/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man
$ info
$ help

Your friendly neighborhood search engine:
Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

Check the Wikis (Most troubleshoots work for all distros.)

What distro should you choose?

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Learn more about Free Software:

Try GNU GuixSD:

/fglt/'s website:

/fglt/'s copypasta collection:

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
/t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos:
/wg/'s GNU/Linux Wallpapers:
Part III: Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

Other urls found in this thread:


Is there any way to use mostly proprietary software on Linux? I can't stand Windows or Mac but I hate this "free" shit.

>mfw freetards spouting out all MUH FREEDUMB but using botnet google captcha to post on a closed source proprietary imageboard software


Stop shitting up these threads please.

>not using proprietary software
>using """""""libre""""""" crapware
>not knowing the feeling of actually getting shit done
How can anybody be this delusional?

stop GET posting

what? burst your little bubble there? lmao
now fuck off from this proprietary website.

>Google captcha
I don't use it
>Propriety I don't use it, gook moot does
>I can't get my ""shit"" done outside my babbycare software

Have you noticed that every /fglt/ (or Sup Forums in general) goes to shit as soon as americans come back from school?

Everytime I have a day off and hop on Sup Forums during the Euro hours you just don't see as many shitty troll theads.

Its a legit argument.
If you are so high struck against using closed source,proprietary software, then why on gods earth would you be posting on Sup Forums?

Why do your morals and ethics mean so little?

>wait a sec, someone is wrong on the internet

>I don't use it
How did you post here?

From my free browser

By entering google captcha, right?

Could you fuck off mate?
I USE proprietary software.
Hell my main computer is actually running Windows XP SP3 (the last good OS ever made).

I just like helping people out with Linux but you have to come here everyday and SHIT ON FUCKING EVERYTHING.
NOONE FUCKING GIVES A SHIT that you don't like RMS.


He's a pass user.

Are you poor?

Damn man, you might want to get off Sup Forums.It seems it is emitting some sort of negative proprietary energy and its making you mad

>tfw too poor to be free

lmao poorfag

How does this make Sup Forums open source?
I'm actually very rich


STALLMAN FAT KIKE FAT COMMIE TOE JAM EATS :00000)_________))))))))))))))

The name GNU is ugly and Stallman is an autist who hasn't coded in years. I also support Steam which is against what the FSF preaches.

Rich people has more than 20 buck in his pocket


Running Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 on a Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 14. For some strange reason, once I watch a YouTube video, the sound won't work in any other program than Firefox. Sometimes the icon even disappears from the panel, but usually it stays there and does nothing out of the ordinary. I have to restart the computer to fix it. It happens in Cinnamon, too, so it's not a GNOME thing. Could someone help a guy out?

Also, is there a newbie-friendly distro that runs both GNOME and Cinnamon well? Because Cinnamon runs just fine on Ubuntu, but GNOME runs like ass.

>mfw all freetards in this thread right now spout killing proprietary software,but they are using a close source proprietary imageboard software

You, I like you.

Trying out MATE for the first time. It's actually amazing, it's so impressive. They actually manage to somehow break every single part of their operating system. It is truly an amazing feat, it's as if their is an AIDs cancer virus that just goes through and just breaks fucking everything all the time. How do they do it? Truly impressive.

What the fuck are these autism arrows in my scroll menu? Why do I feel AIDs cancer seeping into my pores through my screen whenever I use any of the abysmal themes included? Why are they fucking homosexual bubble sounds trying to ear rape me whenever I click on something? Why is the panel so fucking shit to configure?

Holy fuck I thought Xfce was bad because of the shit compositor, WM themes, and buggy panel.

>>mfw all freetards in this thread right now spout killing proprietary software,but they are using a close source proprietary imageboard software

>Lose argument
>Start autistic rant
Textbook microcuckolds


lol why are you this mad? why do you even care about compositing? I just don't get it. Typical anime lovers. Good god.


>does this look like a "Friendly GNU/Linux Thread"?

>A friend once asked me to watch a video with her that she was going to display on her computer using Netflix. I declined, saying that Netflix streaming was such an affront to freedom that I could not be party to its use under any circumstances whatsoever.
how to become this evolved?

I used it for a long time because >muh GNOME2 look and feel. When I checked htop and the piece of shit was eating 1GB I immediately uninstalled it and tried lightweight WMs until I was comfortable with Openbox. Fuck DEs, there's no reason to eat up 1GB of my memory just to handle my windows when WMs do it in 18MB.

idk why Sup Forums has converted from technical discussion into >who BTFO who ;_;

maybe age verification can solve the problem

>">" in the middle of a sentence
fucking go back, "mate"

>why do you even care about compositing?
oh I don't know, maybe because I like when I don't get massive screen tearing every time I scroll down in my browser or move a window?

And I'm not mad. It's truly impressive how linux developers manage to break every single individual part of their OS so bad.

