>Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
Remember the following: >Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
Jesus Christ that unreadable font. Anyway, this should go in the wiki. Widely circulating it is a real good way to guarantee some invite threads get pulled.
Daniel Sullivan
I finally got on Apollo today! I was so happy after I passed their really extensive interview but then my friend told me there is this other music tracker called PassTheEarphones or something.
So I went to sign up and it turned out there was no sign up page! I went on the IRC and I explained the situation, that I am a VIP on IPTorrents and I was a Waffles.fm Power User! They wouldn't let me in!!!!
I am fucking raging right now. How could they do this to us? Since Waffles.fm went down I thought we were going to have like three or four proper replacements. This is ridiculous. Well I'm going to go upload my collection to Apollo now -- if I can't get into PassTheTelephones, I'm going to make damn sure Apollo is the best!
I already have 300 uploads from HD-only tracks I saved from Youtube. It feels good to be part of such an amazing community, but I hope one day PassTheFrancophones will recognize my talents and recruit me!
Nathan Cox
lol why the hell are dead sites like goem listed (anyone else miss that place for being the single best pyramid starting point)
Camden Davis
d e l e t e e l e t e
Elijah Ward
Better than pastebin's font imo The wiki is bloated enough already t. wildness thread-pulling speculation
Ryder Jenkins
>I am a VIP on IPTorrents
Levi Reyes
pth staff identified
Jaxon Morgan
>Spent all that time to shitpost
Jayden Martin
God this is awful, you're boring as hell.
Ryder Watson
>you're boring as hell
Now there's a real skinnyjeans insult.
Jayden Gray
apoolloo staff identified...
Kayden Williams
Agree, this thread went to full Sup Forums level of trash.
Austin Edwards
you can thank nala and his shitpost cabal
Liam Howard
t. A poo loo staff
Cameron Barnes
>God this is awful, you're boring as hell. Yeah, fuck those shitposters, they're distracting from our intellectual conversation about private trackers
Jacob Reyes
Judging from the posts in this thread and the last one, I'm pretty sure it's the opposite.
Some user is really buttmad they didn't get an invite to pth and feels the need to endlessly shit up these threads.
Whatever makes you happy I suppose.
Jackson Collins
/taxi to passing\?/;boards:g /t\. nala/ /t\. A poo loo staff/
Joseph Smith
I wouldn't agree, it is always PtH staff that starts and then Apooloo staff shitposts back. This has been going for weeks now, you're both immature as hell.
Levi Mitchell
Just report all the spam posts.
Bentley Ward
Omg, here's the call the mods guy, go back to fucking reddit.
Caleb Russell
dude cum in the fuck lmao
Aiden Myers
haha i miss this shit lmao; this general has just been flooded with india shit lately. thanks for bringing back true /ptg/
Gavin Perry
>being so buttblasted you can't just ignore posts you don't like
c'mon man
Nathaniel Parker
sorry your audience just got smaller
Luis Gray
thanks man
I'm not on either side, I just think the apollo spammer is 100 times more annoying and inane than anything posted by pajeet spammers in the past, but regardless both are bad. Fucking tragedy that this shit just goes on and on like this.
Are you new to these threads? These threads weren't nearly as bad as they are right now thanks to what.cd closing.
Jacob Nguyen
poop in the loop!!!
Easton Ward
thanks based mods
Daniel Allen
Thankyou mods.
Owen Watson
Rule violation is different from Illegal content. Illegal content is for all the stuff that violates US law like CP.
Tyler Foster
Best what.cd replacement for high quality music?
Colton Hall
we were having a good discussion about the cabal when writing the faq a couple threads ago
these OPs have been straight fucking cancer though
Parker Brooks
PTH > rutracker > APO
Caleb Watson
Apollo and PTH. Apollo is a bit easier to gain access to right now but both are comparably decent.
Jayden Wright
It was the only good thread in months.
Zachary Wright
i tried :(
Charles Cruz
taxi back to passing the herpes sir?
Wyatt Nguyen
Did we ever get a completed pastebin to stick in the OP?
Henry Rodriguez
Filter /.*/ Make /ptg/ great again
Gavin Foster
>always late to the pth free leech
Thomas Cook
>trying to trick someone with a wildcard filter on the technolo/g/y board
If this isn't the ultimate shitpost filter, I don't know what is.
Samuel Brown
do you guys even talk seriously about private trackers here?
Jonathan Nelson
parenthesis unnecessary
Kayden Baker
Truly amazing.
Ian Lopez
Apollo is .rip
Nathaniel Harris
So now I have to do the interview shit again, fuck. Can we post screenshots that we were Power Users on WCD or do we have to do all these inane questions all over again?
Jonathan Foster
not since pth opened, that shit is cancer
Aiden Taylor
AP's interview doesn't have any questions that are hard.
Bentley Bennett
what spam am i missing here? :(
Lucas Thomas
There isn't enough serious discussion to be had about private trackers to warrant a general. We just shitpost.
Going to see if I can make this a bit more comprehensive.
Hudson Morris
if you have WCD proof see the pastebin in the OP
Robert Wood
the content in the op is generated from user input in these threads
excuse me but i have shitposting to do
Thomas Ortiz
You normie fuck, those "inane" questions are incredibly important and if you can't answer them off the top of your head you shouldn't be on a private music tracker, spotify and rutracker will suit you just fine.
Lucky for you, APL has no standards so their interview is piss easy.
Adam Kelly
you can join pth by being pu+ on thepiratebay
Mason Torres
Considering the fact that user just posted a capturing group some of mine are made redundant.