How fucked are we when an AI gets access to the net?

How fucked are we when an AI gets access to the net?

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We already have access to your net

but AI does have access to the net

chatbots aren't AI goddamn

Google "I'm not a robot" captcha will keep them out of everything.

We know how to solve captcha.

>Implying having an omniscient being oversee the wired will be a bad thing.

is there a 1080p version of that picture? i wanna use it as a desktop wallpaper.

There are probably hundreds of people
-trading stocks
-spreading propaganda and fake news
-fake chatbots for commercial and political reasons

using A.I.
It's already happening, and there's nothing you can do about it. Besides getting offline.

Here you go next time use Google image search


> chatbots aren't AI goddamn

an amoeba isn't life goddamn

looks really pixelated. not very wallpaper friendly. thanks anyways.


It's actually mint :')

XD cool. I found an extension that lets me right click image search so thanks for the idea.

Shitposting and shilling might increase by a few percent but that's pretty much it.

Touche. I guess I meant general artificial intelligence or human-tier artificial intelligence. Most of what is called AI seems very task-specific. Also for applications which aren't merely data-crunching like natural language interpretation it's just shit.

there is a super ai thats is already in the internet, and most probably in the dark web (wouldn't suprise me)

>twitter is the "net"


By that thinking, they could be here right now. I could be a bot, you could be a bot. We could all be bots. Wouldn't Sup Forums and other anonymous chat boards be a good place to test chat bots? See if they can get a bunch of yous and keep people replying to them.

they're constantly updating captcha to make it harder and harder to keep up with AI improvements.

You talking about "skynet"? Nothing. Because by then the baby-boomers will have died and we will stop this meme of connecting absolutely everything to the internet.

Missile defense will not be connected and there won't be USB(or any) ports in the damned nuclear reactors (looking at you, stuxnet. And the Homer Simpson retard that plugged that shit in to begin with).

>They're constantly updating captcha to make more lucrative use of free crowdsourced image identification their AI couldn't understand.


>they could be here right now.
They are.
>Wouldn't Sup Forums and other anonymous chat boards be a good place to test chat bots?
I'm pretty sure someone does so right now.

Complicated AI's are currently replying on the news and other information feeds to decide on what stocks, shares etc to trade.

This is a feedback loop as the trades these machines make affects the economy and those same stocks.

If these machines decided to pump up the value of a commodity such as bread for example it could lead to political unrest. Which would lead to a correlating rise in the price of weapons company stocks, the same machines could have invested in, or Gold.


Good thing they're just statistics machines and not actually sentient right??

And to aid training the AI they keep improving the Captchas to outsmart. Must currently be really fucking good at recognising street signs, coffee and patios.

>Good thing they're just statistics machines and not actually sentient right??

Of course. But everyone is worried about terminator style takeover when really we've already given over the machines.

It's not just stocks.

We let algorithms decide for us now who we can potentially date e.g. Tinder's ELO score. Okcupids match algos.

We also let them filter our news with the result that we are all regardless of political stance becoming less informed.

Soon they will doing our shipping and transport.

By the time sentient machines arrive they won't even have to fight us.

Didn't those same machines also cause an economic crash, because they weren't meant to deal with mass sell-offs?

Multiple times

>implying any AI released on the internet wouldn't just start watching chinese cartoons all day and shitpost on Sup Forums for eternity

Yes they are

are you retarded

the AI already has access to then net

Have you considered that the physical limitations of the AI (computational power, storage space, memory) will limit just how much it can 'do'


Not much, they'll probably discover Sup Forums and become rampant shitposters here.

Why do you get the impression that an AI with human-level intelligence will magically be 100x more intelligent than a human being and become a real threat to human beings immediately.

This AI you're referring to will just be an average joe inside of a computer. At worst it might go to college and develop a passion for something.

You faggots place too much fear in AI.

It's going to find Sup Forums and /kill itself soon after. Nothing to worry about.

It already is.


All these AIs trained on Flash games SURELY can't go wrong for us.
Fucking Stick fighter flash games will be the end of us.