That 1!! CS course you can't pass

>that 1!! CS course you can't pass
which one is it for you user?

Other urls found in this thread:

Programming in C

Introduction course

Calculus 1 for real

Philosophy. I had to take a side subject and this was full of chicks.

calc 2

3 hours a day 5 days a week minimum. Calculus takes time and understanding why your doing what you do. Not just memorizing steps. Good luck user

Dumb frogposter

Just finished my final for calc 2. Feelsgud.jpg

>mfw youre being patronizing
>mfw this is what it actually took for me
>no face

The two subjects that people in my class failed most often were Basics of Digital Technology (gates, counters, registers, flip-flips, etc) and Parallel Computing. Both subjects are taught by the same professor.

how many weeks? A month?

brainlet stick to Java

>Failing CS courses


Don't know how your taking it but I'm not patronizing. I failed calculus 1 the first time because I didn't take it seriously.

Second time around I got my shit together and did what I said to do.

currently in c++ user
>least i got a (You)

>it's the professor's fault that i didn't seek the appropriate help outside of the course

>i am incapable of utilizing the best tool for education the world has ever known, and i plan on working in a field directly related to that technology (oh, since you're so stupid i should probably spell it out for you, I'm referring to the Internet)

if you wanted hand holding you should have dyed your hair blue and said you're a tranny.

Abstract algebra was a struggle

As many weeks as are in a normal college semester. Double if not triple that if it's in a winter/summer semester

Ah, well. I got an A, but there were many 8 hour days of studying in there cause
>no life autist

Calc 1

T. Brainlet

First time around I didn't study much as math had always been easy for me. Calc changed that. Second time around I got an A though so I guess that made up for it.

>do pretty swell in calc 2 all year
>mfw I take the final and I have no idea what I'm doing

Customer service in Swedish.

good to hear. It really is all hard work for us non-math geniuses. all it takes.Calc 2 was kinda nuts though.

>all year
All semester I mean, need to catch up on sleep

Those tricky integrals. I didn't find sequences and series that crazy like most say. They were really annoying to do though.

>have to take a basic computer course where you learn simple shit like computer terminology and how to use the MS Office suite
>tfw people actually failed that shit
how the FUCK

>says the neet who dropped out

400 level math req. Its hard to take upper division math without lower division math.

>had to drop Calc 1 because I went over the final exam review and couldn't even solve a single problem

Is calc really that hard that you need to study or am I literally retarded? I didn't study a single minute in the whole semester, the only thing I did for that class was take notes on some lectures.

calc is easy shit, you just have to cram the bullshit. Discrete math tho is the fucking assfuckery

>not taking notes every lecture

>Discrete math
is that what some people call "proofs"?

No, it's everything dealing with discrete structures like graph theory, abstract algebra, set theory etc

calc is much easier if you have good fundamentals. Then you only have to worry about the concepts you're learning for Cacl itself. I knew some people who could barely do algebra type shit and Calculus just blew their mind, best they could do was memorize how to do problems. The problem with that is when they throw you a curve ball on the exam the memorization meme breaks down.

I didn't attend to every lecture and in some I tried to just pay attention to the prof without writing anything down.
I don't think that worked because I'm pretty sure I have ADHD so 1000 things are going through my mind all the time.

>Linear Algebra intro
>Data Structures
>Mathematical proofs
Is this doable in one term?
I feel like I'm going to get seriously assraped next term

i feel sorry for you, and in the end you'll just become a code monkey like everyone esle and never need any of that stuff

Data structures is easy

programming fundamentals

This is probably because your university sends the least skilled teachers to teach abstract algebra.

You're in calc 2, why do you only have proofs now?


>comp sci study has high school math
>fail cause of java programming
Where did it all go wrong.

where the fuck did I write it's the professor's fault anyhow?

>Compiler design
It's going to fuck me i know it

I had a course like that. I accidentally missed a test and ended up getting 27% for the mid-semester mark, because I didn't have a doctor's note.

Still managed to pass though lel

I can pass any class, fucking speech 101 and english 101 were the hardest though. I did everything well in speech, had some interesting presentations, talked confidently and shit but the nigger still gave me a B. On the other hand I have got As in literally all college math from Calc 1 to Calc 3 plus linear algebra and fucking differential equations. Guess I should stop taking stupid liberal arts classes, but that's where all them girls at...

