What the FUCK does Sup Forums do for money
What the FUCK does Sup Forums do for money
Welfare, in Germany
Get the FUCK out of my ancestors homeland, Ahmed
>muh heritage Ameritard pretending to have a clue
he's probably just East German
Just applied for unemployment, currently awaiting my first check
Manufacturing engineer and part-time CS student. 2 semesters to go
I have a job that I loathe but that also pays me very well.
>feels confused, man
pimp ur mum lmao
I work in retail and it makes me want to die.
Be a computer tech.
>Is your windows account locked?
Same boat. Hate life while at work but make enough money to enjoy life away from work.
thats every job, dude
Or at least mine too.
>tfw host, manage transmission, film and edit online courses for accountans and auditors
>boring as fuck, holy shit these teachers couldnt be more boring about this
>pays well for just 9hrs a day
I feel like i've hit my top. It cant get any better or worse than this. I'm in balance.
I have had other jobs previously that I have actually enjoyed and looked forward to each day. Not this one though.
>I feel like i've hit my top. It cant get any better or worse than this. I'm in balance.
I feel the same way. Gotta do something about it, even if it means taking a pay cut
Self-teaching myself full stack development to hopefully gtfo.
Sound engineer, will production manage a new venue soon.
Not super duper Sup Forums work but audio/lighting gets pretty involved
Trying to branch out into projection mapping though
Thanks for the (You)s kiddos :^)
Absolutely nothing.
manage ~400 linux servers
I work at a dog daycare for minimum wage while in college
It's actually pretty nice outside of the pay (Who can complain considering the skill set needed)
I fix some computers when I need money to buy something
I'm a Power Plant Operator.
I hate it, I'll quit soon and go for a CS Major.
If I don't make it I'll probably kill myself.