What desktop environment/wm do you fags use nd why?

my wife's son and I both love kde, is beautiful, simple to use, low ram usage.

Microsoft Windows 10 Explorer

wmii does the job for me

I am thinking about installing Xubuntu along side Windows 10.

Gonna rice it as well.

Should I do it?

>amazon botnet and win10 botnet combined






Maybe, I would recommend Arch Linux though, way more customizable.

Xubuntu has the Amazon botnet? Anyways I could always disable it.

You are . . .technically correct, but that admitting that would ruin my spicy meme potential.

i3 gaps is dope

Hehe :3

Unity with arc theme. It looks nice and just works.

bspwm. I like it's simple configuration files and it does gaps better than i3-gaps, which I used to use.

Btw I like lxde, lightweight and customizable or some shit like that.

xmonad because it just works, I like the way it handles multiple monitors, and I haven't had to change the configuration file in years.

xmonad because i guess i'm too dumb to configure i3

dwm because it works

...and isn't written in whatever hipster language is the current fashion

58069858 Though right now I'm using xfce because Crouton is shit with lxde & one of the screws is stripped

I mostly use tmux at the tty and some framebuffer based applications

awesomewm because it has the best defaults out of any tiling window manager, keyboard shortcuts are intuitive and if you want to customize it Lua is easy as fuck with tons of widgets available for it.

To be honest, I keep my rc.lua default. I just rename the tags, write a menu and change the background image, which I only see for about 5 seconds because it gets covered with windows soon after I log in.

Ratpoison because I want quick shortcuts and easy scripts for everything.

Emacs keybindings man.

new thread

Unity. Works great and has good default keyboard shortcuts.

mwm on linux and CDE on solaris
90% of my time on *nixes is spent in a terminal or ssh'd into remote systems and I like the so shit it's good industrial look of motif interfaces

configuration takes a bit to wrap your head around though, documentation for mwm especially is absolute dog shit

Looking forward to LXQT.

There's literally nothing wrong with Unity. Desktop performance isn't a concern unless you're on a real toaster.

i3 because it's the easiest wm to set up and to configure

Maybe not the most aesthetically pleasing, but who cares.

Amazon botnet is opt-in instead of opt-out now. Disabled by default

I use Unity slightly customized and with the launcher at the bottom so my gf doesn't get confused

At the moment I'm trying out Budgie on Arch. It's pretty good, even on a clean Arch install almost everything just works, which is pretty nice.

Usually I'm running Openbox but wanted to try something new. Next I'll try regular Gnome