Hardware destruction thread!
Bonus points if retro shit!
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this is awesome, moar!
contribute then faggot
moar retro
>graphiks kard
>Obviously a NIC
Thats the proper handling for Macs
>install useless shit and viruses
>reee computer is so slow
>hit the computer instead yourself
Whats wrong with that? I hit my computer too if it pisses me off.
I got a bunch of macs recently for $20, mac se, quadra, classic and a few monitors and keyboar/mouse
I have no use for them and I dont want to resell them to some luddite faggot, thinking of making a youtube channel just to destroy them one by one, I think Id make some good ad revenue
there's not enough of this shit
>computer is slow
>hit monitor instead
normie logic
holy shit, it's hilarious
love the red bowl going supersonic
Why do you hate vintage computers? Just give them to someone who can appreciate them and use them...
>30 year old piece of shit that belongs in the garbage to be recycled into new useful tech
>ugh, give them to me, I can _USE_ them
no you can't, that's why people hate you luddites
>hit screen
>screen breaks
>get mad at screen because it brakes instead
what did he expect would happen?
>literary me on Sup Forums
Well this is utterly stupid.
it burns!
You're dumb. If they were useful 30 years ago they can be useful now.
Booo hoo, sure thing, go back to your circlejerk IRC and pretend you're part of something
I've never used IRC in my life, keep making assumptions though.
can you photoshop? browse Sup Forums? listen to music?
>i'm a retrofag! look
>IRC? I n-never used I-IRC...
>You're dumb. If they were useful 30 years ago they can be useful now.
Yeah, cherrypicking's really going to win the argument. And where did I go on boasting about being a "retrofag?" All I've done so far is tell you you're dumb for deciding something is useless for everyone just because you have no use for it.
What's there to explain? Do you think when these old machines were new people looked at them thinking "wow, what outdated and unusable machines"? No. They were used. If they were used then they can be used now.
>If they were used then they can be used now.
For writing documents, what we can do now too, way easier or browsing BBSes that we can do too, much better.
Don't give me crap about games, emulators have way surpassed the experience you got playing on the old machines.
>emulators have way surpassed the experience you got playing on the old machines
>instant loading
>screen filters
>fast forward - even backward
>possible to connect to actual CRT and joysticks/gamepads
>no need to spend time fixing some old piece of crap, configuring it to run like it should
Doesn't matter how many additional features you tack on, nothing will beat playing an old game on an old machine.
But emulators with just did
Why keep a hunk of junk, wasting space, money and time if emulators do it all better?
Man you're bad at reading. They never will. If you're not playing on the old computer it's just not the same. No amount of additional features no matter how convenient will trump playing a game on the hardware it was initially made for. Besides, it's not a piece of junk wasting space, it's a piece of history I own to enjoy. I can tell you're not a fan of technology. Not really sure what you're doing the tech board, there's multiple gaymen boards.
I'm not into gayming, sorry.
Don't know where you take the idea I'm not into tech if I'm literally telling you new tech is the way and works great.
Some autistic reason like "muh feels" does not count. Sorry. They should be recycled and not suffer in the hands of some autist.
Look, a newfag who does not know the rules.
>Don't know where you take the idea I'm not into tech
Because you just spent post after post whining about how awesome old tech is somehow shit.
>history should be destroyed, collections are not allowed, also stop liking what I don't like
You're quite possibly the worst person I've ever encountered.
Why so butthurt? Calm down, I just said they don't have a real use anymore, keep collecting them if it makes you happy. It was just my opinion. "Muh feels" is an autistic reason, but whatever.
I miss TheOriginalHDChannel
A guy who recorded videos of destroying electronic crap (and computers) found at the junkyard.
Fine here's some actual fucking content with annoying Canadians: youtube.com
too bad it's not vintage tho
I rescued an imac g3 from one of these monsters
Quit backpedalling, you fucking retard. You essentially just said the only place for old technology is getting recycled, which is blatantly wrong. You said that they have no real use, which is again wrong. Why do you get so butthurt that people aren't succumbing to the outrageous levels of mindless consumerism that you have?
>lol you just have autism xDDD
Man are you ever wonderful at piecing together quality arguments.
