Who /livin on the edge/ here?
Who /livin on the edge/ here?
Never did a backup.
I only do backups for my laptop whenever I do an update.
So I guess I am.
I've been way too lazy to set up a time machine server, so me.
i do
although that's about to change as i am getting a new ssd for christmas and im going to get an external drive for daily backups
i have never backed up in my life. i mean i do have some important shit thats
My timemachine sparsebundle resides on my Windows Server SMB Share.
It's backing up my MBP whenever I enter my network
How /living on the edge/ am I?
I'll have you know, I've never done one. Plus, I don't have any system restore points.
Furthermore, I don't use antivirus and I've disabled the built in one. And also, my drive has been making a clicking sound for a few months now, but I don't care.
That's how on the edge I am. This, of course, is speaking about Windows.
Whenever I install windows I disable this backup garbage.
Who is retarded enough to store important files on his computer?
My hard drive is 7 years old and I have no backups.
Everything I give 2 shits about is on a flash drive backed up to another flash drive.
You can take my anime seasons and porn siterips its don't matter.
I use an SSD, so I have no need.
How does Time Machine work? Does it take a full snapshot of your file system or does it have some sort of diff algorithm for saving space?
>I use an SSD, so I have no need.
It does an initial backup and then checks to see if files have been modified after that and saves a new copy if they have.
you're insane. it's so damn easy to lose your data these days and it's cheap to back up.
just fucking back it up!
I don't make backups. I store all of my music on an old iPod and I live boot Tails on my main laptop which is also Librebooted. There's no such thing as too careful.
I haven't backed up my computer in 10 years.
I don't even know how to back stuff up tbdesu.
Local and off-site. Twice a day.
Btw timemachine is not good for backups over internet. It pretty slow (eg 2MB/s while rsync can do 11), and it can sometimes corrupt the sparcebundle image.
>It pretty slow (eg 2MB/s while rsync can do 11), and it can sometimes corrupt the sparcebundle image.
Lol it's like that over LAN. Are you doing it over a VPN?
>not having a raspberry pi nextcloud server to sync all your files and perform weekly backups
>This, of course, is speaking about Windows.
You say like that's a bad thing.
On Linux or OSX to a lesser extent, you have to hope to god everytime it updates it doesn't break something crucial to keep things running.
Windows has a great track record of reliability on the desktop, even though it has a lot of annoying bugs once in a while.
>having own dns server
the only guy in this thread who isn't from Sup Forums
I have a full 1TB disk that's due to fail soon, so I'm keeping it unplugged until I get a 2+TB disk some time. Would be cool if I could use the same external enclosure. Has anyone here ever swapped out a disk from a WD MyBook external HDD?
i have tons of pirated media from 10+ years ago on ancient hard drives that won't break
I decided that I don't want it anymore, but I'm not going to delete it.
That being said I am watching Toradora now...
>thinks that shit requires your own DNS server
man ssh_config faggot
kys kid
nobody does that
Everybody who seriously uses ssh does that you retard
>146 days.
fuk off m8.
I never do backups and I turned them off in OSX.
Both (an image if you need to go into recovery and nuke from orbit whatever you did, and then individual files).
Are they XviD?
I got 6TB of stuff never backedup. Fuck me right
>He doesn't do backups every nanosecond
How is it living in 1970?
Backups are for people who think they have shit worth saving.
It really isn't hard to make backups. Just get new bigger hard drives once in a while, and instead of filling them up with new shit like a retard, just duplicate everything, and keep the old ones as a backup. It's that easy.
Don't hoard too fucking much either, and don't mix important things with the rest: your anime collection isn't as important as work documents, so keep them separate.
I have 200GB of truly important stuff, which I keep on a couple SD cards and hard drives, while my hoarding is below 3TB for now, with a 2TB backup from 6 month ago. In 6 months I'll get a 3.5/4TB, keep 3TB as a backup, sell 2TB.
It's easy to backup.
Never had backs ups. I used to burn music and whatever to DVDs then delete them.
> Backing up
> Not just having everything on the cloud from the get go
Get out, backupfags. If someone literally steals my laptop or PC right now, the max data I'll lose is the Adobe and Office products I pirated.
anyone else disable recycle bin?
backups are for pussies
spot the NEET
Probably won't be able to. I've tried to swap drives in name brand external enclosures and they won't accept other drives. It could have just been the one I was using, but it was a WD MyBook so I'm guessing you'll run into the same issue.
You'll just have to get something like the Rosewill Armer RX308.
>implying i have anything worth backing up
backups are a meme
I don't even use that shit:^)
To be honest I never back up anything and just wait for my shit to crash. That's the only time I ever get a restarting point for my digital hoarding. I never delete anything and it becomes a burden... but I can't get myself to clean or organize my shit so it's all scattered everywhere. I know it makes no sense but it's how I've always been.
I started keeping backups around a year ago. Got into nix and started distro hopping so I lived off of an external hdd. Unfortunately I got familiar with the commandline/scripting at the expense of my own data. I swear at least half of the content on that 500GB hdd were duplicate files at one point. lmao
Yep. i have vps with 1tb storage, openvpn and netatalk.
>Contact sync is broken on android
>It can automatically upload only photos
Useless piece of shit. Syncthing is better. %%While it is still way to far from ideal - random freezes on android, no notifications about finished transfers, low disk space or other errors.%%
I only backup nudes i get and my.homeporn :/
You fucking mad man.
Post server guts pl0x
You don't need a dns server to edit /etc/hosts user :^)
but how does it know if files have changed if I used the noatime mount option in fstab to save wear on my ssd
Don't tell me you are using Solus for fuck sake ?
You'd be correct user, it's great
I do illegal things on tor with windows 8. Thats living on the edge.
Nice meme
I copy important files to an 8GB flash drive that sits in my desk drawer every few months.
This guy doesn't even know what a hosts file is