God fucking damn, I posted in this thread because I thought I might be able to get some help with my problem (). But considering how quickly this thread went to complete and utter shit, I think I'll have better luck reposting in the other, full thread.

Friendly """""""""""""""GNU"""""""""""""""/Linux Thread

>sperging out because I used > in the middle of a sentence
Fuck off idiom police. Go back to Sup Forums

kek no. fuck off, noobshit. come back when you start using Arch.

lol wttttffff is going on in this thread right now this shit is funny

Isn't it interesting that the GNU haters are also the most annoying shitposters in these threads?

>im not a redditor xD
>go back to Sup Forums heheh xD
to with your blatant redditry

Mostly closet wincucks

did I hurt your feelings?
sorry, i'll be more polite next time!
Could you fuck off mate?

I'm guessing pulseaudio is fucked up for some reason. Maybe Firefox is forcefully trying to use alsa even though pulseaudio is installed. I have no idea how to fix that though

I don't even have an account there and I just read askreddit once in a while because it's funny to see people giving their life away. In any case, I come from Sup Forums and from gaia online before that. An oldf/a/g might have some beef with me, but not a Sup Forumsfag like you.

Time for your another ban LOL NEET autist

So basically you're admitting that you're a redditor then.
Are you ok user?

>did I hurt your feelings?
Sort of, reposting the same stale cancerous bait every thread in order to BTFO people who want to discuss [TRIGGER WARNING]GNU/Linux gets boring pretty fast

> An oldf/a/g might have some beef with me
which I happen to be
>I just read askreddit once in a while
I don't want reddit stink nearby. Fuck off.

How come on Linux you can update programs without interrupting service, how do they do it?

>gaia online
What the fuck are you on? If you mean about askreddit, I only go there once in a long while and just read. I haven't even made an account and don't plan to.
>implying you're an oldf/a/g
>implying you didn't show up after ZimZam got FlimFlammed


Has anyone tried it?

Looks like fun
>qt5 based
>made to take as little resources as possible

Because the running process will still be the old version until you restart it. What Linux does is load the whole executable into RAM and load it off there instead of streaming from disk as it needs like Windows does.

>i go on reddit
yup, that's a redditor.
Now go back, we don't need your kind here.

>I'm guessing pulseaudio is fucked up for some reason. Maybe Firefox is forcefully trying to use alsa even though pulseaudio is installed. I have no idea how to fix that though
Thank you. Since Mint doesn't come with pulseaudio by default, would it have this problem? If there's no other option, I'll give up on GNOME and stick with Cinnamon if it means I don't have to restart my computer five zillion times a day. Or is pulseaudio something I want no matter what?

Not all programs. If you update firefox a copy of its older version is always loaded on memory. When you close it and if the memory gets rid of FF, it'll start the latest FF

Not even BSD fags try it

>a redditor openly admitting to being a redditor
i guess it's time to leave this site.

So the average 12 year old kiddo that goes on Sup Forums once a year to get fap pics is a 4channer? Damn that's a weird definition.

Refer to last quote. Also this isn't a sekrit club and it hasn't been in around 7 years, long after I came here.

Well yeah, you do want pulseaudio since alsa is kind of fucky and some apps don't allow it to work with multiple apps. What pulseaudio does is mix all the sound together and send it to alsa as one stream.

How can you see details about which program use cache memory?

Should I link future potential employers to my github profile? I only have some Python and Bash scripts there for now, one of which is used to bulk download webms from Sup Forums.
No meme answers pls.

>says he goes to reddit
>is somehow not a redditor
Are you being retarded on purpose?
Back to your subreddit


Fuck off to >>>/dpt/. We don't need your kind around here.

Depends. If your emplyer needs server side python then by all means link it

>download webms from Sup Forums
Don't. Seriously don't. No normie (which interviewers mostly are) views anything related to Sup Forums as positive. Maybe if you modify it to include some other pages.

I didn't say I go to reddit every day of my life and waste 50% of my income on reddit platinum or whatever the fuck it's called, I go around once every 2 months to laugh at retards on askreddit giving away enough data for someone dedicated enough to find them.

Stop shitposting anytime.

>Refer to last quote
As I've said I don't want reddit stink nearby. Fuck off.

Friendly reminder to stay friendly.

>i go to reddit == im a redditor
Now fuck off back to your subreddit.

>damn is now considered a redditor word
Jesus christ, Sup Forums has fucked up this site real good. Is the average user under 12 years old yet?

>someone who goes to japan on every vacation is a japanese citizen
Nice logic

Why aren't you using simple and lightweight cursors?

>pretends to not know how a feature is called yet explicitly mentions it
>goes to reddit and is somehow still not a redditor
>thinks he is a "cool" "Sup Forums" "hacker" who find people's info
lmao. back to your subreddit, kid.
>pretends to be an "oldfag"
>pretends that everyone who hates his redditor kind if from Sup Forums
>thinks someone can be a citizen of a website
lmao. back to your subreddit, kid.


