/Mac migration for PC/

Been a Win fag almost all my life tried Red Hat and Ubuntoo few times in the early 2000's
So my question is it worth moving from Win 8.1
to Mac OS by using the Mac OS PC Hack Program
And which Mac too choose? Any Apple fags out here?

Learn English than repost your thread.

oh the irony

What's wrong with my english? And FYI it's NOT my native language...


It's too late, the shitpost train has let the station.

Go to the mental hospital for autismtherapy, ok? ok :D



I can't wait too become a meme.

Win 10 detected


blurry as fuck :D

I made it sharper for you user.


Cute faggy OS
Wut it is :D What r you using for image editing

GIMP. Shitposting aside, I use Photoshop.

Browser user änd the Sup Forums bar setting or ad on kicks azz :D

4chanX and Opera.

Fellow Bernd?

my fav board? Think it's Sup Forums atm used to be
asp b4 they fucked it up with wresling faggots

Not what I meant lol. Bernd is for anons on Krautchan. Got a Discord?

Assieland :D.Well noi quited gaming 2 years ago


Yea that's a good way to get a Mac too but is that a Win 10 I C there? :D

Could still chat from time to time (:
What's your 4 digit tag? It's under your name.

>4 digit tag
dun have discord
skype yea

Eh, Skype name then?

swing and a miss

>falling for the bait