How about A CHAINSAW?!?!?!?! youtube.com
>is butthurt
>gets called butthurt
>calls others butthurt
stop buttblasting, shits getting everywhere
I'm not even remotely butthurt, you fucking mong. You like randomly using that word for no reason so I simply did the same.
fucking epic
what do you do with it? what can you do with it that you can't do better with newer macs more efficiently?
>browse Sup Forums
>can't even post
Pretty much this
poor macintosh :(
>old garbage, obsolete computer
>uh cry cry, poor thing
More of this shit?
If you are actually serious about hating on retro shits, don't just destroy the computer. You should try to sell it to them, even if you don't need anymore money the high that you get from them taking your sale bait is so great. You should try it at least once. It's not about having more money, it's about having THEIR money.
However if it's not for you and you can't bear to sell it, don't just destroy the PC and not say or do anything like in the first vid. You have to use this resource as well as you can to really get under their skin. For example, don't title the video "I destroy vintage pc!!!!" Make a fake retro channel about it and make a few vids spouting their bullshit, because you'll get followers. Then make a video hiding it, like you're going to review it. Be all crazy and keep talking positive but destroy the PC. Like,
>You just can't get this "feel" with emulators. Let me show you what I mean
>return with smartphone
>Kids today, they just don't understand...
>smack pc with smartphone
>...they don't understand what *we* had back in the day...
>see our pcs were shit so we were shit too and I want to remember how shit I am forever!
>use smartphone like a hammer into the crt and destroy it and scream
etc, make the whole video like that.
It is your duty to use this resource that you have the best you can. Don't just waste it on some shit video of "watch me destroy this!!!", because they won't click on it and won't watch it. Make me proud.
>hitting hardware because you're angry
For what purpose?
>You should try to sell it to them
>literary get more with ad revenue on youtube destroying it then selling it to some neckbeard for 20 bucks
The reason why they hate emulators is because it enables them to get the game back in a few clicks, it's too easy. They want it to be hard to get their game back because deep down they know it was always shit and can't admit it, and can never play it again. The last time they played it was when they were 7 and having to play it as an adult will mean they will have to judge it, and they cannot admit or do this. That's why they insist they need some complicated or expensive setup to "replicate" the "experience".
Same exact thing is going on at /vr/ where they've formed an earthbound club full of people who insist they have to buy a real working cart of it or it "isn't the real experience", some of the members of this club own a cart but no snes, and not only that but never have owned a snes and are paying just to fit in. Also happens for CBFD and mario RPG and every other artificially inflated game. They lost their shit when earthbound was re-released on the wii store just like all retrofags lose their shit whenever they have to deal with the fact that an emulator exists and the ability to re-play their game is two clicks away, on any OS.
I've also seen some old people do this with movies. "Oh I've been looking for this movie for 30 years, I didn't know the name of it!" And then they IMMEDIATELY run off to another room and don't watch it. Hilarious as fuck to see.
>Runs away from firecracker
>Opens CRT with sawsall
Hello Justin
Dave you asscunt.
>using a saw and spraying liquid onto live 15kV CRT circuits
Do those niggers have a death wish
>90% of the videos itt are from Garret Claridge
figures. He's an extremist autist.
I knew a kid growing up who was just like him. He always wanted a 4wheeler, and when his parents saved up and finally got him a used one for christmas, he pushed it into the lake because he wanted a new one. I fished it out and fixed it up for myself. He was steaming mad.
He really shaped up after his dad died of cancer.
Two audio-related classics:
fuck I'm late and that's unexpected
>and when his parents saved up and finally got him a used one for christmas, he pushed it into the lake because he wanted a new one.
You can post from an iMac G3.s
The smashing my ps3 generation has made it to Sup Forums, I see.
>having a tantrum when you're old enough to drive
Wew lad.
all this shit is so fake and staged.
>implying you don't have multiple autistic fits of rage every day
who the fuck is Dave and why are you associating me with him?
Wew, AMD
Justin found the start a thread button!
>I have no use for them
Then why'd you buy them, dickfuck?
You'd really rather smash history than make a couple hundred dollars? You are beyond retarded.