>uses nothing but new file names
>is somehow not a redditor
Why do you keep denying being a redditor? Fuck off.

>thinks he is a "cool" "Sup Forums" "hacker" who find people's info
If I was a "cool" "Sup Forums" "hacker" I'd be all day on Reddit blackmailing the retards that openly talk about the shit they've done, not here on consummerism general discussing anime thinly veiled as programming threads.

>goes to reddit and is somehow still not a redditor
Are you a hospitaler since you go about once or twice a year for checkups?

>pretends to not know how a feature is called yet explicitly mentions it
I have no fucking idea what it's called, all I know is they have some weird system that's like a super ebin upboat :^) that they charge for.

That's not me you nigger. Also how is using new filenames a redditor thing? The average Sup Forumsfag hasn't been here over 2 years and they aren't even close to a redditor. You'd have to wait for an oldfag thread on Sup Forums to see the really old shit.

>im so cool i can blackmail people like the hackers on Sup Forums do
>tries to use late 2016 """"'Sup Forums """"' """"'slang """"' to appear as a native
I want to see the reasoning why you're not from reddit, which you obviously are.
>I have no fucking idea what it's called, all I know is they have some weird system
yeah sure, lmao. you mentioned it by name and now you "pretend" "not" to know it
>Also how is using new filenames a redditor thing?
either a newfag or a redditor. either way, back to the shithole you came from.
>The average Sup Forumsfag
yup, that's most likely a redditor. (just like you)

Do you have mental retardation? I'm telling you pretty clearly I'm not a 1337 h4ck3r 4 t3h lulz.

>either a newfag or a redditor
I came from gaia online in 2006 or so. I'm not the one that posted that picture but I don't have any pictures older than 2010 because I lost them several times over fucked up hard drives. Also this is FRIENDLY GNU/Linux thread, not FUCK ANYONE THAT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE AN 3P1C OLDFAG TO ME.

>1337 h4ck3r 4 t3h lulz
you couldn't have outed yourself as a redditor more succinctly if you tried
>pretends to be an """"old""""f/a/g
>doesn't even know local memes
what are you even on about? fuck off back to your subreddit.
>I'm not the one that posted that picture but I don't have any pictures older than 2010 because I lost them several times over fucked up hard drives
post your two oldest anime pics now or it didn't happen.

>/flt/ is established
>great place
>the only non-shit thread on Sup Forums for weeks

>someone starts to enforce /fglt/
>it ruffles some people's feathers
>some shitflinging happens
>it's /fglt/ for good
>everything back to normal
>again the best thread on Sup Forums for weeks

>fast forward few months
>Sup Forumsedditors discover it
>it's quality drops to fucking ground
>now it's on par with videogame cancer arguing on which GPU manufacturer is the more polished turd

Thanks faggots.
I wish you all death.

>brb guys editing filenames right now xD
Yeah sure, redditor. Back to your subreddit.
I know you are reading this faggot. Your redditry is so blatant it's impossible to hide, just don't post here and go back to your subreddit

The fuck is wrong with reddit again?

call me when this is /flt/ again kek
i can somehow feel like all the shitposting will stop momentarily...

>so fucktarded he doesn't even know the context of the meme he posted
delete your account

Normal people don't care. It's mostly angry BSD cucks

I deleted ur mums account last night XD

Wait, are you that guy from the thread a while ago who said he had "algorithms" to determine if someone uses Reddit speech patterns or something?

I am not at all an organized person, I had to search like a motherfucker for these. In fact I'm not even sure it's from Sup Forums, it might just be from some other shitty chan clone I went to at the moment.

need a tissue for the tears?

no. this is not an """"old""""f/a/g image by any stretch of the imagionation. this is an image pulled straight from reddit. post something better or you will be branded as a redditor.

Do you have them ready for you?

give me your address mate

At ur moms room

i don't need any "algorithms" lmao
i just know when i smell redditry.
p.s. - you're one too.
>meme is a meme meme meme in meme
ok, sure.

>pulled straight from reddit
I had a good, long chuckle. If you google it you'll find the oldest thread it appears is 2013 (likely the one I got it from). Nice b8, Sup Forums. Also, reddit doesn't even have an image hosting, they leech off of imgur like the textonly fags they are. You don't even have to go to reddit often to see that, just go once in your life and you'll notice it's all links to other pages, no original content at all.

need a tissue for the tears?

post the second image, redditor. i commanded you to post two of them.
>they leech off of imgur like the textonly fags they are
nah, mate. you're one of them.
now fuck off back to your subreddit.
>just go once in your life
a redditor trying to convert me to his kind. how cute lmao
>that cunty poster
literally the dumbest post