/bst/ - Battlestation Thread

Christmas week edition.

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Hey guys.


>the actual worst monster flavor
please go

Been a while since I posted, but it's still mostly unchanged. The shelf is a little more filled out and I have a couple of hooks for my headphones on the side of the hutch, but that's about it.


>the actual worst monster flavor
It's one of the only good flavours of monster.
>please go
You first.

I remember seeing this a while ago and really liking it, and it's still nice. How are those lights wired? Did you just drill a hole through the bottom of that cabinet/shelf and routed the cables somewhere though it? It looks pretty clean and lights up the desk quite well.

good evening.

thats actually the only monster worth drinking

There's an outlet above the shelf for various items. It was originally for a fan control, but the fan is in the wall and no longer used so I changed it to an outlet. And yeah, I just drilled up through the shelf. I've moved the station since then, and this is the latest photo, but, it's still a bit outdated. I've had to keep re-arranging because of various reasons. Hopefully I'll have things settled by summer lol

Build looks familiar, lemme see them guts boi.

If you insist.

I a-actually like Witch Doctor the most...

i dont have a fancy battlestation

Ahh, this one. I've always liked this one.

Still waiting for my U3417W to arrive.

I hate to be that guy, but if you spent less on some of the gamer gear, you could likely have a much nicer desk/station.

energy drinks like monster and cult energy drinks almost de_stroyed my urinary bladder

If it's anything like my U3415W (which I believe it's basically the same thing, just different stand/bezel), you'll love it.

Tfw can't afford a desk

Maybe I might actually get around to organizing my desk during my days off.

i actually don't have enough room to fit an actual desk in my room and i definitely don't wanna be the dick who took up a chunk of the living room with his desk.

I am considering getting a 3D printer, I recently became interested in them.


This one looks pretty good, reviews says it is as well.

shit camera, I know

Awesome cardboard desk, the particle board that desks are made from isn't really too far from cardboard anyway.

You're not a dick if it's your home. Why don't you own your own home?

>mfw no desk but muh red ring

easier to rent with people. also a bonus of not being anchored down to a property.

>bonus of not being anchored down to a property.
Hardly a bonus when you consider that you're just paying someone else's mortgage instead of your own. Yes, you lose a chunk of what you pay every month to interest, but the rest goes to building equity. If you decide to move, you sell it and you take that money elsewhere. When you rent, that money just disappears as soon as it leaves your bank account.


Too many posters
>Gaming heaset

Only battlestation I've ever seen where a DXRacer seat doesn't look out of place


And people say my speaker setup is bad lol

Too many posters, ruins a clean station

Where2cop clock

Sexy, keyboard sucks though and your mouse clashes the station

I'm cringing, dude come the fuck on like that other guy said if you spent less an MUHGAMES gear your station would be much nicer

8.5/10 comfy
wut thinkpad?

Actually this is pretty nice!

Jesus christ dude

I usually rate your station shit, but you have a decent pic now


>you sell it and you take that money elsewhere
yeah cause selling a house is easy. when you rent yeah your paying some fuck stick but he is taking the risk. the landlord has to maintain and fix the property at no extra cost to me. with owning a house your paying off a mortgage and maintaining the property which can get fucking expensive quick.

awesome scenery. where do you live?

East Tennessee

>And people say my speaker setup is bad lol
My speakers are roughly 3 inches above level with my ears, facing in, and roughly as far away from me as they are from each other. Yours are sitting on the desk, pointing straight forward, and REALLY not designed for listening from close up. You have absolutely no room to criticize my speaker setup.

nice. my dad plans to retire in Knoxville soon. gonna try to transfer hopefully there, or Nashville at the very least

Do it, living here is cheap as fuck, and it's a based as fuck state. Moved here from Maryland. Everyone carries guns, everyones polite as fuck, there's no shitty speed limits, and Gatlinburg is dope (well, before the wildfires at least lmao)

Bruh you have two loudspeakers stacked on top of each other

I fixed the TV with a led strip from ebay, it has a dedicated power supply and a toggle switch on the back of TV, because I was too lazy to find and test the correct rails from the TV psu.

featuring my kitty Amanda

And those were never used at the computer. The picture was taken while I was still getting settled in to a new place. The speakers for the computer are the ones on the shelves above the left and right monitors. The speakers next to the desk have since been placed on either side of the TV hanging on that wall.

