Tfw stare at hacking images on google all day wishing I could hack

>tfw stare at hacking images on google all day wishing I could hack

Other urls found in this thread:

>t. mactoddler

>t. sh*tskin

>OP stares at google images of javascript code and men wearing dark glasses and trench coats hovering over laptops all day


>dark glasses and trenchcoats
We're not living in the 90s anymore

I dislike this meme.

I have never owned an apple product outside of an iPod in my entire life.

Oh my god, you mean, like, IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE?? Oh my my! Such a grown up boy, aren't you?

Yep that's exactly what my mom told me

>Read about hackers who learned to hack by dissecting viruses they download
>Download virus
>Infect own computer
>Can't get rid of virus
>Give up

>you will never be awake at 3 AM trying to fix bugs in your code

>reading and wishing the people you chatted with were funny

Tbf was a solid retort to you saying he's a mactoddler. You just moved goalposts from owning a mac to owning anything apple

>writing fake convos that never happened

Which is dumb because a lot of hackers use a Mac. Geohot is one example of this.

>inb4 not a hacker
Right. And what have you done?

Someone have the .webm of the guy in Comp USA tapping on laptops and scanners "fbi..hacked", that thing?

> 16yo me staying up until 3 a.m. dissecting errors in code
> it's python


>intellectual intelligence

>fucked the living shit out of him

if only he could hack himself a fucking chin

He's like a more brown vin diesel from fast and furious

i died laughing
thanks,i needed it

You needed to die? Sounds horrible


You're just bad. Real Sup Forumsentoomen learn a lot from dissecting viruses.

>modern hacker.jpg

real hackers wear balaclavas

21st century touchscreen hacking

I don't like those, too much honey
Someone got that .webm of DJ Qualls destroying fucking everything before the cops show up with guns? He's taking big magnets and running them across stuff, it's silly

>Not using a virtual machine

some of these filenames are hilarious



>i caught you you rapist
>this chat clearly says TeEeEeN'z OnLy!!!!

That's badarsehole.

put your hands behind your head and follow me sir

Buy a Libreboot laptop or install Libreboot yourself. Start learning why that's important. It's a good first step down the rabbit hole.