/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/ we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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#/csg/ on irc.rizon.net

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>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki:

>Check Price History

>Chink Shit Infographic v1.4

• user's KZ ATE-S rattled and a metal ring came loose, user puts the piece back in but it's just for show. • Don't click on Gearbest urls with VIP at the end of them, they're referrals • Zuk Z2, LeEco Le 2, Xiaomi Note 3 in Top 10 cost-effective smartphones • The F Key light stopped working on user's Ajazz AK33 • user tries out the Eiaosi X6, they're not better than his Hybrids so plans on giving the X6 away as a Christmas gift • K6000 Pro has pretty good battery life Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 this is /spg/ and /BMEM800/

finally add the https to the wiki link, OP

third for killing myself

man the news were pretty slow last thread, must've been all the zuk vs xiaomi shilling

speaking of which

zuk z2 best phone, buy now


I don't get it, why is half the thread shilling some stupid phones. Doesn't every nigger already have one?

How are you always awake when the /csg/ thread reaches 300 posts? Do you have an alarm that wakes you up?

If you have some script that watches a thread then sends you a text message or activates your alarm, post it, it would be interesting to see.

Reminder there's an easy to follow video guide for modding your BM-800 now.


Ordered some chinkshit to my family house so I can open it when I come home for the holidays

He prolly haz /csg/ on his devices 24/7

the shills work three shifts

Some (probably) useful shit to buy:



seems neat, thanks


>Day 57 of little kids being mad at OP because they got banned from /csg/ discord for being 13 years old

>polarized sunglasses
They are okay, maybe just a bit too big. Bought them because I needed polarized glasses for my job. Still going to decide if I will wear them or give them to someone.
>Ugreen charger with 5v/1A and 5V/2.4A
I can charge my powerbank and phone at the same time now and it came with a cable management thingy
>Card wallet
Real leather, does it job, inside quality could be better
>mygeek micro usb cable
cheap and works

>discord is really important to me so it must be important to everyone else

What are you talking about? I don't go on discord because I'm not a 15yo gaymur. I hang out in the /csg/ IRC channel, if you must know, because text-only is superior to any chat platform which supports images, gifs, YouTube links and emojis.

I'm honestly wondering if there are scripts that watch threads then use one of those free SMS sites to text your phone. Would the Sup Forums API even allow for something like that?

>I hang out in csg /irc/ channel if you must know

no wonder you shitpost so much, there's not a whole lot going on in there. Nothing but time on your hands.

It's easy when you make maintaining a Chinese shopping subreddit on a Laotian haberdashery forum your sole purpose in life.

how much was that sunglasses box/case? is it sturdy enough to be put in rucksack/bag without worrying about the glasses

Just a reminder that MTK a shit


t. the resident Xiaomi Shill

sign up now! 8ct/post!

>implying they'll ever come

and link pls

/csg/ isn't the only channel on rizon, and rizon isn't the only IRC network. /csg/ is just one of the channels I'm on.

Discord is like the group MSN chats with 15-20 people you'd get invited to, it's too annoying too follow. Signal to noise ratio is shit.

hmmm, that's more than BM 800 is paying me at the moment. Do I need to have any experience or knowledge of the product in question, and will you supply me with the crudely forged battery stats pages?


What's the concensus on the Xiaomi Mi R1D router?

i've asked about it, too much botnet was said to me.

some cheap Kraft paper posters behind 60x40cm frames that cost me twice as much as the actual posters

looks nice

Why is the Xioami Redmi Note so good? I bought it for 150 bucks with free shipping and a free case. It's an incredible phone.

Why the fuck do people spend hundreds of dollars on Iphones and Samsungs when the Redmi Note is comparable or even better than them spec wise?

>better camera
>better warranty
>more stable OS

The box is sturdy enough. For normal use should be more then enough, but if you squeeze it hard it will yield.


Nah you don't need any experience, just call them a zuk cuck or an oukitard when you can't think of an argument.

enclosed is a crudely forged battery stats page :^)

expected or g-speculated price for the note 4 pro ?


Cameras are very comparable

Warranty is retarded when I can buy 4 phones for the price of yours.

The OS are again very comparable
>not using custom roms

>Cameras are very comparable
oh god no

The RN3P has a pretty sub par camera

t. RN3P owner

I don't use the camera much because I'm not a normie that takes photos of everything, but it's good enough for a phone I think. Why not just get a proper camera for taking pics and vids instead of paying 600 for a few extra megapixels?

because a DSLR won't always be in my pocket

It is called branding
Why do you think people buy $20,000 on
branded outfits, instead of buying equivalent quality $2000 Chink Nameless Brands?

If you go somewhere where you really want to take photos you'll take your DSLR with you anyways. Better phone cameras are only "useful" for cunts that take photos of their food and daily selfies.

people are dumb, I know.

