Hey/g/ how do I rice my desktop like hers on windows?

hey/g/ how do I rice my desktop like hers on windows?

Other urls found in this thread:


install _pix visual style
put tranny pics on you're dekstop
kill yourself

is this the new desktop thread

sure why the hell not newfag to this shit. What is that window that displays the system info called?

it's a script called screenfetch

allright cool! so does doing this shit on windows primarily have to be on 7?

idk i dont rice windows

Leave Rose alone!
(s)he is my waifu

ripppppp just wanted this type of dekstop enviroment. but with windows still


Is this his actual desktop? sauce?

hi friendo!


but he clearly states that he isn't Rose, it's just some autist that post in /wg/

is this my destop?
asking for a friend

Kill yourself you pile of garbage and paedophile

no bullying aloud

Anyone have that pic of Rose grabbing his boner over his shirt? I deleted it and I need it for reasons

he typed it though?




wtf rose is a man????

She used to be

lol owned

>anti-aliased bitmap font


wtf does wew even mean?

how do you get zsh to look like this? Is that figlet?


k but what about the colors, any dot files?

this is for iterm2, i think you can use terminal.sexy to convert it to xresources or whatever

I see, thanks : )

Hello please post your newest you# and that image on the bottom left please


Thank (You)

your welcome :3



This looks like garbage!

tech me how2rice, senpai

That's not Rose, it's Roses face shopped onto a guy. Stop memeing.