[ *** ] A stop job is running for ...
[ *** ] A stop job is running for
>mount network drive
>dismount network drive
>A stop job is running for network drive
>switch network interfaces
>NFS mount is fubar and impossible to mount
I started using sshfs because of that shit.
it would be an all right init system if it didn't try to take over udev, ntp, dhcp, dns, cron, su/sudo, nice, login, bootloader, (r)syslog, (x)inetd, sighup, hostname, fstab, acpid, ...
>uses nfs unironically
Where do you people find so many pictures of cute laughing 2D girls?
("you people" = paedophiles.)
You don't have to mount nfs at boot
Even santa and tooth fairy are pedophiles, get over it
I use OpenRC. All is well.
runit is better.
I wouldn't know, but that's the beauty of Linux.
You are a disgusting human being, I hope you get an abscess on your pancreas.
Does that kill the paedophile?
But why do you think so
Having an army of smug anime girls only enhances your Sup Forums browsing experience
Your base humor offends me.
But Santa really is a pedophile. His legend also promotes pedophilia.
>the tripfag with his google translated Japanese name is posting again
Pls share :3
Hey leave her alone, she's good people
>[OK] Reached target shutdown
>PC stays on
>openvpn process crashes
>OpenRC still thinks it's running
yep, much better
Learn English faggot
>not being AWS Snowmobile-compliant
Enjoy your sub-terabit/second backup speeds
What's this "English faggot" you speak of?
You meant to type "Learn English, faggot."
impartial observer here. Dr KDE Shill is WAY less of a fag than that BE 4WESOM3 faggot with the trip. god damn that guy is such a fag. i cringe every time i have to read his posts
You need to be 18+ to post here.
I no longer care, dear.
You're obviously the former without her homosexual trip, go away. Also, nobody makes you read his posts.
Who the fuck talks like this?
Except that you can't avoid the fag unless you explicitly filter him.
>butthurt illiterate nigger detected
So filter him and go about your day instead of getting mad. Christ.
Can you post under a tripcode too?
Nope, I'm afraid you'll have to just get over your homosexual feelings for me.
So you're forcing me to read your posts, great.
It is, isn't it?
>Tumblr tier """"reaction gif""""
Seriously though, the 18+ thing
Seriously though, what are you doing this weekend?
Not everyone is in the same timezone nerd.
Fuck already faggots
It's Monday or Tuesday everywhere right now. Retard.
I'm trying to set it up but he won't accept his homosexual feelings for me TELL HIM
Oh oops you're right.
so sad :S
this monster is going to kill gnu/linux it will end being a regular normie OS
1 item
2 items
It's like you're not even trying
This guy just looks like a smug cunt
You would too if you'd written the best piece of Linux software in the last decade.
Commit suicide.
>Goes on an anime imageboard to complain about anime
>implying Sup Forums is a board for anime
Linux is not a toy operating system. Red Hat is the 9,000 lb gorilla in the Linux space, doing over a billion dollars a year in revenue. They're the primary reason why Linux skills are in demand, as that stuff trickles down from the enterprise.
I'd like to believe that systemd came out of Red Hat not as a bid to take over Linux (because in effect they already own a significant portion of it anyway, what is there to take over) but instead to solve problems that they were having, and the alternatives not being good enough, or in upstart's case being hobbled by a CLA that left Canonical holding all the marbles.
It is a technology themed anime board. Why would you go on a anime board and pretend it isn't
>implying sage is downvote
After the whole invisible sage thing, does anyone else sage a majority of their posts, or is that just me?
I like openrc because it compiles in seconds.
Did your mother have any children that were not born retarded?
It's sysrq
i absolutely fucking hate that it wouldnt be so bad if the timeout wasnt something around 7 minutes
>Waaaah it offeeeeeeends me
Get the fuck over it you shit for brains and grow a thicker skin.
>Normal colors in thumbnail
>Green when expanded
What the fuck is this wizardry
t. lennart
>what are color profiles
>t. basement dweller NEET
>getting this angry
Calm down lennart, I know you think you're big brother, but you're not quite there yet.