I rather get a phone with a better camera than better SoC specs

Stop your phoneposting its unbearable, and irrelevant for 99% of the people.

>mi4c finally arrived
Downloading MiUI8 from miui.com currently (100kb/s for some reason). Hope it'll be good

So you rather get an Oppo/Vivo then?

That's a nice lemon.

There are chink phones with good cameras, I own a Huawei P9 Plus and the camera is very good.

Phones are the best thing chinks produce. Prove me wrong.

I don't trust the camera of any chink phone

>Phones are the best thing chinks produce. Prove me wrong.
Clone electronics products
(Arduino & arduino accessories)
check mate

but the iPhone is made in china :v)

>only 1% of people either own or have an interest in owning a phone

True, I give you that.

Better than anything any non-Chink phone can produce by far.

Cue Huawei/Vivo/Oppo
Only Samshit can rival them in quality

with a Jap image sensor

chinks can't into cameras (yet)

Mi Max owner here, I think both of you faggits are right. The xiaomi is basically pretty close to flagships when taking pics with good lighting, but it has serious problems with focussing and the lack of OIS doesn't really help. These things will basically fuck up almost every indoor photo that is not a pic of your battlestation or something. The thing is that flagship phones will generally only get you slightly less shitty results because they are all limited by size.

flagships are significantly better, especially in low light, but all phone cameras suck, so should you even really care?

1% of people give a shit about your autistic phone wars that give no relevant information + there us a general for phones /spg/

My RN3P has a gook (Samsung) sensor, so it not being chink has nothing to with actual quality family

enjoy your 3h battery life

I need your help. I ordered a repair kit for my phone's screen but it came without a adhesive sticker to glue the damn thing on the body. What do?
Also is there a guide to replace the screen for the ZUK z2? Can't find anything..

>give no information
Just because they don't tell you what fps you will get in Pokémon Go doesn't mean they don't contain a wealth of comparative information about the different Chinese phone brands and models.




>urban dictionary


My man, stop embarasing yourself.

Anyone here have a roidmi 2s? Thinking of getting one for long drives interstate.

Whats up with the price range here? When I order it says ~5$.
Also what's with the app only offers? Doesn't seem to work.
>tfw to dumb to buy chink shit

the case for the Autism Cube is the cheap one
pretty common tactic on Ali

Ah, those crafty chinks..
I'll find a way to defeat their mind games.

app only deals means when you buy it form the app its cheaper. usually a few cents, sometimes more.

ESP-32 (much more powerful ESP8266 successor) finally dropped to 5$ on Ali

It's worse when they advertise shit as having multiple colors/sizes and one size is always """out of stock""" and also happens to cost about 1p/decent price and everything else is 500% of its price so it comes up first

I need budget WiFi Router with Antenna. Do You have anything good?

What do You think about that?



So I'm looking for a new phone as my Samsung S3 is dying on me slowly, looking to get it cheap but n2b though. Just want something more powerful than S3 I guess as it came out a while ago, $300 or under but lower the better

Never used these websites from Australia if that makes a difference


Anyone know any cheap powerline systems on ali? I can only see ones at real life prices I'd reasonably pay in an actual store, absolutely outrageous

so this thing has both bt and wifi eh? intredasting. this with a battery and a screen could make a breddy decent diy smartwatch.

are they really alluminuium ?

Is there any decent chink ps3 controller with not shitty joysticks?

Just buy a real one desu

you will also probably want an adapter plate for it

plenty of those on Ali

No none.


We have a SMARTPHONE GENERAL for that shit, take it there you insufferable faggot.

Get a Zuk, they're pretty popular in Australia.

If its a real VEITHDIA then yes. Aluminium is pretty cheap you know and veithdia is a good brand so unlikely to chink you on that

that said i would get it from the official VEITHDIA store so you wont get chinked but that store has really good rating so i wont worry too much

Merry's and aofly make good glasses as well


Seems like it yes. But may be some other cheap light metal, I have no idea how to check

It's not Z.
This is the weird opening I grew up with: youtube.com/watch?v=6S1Yupk77pA

They're pretty popular everywhere. They're an aspirational upcoming brand which consistently meets and even surpasses expectations, and will no doubt feature highly in most reputable publications' "top smartphones of 2016" lists.


yeah your information is great, I can't wait to read it another 1000 more times before RN4P comes out and you kill yourself out of buyer's remorse as Lenovo begins their steady decline of support they always do.

wtff really weird
at least her voice sounds really cute
post pic of cute deutsch singer

still the greatest OP

Renate Haßlberger

not that cute desu

here is the vid kek

seems interesting, please tell us more about zuk™

Redmi 4 Prime

>all the retards ITT still haven't figured out Lithu is masquerading as Zuk/Xiaomi shill to get easy you's
Fucking idiots, stop feeding him.