>installing macOS Sierra off a USB stick on my old MacBook just to check it out >while installing it goes into sleep (connected to the wall), waking it up, now the installer just stalls, without any notifications
Found your problem >Old MacBook If you don't have the money to be updated with Apple products please step outside of the Apple master race.
Jaxon Robinson
Yeah, I don't really care about Apple crap anymore, not gonna buy anything Apple. Just wanted to try it and not actually use. But being listed as "supported" and fucking up like that? Afterall, it's a software problem.
tip: don't use Sierra, it's incredibly buggy and also breaks compatibility with a lot of useful software (Karabiner, TotalSpaces, ...)
Just use El Capitan.
Jaxon Reyes
>Just use El Capitan. But El Capitan lacks a lot of UNIX features that they fixed again in Sierra.
Oliver Lee
Might as well use FreeBSD or GNU+Linux
Anthony Diaz
Works on my Mac
Connor Myers
The newer versions of Mac OS are disasters. Mavericks is the last good one and El Capitan is supposedly decent.
Benjamin Morgan
>But El Capitan lacks a lot of UNIX features that they fixed again in Sierra. Do you want to quantify that?
Brayden Powell
Apple has done this "unsupported" crap forever. It's their way of forcing you to buy new hardware.
Other companies have adopted this practice since, but they brought it into the mainstream almost single-handedly.
Gavin Hughes
>Apple has done this "unsupported" crap forever. It's their way of forcing you to buy new hardware. Are you illiterate? He said the computer was supported.
Samuel Lopez
>mac The IBM-compatible Personal Computer does not have this problem.
David Cooper
On a low tier laptop? an OS that can't even fully utilize it? useless
Parker Morales
El Capitan didn't even get UNIX certification because it lacked so much and so much shit was broken, you can look it up.
Logan Evans
So you're not going to quantify what Unix features are fixed in Sierra, got it.
Joshua Turner
>t. mactoddler
Joseph Thompson
Well, Sierra passed the UNIX certification
Sebastian King
So that's all you're basing it on, you can't actually give a single example of something they fixed to gain this certification?
William Torres
Did read the article, but I don't really care, I'm OP, as I said, I'm not actually into it
Noah Barnes
>allowing you the "privilege" of buying another mac to replace your 6-month old antique mac means it's "supported" Macfags everyone.
Luke Russell
So why say shit you can't back up? Come on.
Chase Bell
So you are illiterate.
Lincoln Bell
So El Capitan is the LESS buggy one? I only ever have used that and FUCK it's buggy. How can people live with this shit? How can people buy that crap? Tell me HOW?
It's good enough for a facebookOS, and that's all macs are used for anyway.
Ryder Johnson
Yes. Sierra is about as buggy as Lion, which is to say very very buggy. The difference is Lion actually had useful new features and attention to detail. Sierra has... what? Literally not a single feature I actually care about yet can't mimic with existing software. I guess if you have an iOS device then unified clipboard is nice. Sierra is a pathetic update from a company that has given up on its desktops and delegated them to pajeets.
Andrew Gray
We should all get DP G5s and run Tiger/Leopard.
Robert Hill
No, I'm fine with Intel. We should all just create patches for 10.9.
Too hard for you to actually come up with support for your claim?
You've been BTFO, anyway.
Jordan Ross
Stick with mountain lion. There's no advantage to any after that whatesoever.
Nolan Cox
>stick with the fucking joke that is applel security that doesnt patch security holes for years and retires OS versions 2 years after they come out and shotguns out new releases every year
Top fucking kek.
Jaxon Harris
There's little reason not to, unless you spend all of your time on unknown networks. Even then you could firewall it.
Kayden Lewis
If you only bothered to even read a little... Man, don't know if trolling or retarded.
Jaxon Jones
Read what?
Certainly you aren't talking about the blog post from TOG that tells that El Capitan has achieved certification.
All Google is even bitching about is SIP, which is apparently not enough to prevent TOG from giving it certification.
Zachary Baker
Was just about to buy a Mac Mini but read it doesn't support 2160p@60Hz Nice try Apple but I see through you.
Logan Roberts
you can turn it off too that's like the first thing I do whenever I reinstall mac os
Bentley Miller
At all or just through HDMI? Because I think the last Mac Mini refresh was prior to HDMI 2.0. Displayport should work just fine.