What's your preferred browser Sup Forums?
>Pic hopefully not related
What's your preferred browser Sup Forums?
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Only true browser
>>Pic hopefully not related
But why? It's literally the only good browser. Fast af
I use palemoon
every tab is a resource hog
Firefox for general browsing
Chrome when I need Flash or to access a site without uBlock messing anything up
Edge for Netflix
it let me get those trips tho
>Not using edge
r u serious?
>IE - not a browser
>TFW a huge coorporation fails to make a real browser but a small company like Mozzila does
someone tell me what to fucking use. i thought id found something close to opera 12 with vivaldi but that shit has this bug where everything becomes blurry and there is no fix for it. new opera is a buggy mess as well, seamonkey is just uncomfortable to use after a while, firefox just fucking sucks in general, chrome for obvious reasons. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO???
Everything else is cancer including Edge and Vivaldi. I have tried them all, they suck ass.
Win 10 fag detected xD
opera sucks ass too. also vivaldi is literally better in any form if it would run a little more stable
Windows defender and smart screen market Vivaldi installer as malware and sent the sample for further analysis to M$.
You tell me.
really? fucking try it out. it feels closer to old opera than any other browser, has tab in tab and all of that shit. the only reason i am not using it is because i am plagued by a rare bug that can occure
>Firefox sucks in general
No it doesn't. You suck at setting it up.
What else is there
Chrome eats up a metric fuckton of ram and is a botnet
Firefox eats up a metric fuckton of ram and is a botnet as well
IE runs like shit in general, throttles internet speeds and is a botnet
Other browsers in general run like shit or look like shit
Nothing can be riced
Pale Meme v.26
Opera 12.16
Google Ultron
it's what NASA uses
yes it does
Wew lad, i thought Sup Forums are smart
seamonkey also sucks. you cant watch html5 videos in full screen without using third party programs
What about Safari bro does it fall under the
>Other browsers in general run like shit or look like shit
>using a browser to play videos
What's wrong with almost every1 is doin that on youtube what are you doing then? VLC Video Watch 24/7?
But that's wrong
I need something to go with the clean look of my OS, that's why ricing is essential
Also Safari isn't for wangblows or linux so it's completely irrelevant entirely
no its not wrong and you know it. full screen html5 videos still shows the adressbar and the tabs
>muh mpv
Can you please try and type like you made it past the second grade? I mean, I'd understand if you can't but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, use a video player to watch videos.
I literally just fucking tried it, it works.
Where did I say anything about mpv?
Ungoogled Chromium 55.0.2883.87-1
new release is fast af, also supports w64
The only reasonable, intelligent and logic answer.
>I literally just fucking tried it, it works.
ok then tell me how??? seamonkey is better than anything except for that major flaw fucking it all up.
>le lets change basic functions every browser has to some garbage no normal human would actually use meme browser
>go to YouTube
>play video
>click fullscreen
I'd also like to point out that when that was an issue (and if it still is for some reason for you) there's just an extension to fix it. I dunno why that's a dealbreaker but you're perfectly capable of making SeaMonkey work the way you want.
i am using the latest version. any reason this doesnt work for me?
I just remembered I'm running SeaMonkey Aurora, try that. Or you could just install the extension that will fix it. Again, why is that such a big deal?
B-but installing extension is not hard user.
True full screen extension user
I'm lazy as all get out.
Win 10
Clover when I'm on my phone.
>Just botnet my shit right up
It loades every shit very fast like videos on youtube (I don't have nerve for mpv+youtube dl) and can load flash stuff without installing it on PC
>muh speed
This meme needs to fucking die.
Didn't see much shit about Chromium :D
(even though not all addons are compatible)
it says you can use it to download more ram on its site. irony has lost all meaning
to download more ram on its site rofl
10/10 bs story
> best bullshit i've seen on the web
firefox with the usual add-ons
edge for when sites get borked by the addons
chrome is a botnet and I'm never installing it
Telemetry and forced ads. Even Opera is better and it's also a botnet.
>Even Opera is better
Why word it like that? Opera was the best browser for years, it makes sense that when they killed Opera and switched to Chropera that it'd become the best Chrom* browser.
Worded it like that because most of Sup Forums says it's shit. I agree it's the best browser based on chromium.
don't care
>forced ads
The fuck you on about?
The one on my phone I don't even know what it's called.
>the fuck (you) on about
Using hosts file to block ads is ignored by chrome. Adblocks were not listed on their official addon site last time I checked. Google is an advertising company, they'll fight adblocking for the rest of their life and I don't have the patience or time to configure a retarded browser so I don't see random pop-ups and shit everywhere I go so I'd rather use Firefox, iridium or opera.
This is how Google Chrome is different than Chromium:
>includes Google's closed source blobs which,
>a) gather your personal data without consent
>b) prevent the user from effectively blocking ads on their browser
>includes auto-update service
That being the only relevant difference any chromium browser is by default better.
All browsers are complete shit now it just depends on which lingering smell you want to deal with while adding a thousand extensions to make them less than the shit they are even after all that effort.
>Using hosts file to block ads is ignored by chrome
works on my machine f͏am
>Adblocks were not listed on their official addon site last time I checked
They have always been there and they still are
Literally Chrome with better customization.
does it sync with google like chrome?
Seems about right.
Win 10 kek
>t. mactoddler
>Can't freely drag tabs off and create new windows by doing so
Dropped. If such a basic thing like that isn't a feature then you know the whole software is dog shit. IE, FF, and Chrome can do this from the very beginning.
Are you retarded? Vivaldi can do that.
chromium is hands down the best browser ever made
No it cannot. I just tried it, and the developer even says himself that he isn't adding it until the far future because there are better features to be implemented.
for Windows use chrome, for GNU/Linux use chromium.
I was originally a Chrome user, but it ate up too much ram and other resources on both ubuntu and windows
>tfw no ungoogled chromium on linux
fuck me and cuck me famalam
Was using Pale meme but they dropped support for windows xp so I'm looking for a new browser to try out pham
I still use cancerfox
>don't care
Then just GTFO
no u
FireFox :3
Use GNU IceCat 38 and ungoogled-Chromium.
Use GNU IceCat and ungoogled-Chromium.
>using an abandoned, unmaintained project
FF, but as of late I'm using lynx and w3m more, fuck the "modern web", HTML5 and JS ARE FUCKING CANCER!
>thinking constant updates are essential
>options are variations of botnet, firefuck, outdated firefuck forks, hipster shit browsers, and niggernet exploder
it doesn't really matter what you choose. you lose either way.
Nightly is the superior choice.
On a web browser, they are
to a certain extent for certain features
vivaldi is the best
this, browser situation is fucking pathetic atm
This one.
Fast, stable, I'm really liking it.
Haven't lost faith in FF yet though, still has it installed too.
Chromium on pic?
what kind of bull shit is this?
Vivaldi. 1.6 has been fast as fuck even older builds are fast as fuck on my ssd now familiams and I switched from Chrome for now. It's compatible with my Chrome add-ons and userscripts still and I love it.
There's something I don't understand. How can there not be an objective test of browsers telling us which one is the best once and for all? (at least in current versions ofc)
Performances-wise of course, because for eevertyhing else FF has the most options.