Pet your cat

Some awesome setups in here. But as long as i can get assignments done and make coffee i'm happy. (holy shit this phones camera is aids)

what headphones are those? did you diy the earpads?


Yeah it's an old cotton t-shirt, I did it with a sewing needle, they are Sony monitor headphones, I've had them for years.

Alright, all you faggots can shutup about my speakers, I'm about to cop these because I finally was able to sell my bassoon.

needs a coaster/10

nice coaster

coasters are cheap, user

Christ on a bike, there's plenty of room for a desk there, just man up and reorganize
and get a coaster

NICE coaster

no excuse for not having a coaster

>no coaster

>travel mug
not an excuse

nice cat
also nice coaster

saucers are ok too

guy with cat. Thank you, you told me to get coasters a long ass time ago and I did.

don't regret it.

>no excuse for not having a coaster
The entire surface is a coaster.

So, things to do
Dual monitors
5.1 system
Maybe new headphones

Any recomendations are aprecciated

my kitty: miu

do you Sup Forumsuys also Sup Forumsidya?


Is this a Sup Forums club or something?


How was Roque one

bad, but I thought TFA was 6/10 so idk

Why would you get a 5.1 system for your computer

Probably going to add a shelf above my monitor for my kits. Some lights and painting that paint shelf could be on the cards too.

cluttered but comfy af/10

im all about comfy senpai

kinda wish I had room for a nice old CRT to watch '80s-'90s stuff on
watching Patlabor on my old VHS stack while curled up in a blanket with a cup of hot chocolate was the comfiest thing imaginable back in the day, all these fancy modern screens just don't replicate the feeling
it may have been a big heavy 20" clunker but I miss my old '90s Trinitron

I just wish I had a better spot for the crt, it puts a lot of stress on this cheap desk.

I wouldn't watch movies on it though, especially vhs, not even for the nostalgia, it's just there for my old games :3

Movies, gaymz

no bully

Nice boat.


Now all I need is a spacemouse and I will be a happy man

don't you worry your monitors are going to fall over with that wobbly folding table on carpet?

pretty cool setup

what do you like about the glass desk?


Pay a mortgage

>end up with a house eventually

Pay rent

>end up with nothing

I know which one I would choose.


cluttered, ancient, dingy, and meme-y

Do you actually know what meme stands for?

Best as always

those energy drink cans aren't part of the 'that first sip of the day' meme? I can't imagine why else someone would display their empty energy drink cans

What happened to !coxwizards? Not that I miss him, he never bothered me, but where did he go?

Died of AIDS.

Naicu Motokoboobs.


I don't have any christmas decoration for this year, but I found an awesome star I'll get for next year.

How could he? He was totally straight! Shoving objects up your ass is masturbation!

Chocked on horse cock and died a horribly death

Hey! I figured it out!

Christmas is for normies

I place them around my room because i collect them. I think they look kindy good.

Neat, what was the issue?

I think they look pretty bad. I know that's subjective taste, but you're asking to get rated, so you are losing points in my rating by having energy drink cans on display.

Yeah, i'm ok with that. As you said: ,,subjective taste".

Couldn't take a picture with proper red light. It was orange/yellow.

Yeah but you fixed it..!
What was it that caused it?

I have zero idea. I just messed around with white balance, dimmed the lamps in the room and decreased the green channel by about 10% on the picture, and there it is. I'm still not satisfied with how the rest of the picture looks, but meh, baby steps.

>tfw there are people who use commie blocks pictures as wallpaper
>tfw it's the only thing I see when I look out of the window or go outside

the back of my chair snapped off months ago so I just been using it as as a stool.

how is that embody chair?

thinking about getting it but 1500€ seems bit much...

Go fuck yourself Jew

How am Im a jew?

how many fedoras do you own senpai?