I still have to finish my master thesis in finance. But I can't be arsed really because I make my money from my webshop already.

this senpai my gen ed courses are "harder" than my CS courses. Honestly I just don't enjoy the work as much. But all the girls are in these classes like appreciating art, history, philosophy, etc.

i studied it last day and still passed
numerical AnnaLysis was pain in arse

memorizing the multiplication table

Algorithm course. Didn't need it to get degree though.

Calculus. The programming shit is easy, been programming since i was 10yo, it's just the math that kicks my ass.

are you opposite of me?

>finish accel. calc series with 3.7 all in freshmen year
>drop intro java class the following quarter after 2 weeks cuz bad

The calc shit is easy, been calcing since i was 10yo, it's just the programming that kicks my ass.

Probability, fuck performing dark magic on sets and lebesgue

I got a D- in Highschool math so.... Yeah CS was probably not a good option since i am just getting by, but i wanted to get a CS degree cause i like to program and wanna program for a living.

I had to take discrete math twice.
To be fair the first professor was a sadist cunt Personality wise (he made me cry in class)

I studied IT majoring in Software Engineering in Europe

I struggled the most with Electricity and Physics... For some reason even Advanced Calculus was easier..

Maybe it had to do with me smoking too much weed... well I'm glad that's all over

Fuck math. Anything beyond multiplication, division and basic equations are completely beyond me.

Even a friend who is a fucking math virtuoso who taught a lot of people math says that he never saw such an anti-talent for math as myself.

I guess I am a brainlet for life.

Tfw cheated my way to a B.S. in comp sci, and am now in flight school for the Navy.

Never gonna write a single line of code the rest of my life.

Parallel computing sounds dope as fuck. I think I have that and high powered computing both scheduled into my senior year

>tfw barely scraped past algebra II in highschool
should I reconsider a CompSci degree or is not all hope yet lost?

t. honestfag

I passed all mine faggot

Chemistry Science. Fuck that course man. They don't even teach you how to make drugs.

How do you even fail a class? It's piss easy if you just read.

I was like two points above a failing grade for Algebra but I aced Calculus because apparently I'm retarded when it comes to shapes.

I'm the opposite, I did wonderful in geometry and the intro-to-trig thing within geometry, but algebra kicked my ass and busted my balls to hell and back

I'm wondering if I can get by by teaching myself with khan academy and diligence, and maybe once I have a better grasp on algebra it won't be so difficult

none, just maths giving me a bad time. finishing it up now, just gonna take a summer class and hopefully get that passing grade i need.

None. There were a couple I took a C or D in, but I got all of them the first time.

faag, i bet you aren't even a self-taught programmer

Is maths really difficult in CS?

I'm not too good with maths but I really want to study it

Elementary Algebra

It's mostly discreet math with little analysis, but you need a good understanding of the fundamentals to do well.

Practice until you understand what the fuck is going on. Math is easy, but can't be learned that easily. It must be exercised. Remembering some obscure rule must become second nature, and understand the rules makes this WAY easier.

Computer architecture, I failed it twice and finally scraped a pass. Now the uni doesn't even offer it as a module :')

The CS courses were a challenge but not like physics.

>Is maths really difficult in CS?
Well all the engineering courses like calculus and discrete math are hard as fuck. The CS specific courses are easy

t. brainlet

Discrete math is quite interesting tho I have to say

What topics covers calculus1?

how the fuck do you not at least make a c in your classes?

these are the people who will be writing firmware for chemo machines and robo surgeons

spatial planning
it isn't even CS related

>these are the people who will be writing firmware for chemo machines and robo surgeons
No, those are EEs.

Because not everyone attends an american college where students are hand held with mandatory attendance and home-work

>yfw ill program the computers that drive your car, train and airplane
kek, you better hope i dont cause some pointer errors ;^)

Calculus is high school math in Europe

EEs write shitty code. Embedded software is written by CE and SE people.

I study CE in Europe and our Calculus was nothing like high school math

I think EU high schools haven't properly defined what Calculus because I see a lot mixed descriptions on this topic.

My math courses were divided into single variable calculus, multivariable calculus and discrete math


fucking electromagnetics

How do you guys study? I'm looking for ways to have a mental save button. What's the best course of action?

Graduated with highest honors

>he fails modules
end yourself brainlet

Any CS intro class. I've attempted CS three separate times at three different universities and dropped the class each time. I've tried twice on my own (outside of school) to start programming and didn't get that either. For reference I pretty much coasted through every subject in high school and college with >3.5 GPA, but I'm just retarded when it comes to programming.