It's been 5 years. Anyone else miss him?

It's been 5 years. Anyone else miss him?

Other urls found in this thread:,_2008

Not really

Literally who?

No, the world is a better place without him

Why? Why would you miss the CEO of a company who does next to nothing to further your positive experience here on earth?

Apple has become significantly worse and it's made the industry worse because they follow Apple's lead. I know he was a borderline sociopath, but Steve Jobs pushed everyone to their fucking best and tech was better for it.

>Apple has
Who cares about Apple? Live your own God damned life.
Are you one of the Steve jobs cultists?

>jobs dies
>cook replaces him
>cook can't handle it and splits his responsibilities amongst 4 other people
>apple starts sinking

yeah I miss him

The last true genius of our time. RIP

>shit on perfectly good universal standards and create proprietary junk
>sell overpriced products because of a shiny aluminum case and le shining apple logo
>creates locked down hardware-software literally unusable for any power user
>shit human being and boss
Fuck him

He never forced anyone to buy anything.

I completely forgot he's dead till now.


>install gentoo

i don't

i can't wait for apple to go under too

waste of a good liver

Yeah but now the macbook pro has a touch bar


He caused so much butthurt, rms is the hero we deserve.

I don't get the cult-like behaviour of their customers. They are to blame for enabling apples shitty muh design over functionality meme by buying their stuff. Jobs dying most likely created a martyrdom among those sheeple, further amplifying their retards-cult.
Remind me again,why does no one call them terrorists?

He had some good ideas and some wacky ideas. The good ideas got integrated into products that weren't as Apple-y (Translation: Useless)

Who cares about that faggot? The other Steve's the one that matters. Wozniak.

Without their cult leader more and more people realize Apple is shit.

Only apple didn't do this. They had 2 hits - the iPod and iPhone.

Palm (and others) was heading in that direction but had some issues selling the idea.

The iPod just dropped with a lot of storage at the time when many were still using discmans,minidiscs, and most mp3 players had very little storage. (128mb or less lol)

Apple innovated selling the stuff. That was jobs contribution to tech, getting people to want to buy his rehashed products.

The success of the iPod wasn't about the storage.

It was iTunes - this allowed complete idiots unable to pirate or rip CDs to put music on it.

We've got Musk now, fuck this guy.

Yes, because Cook is a fucking retard. Tim Cook is proving that large companies absolutely need heavy handed tyrants. They need that horrible person who'll go to hell after they die because holy shit is Apple retarded now. I can't believe how fucking dumb the new MBP is. The previous model was the de facto workstation at so many companies but I highly doubt this new one will suffice. It's a big fat mistake.

kind of, not because I like him, but without him, Apple has completely gone to pants on the head retarded while being more powerful than ever.

>Apple has become significantly worse and it's made the industry worse because they follow Apple's lead.

Wozniak was just a guy that was really good with numbers and stuff. There is a plethora of people like that. Jobs had vision.

I do miss him. I always admired the guy. I liked how he would pause and collect his thoughts before answering a question. I liked how much he said No. I liked his jabs at competitors. I just liked the guy.

Nope. Wish I would have killed him before he died.
Yes definitely. Install Gentoo.

Scott Forstall was the bigger loss, after Jony cried to Timmy he kicked him, and now look where Apple's at now.
They would've been doing just fine had Forstall not been kicked by Tim.

only good thing he did was to die

Miss that Robber Baron? Hell no.

No one posted the Unix legend Dennis Ritchie who died in the same week? He was the main author of C. Only about a billion times more important than the faggot in OP.

Sad, very sad.

I miss his insight in self care.


Nope. He was literally worthless.
He was a professional bullshitter his entire life and without Woz and Woz's willingness as a friend to let Jobs fuck him he would have been found out to be the worthless piece of shit he was.

The best thing he ever did for technology was die.


he was an ass who stole everything he produced. and paid the price for being a douche, just wished he suffered more.

This guy know the truth, this is they true pioneer, that shithead douchbag Jobs stole from.

What part of "the whole tech industry follows what apple does" isnt clear to you?

I remember the day he died. I went to the liquor store and bought a bunch of booze. Came home and browsed Sup Forums all night laughing hysterically and getting wickedly drunk. Best night I can remember.

I don't miss him and I'm glad he's gone.

>Steve Jobs
Literal closet faggot who literally died of AIDS,_2008
A . I . D . S . ! . ! . !
He was a faggot who has made everything in computing worse. And he was a mean person.

Apple never gave money to charity either.

pic related

Even though he stole a lot of ideas and was a general asshole he was good for the computer industry as a whole

Look at apple now pretty much abandoned their computer market

If jobs was alive we would have had a touchscreen macbook to compete with microsofts surface and they would have pushed the industry forward

>bunch of booze
>Best night I can remember.

you're a fucking failure

well I remember most of it anyway

Saw him at a RedBox 2 months after he "died".

If he had "vision" then why did he wear glasses?


Steve Job's death was a mistake.

Who's that faggot with shit eating grin? Looks like some walmart low level manager

>Jobs dies.
Hailed as the second coming of tech Jesus.
>Ritchie dies
Not a single mainstream outlet gives a shit.

This is how it works guys.