Just because you're using one doesn't mean you have to have a bunch of shit tiled in your face. Since you can switch workspaces as easy as hitting mod + 1...9 for example you can have nine different things fullscreen and switch between them super easy. But you will probably find many scenarios where tiling comes in handy and is great. And you can still use floating windows if you would like. Mod + shift + space will make a window floating in i3 and in awesome you can select floating by hitting mod + space.

Thanks bb

Fedora (Gnome)
>I like it as a distro
>Gnome 3 seems interesting
>GPU doesn't work with it

Ubuntu (Unity)
>hate it as a distro
>hate how it looks
>GPU seems to work well

What do?
How do I get my GPU to work with Fedora/Gnome? It works well with Unity and KDE so there should be a way to make it work with Gnome.

btw, it also won't work with Ubuntu-Gnome so the problem isn't really Fedora.

there isn't anything there, but i read somewhere but don't recall where that it doesn't handle ntfs partitions as far as trash is concerned which is probably my problem

thanks anyways

I've been using Linux all my life and I still cannot find a satisfactory answer to this question:

can someone tell me why Linux can't just fucking put a string where the cursor is? why does every fucking weird character tool require you to overwrite whatever you've got in your clipboard I do not fucking understand


qBittorrent and Deluge don't use libttorrent-rakshasa. They use libtorrent-rasterbar. Possibly other clients too.

Move that proprietary devil to the trash, do it.