>Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the shittiest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
Remember the following: >Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
holy kek, does he not realize he's talking to a mod?
Dylan Phillips
>tfw the cabal comes for you to get you permabanned but you get into every site again
Michael Reyes
He does, it's just fun to call out mods who break the rules of the place they should be moderating.
Jeremiah Rodriguez
jesus christ what a shitty OP
Jason Carter
>MARK SNATCHED SCRIPT But this can be enabled as an option on your profile settings
Dominic Baker
Ptp and hdb and AHD are fucking garbage
Luke Lopez
Are you me?
Charles Long
yeah, EZTV is the best.
Caleb Torres
You better say that in my face. One day I will ban all of you pesky 4channers.
Noah Rodriguez
>If it weren't for that meddling 312c I would still have my PTP account
Carson Scott
312c is secretly plotting to get a Sup Forums mod position so he can see our IPs. He's going full Alucardo on us.
Wyatt Collins
Unfortunately the moderator api for fourchan only shows a partial IP
Daniel Young
stop posting this hook shit
hook shit o o k s h i t
Austin Murphy
could say the same to you faggot
Carson Taylor
n i g g e r s h i t i g g e r
s h i t
Isaac Perez
>tfw to intelligent to join apollo
Josiah Martinez
Public service announcement
Samuel Torres
I will not stop hunting the scum. Nice conspiracy theory, 4chinner.
Anthony Butler
why convert from mp3 to flac
Camden Davis
312c is the everything thats wrong with public trackers
Camden Hall
These brain wojis are getting too good.
Aiden Scott
To troll Apollo because these marked mother fuckers have nothing to do
Caleb Campbell
>want to download trap cam rips >only upstore or similar premium links >can't find all those vids on porn trackers either
Juan Wood
Agreed, 312c keeps the scum of public trackers out of our safe spaces.
Robert Powell
Jack Garcia
Why is that giant leech sucking on poor Wojak's head?
Asher Allen
Make a request then, poorfag
Andrew Gray
it's his brain exceeding the capacity of his skull
Aiden Long
Jesus Apooloo staff are worse than I thought.
Evan Gray
i call bullshit.
Michael Williams
But what's that band around his head
Christian Green
this is common knowledge senpai
Jacob Young
>tfw too intelligent to care about 312c
Adrian Peterson
killing myself tonight, see ya on the other side faggots. i hope pth wins lol
Eli Gonzalez
based 312c
Jace Collins
would rather now request trap porn. For autism-shy issues.
Jaxson Torres
presumably something he custom designed for aesthetics
Jason Reed
goodbye friend
Aaron Watson
see you in another life brotha
Eli Rivera
William Hill
>would rather now request trap porn then do it now, faggot
Austin Howard
Have a good one friend, I'll upload more FLACs to continue BTFOing Apooloo for you.
Noah Scott
from chaturbate?
just bite the bullet and pay the $20 but download nonstop to max out the account
well worth it
Henry Gray
don't do it, you'll find another gf someday... maybe
Easton Morris
any tracker that doesn't let me delete a torrent from my client the nanosecond it finishes is garbage
Colton Ortiz
And ill be doing the same with yt ripping FLACS to cuck apooloo even more.
Zachary Fisher
you fucking cuck
what a faggot
Nolan Walker
So the source was your ass?
Thought so.
Oliver Howard
I dare you. Call me cuck one more and you'll never use anything else then IPT for the rest of your life.
Juan Wood
Has anyone gotten their MTV invites yet? It's been over a day for me now.
Luis Young
lazy motherfucker Sup Forums.org/faq#postanon note: Administrators have access, not lowly Moderators
Colton Martinez
I think I will ask them tomorrow again. They said 3h max but it's like over a day now.
Jeremiah Kelly
honestly this is boring
Brandon Gutierrez
>from chaturbate? yes >just bite the bullet and pay the $20 I know that it's probably the only solution, but supporting cunts that force people to buy their expensive premium is strange. I mean it's a shitty service (you can only download what... 10GB or 20GB a day) and it costs 2x or 3x other DDL sites.
John King
>forgetting to take off your trip after you're done shitposting How to spot the redditor.
Logan Jones
holy shit
god forbid you pay the naked trap you're jerking off to a fucking pittance
you FREE EVERYTHING ALWAYS faggots really do fuck it up for the rest of us sometimes
Brody Baker
>0% to 99% >Greater than 1MByte/s download
>99% to 99.99% >5KBytes/s download
explain this
Luis Wright
that's why i got bored calling him a cuck
Alexander Barnes
>implying 312c actually posts here >implying he cares about this place other than running his little cuck script
Hunter Walker
if you could give us some kind of clue
if only there was more information
perhaps some...
some "CONTEXT"
Jayden Allen
the man has a high enough opinion of himself that it seems like he'd be here
Anthony Lewis
if you honestly think the naked trap I'm jerking off to is going to get a dime out of my upstore premium purchase you're very wrong. I would only be giving money to upstore and to the other jew that is ripping the stream. No money to the boipucci girl
Eli Kelly
leave 312 alone
Christopher White
holy fucking hell just kill yourself already
Jack Parker
>not knowing 312c posts here every now and then with his little keybase pgp thing >not knowing 312c participates here anonymously as well (see pic) >not knowing 312c is /ourguy/
Connor Campbell
Who cares, goyim? Just pay and fap.
Leo Richardson
Yeah I saw that and even validated his key. But even he can't be autistic enough to lurk here 24/7 cause /ptg/ says mean things about him.
Carson Hernandez
I'm pretty sure 312c secretly loves it here but he has to maintain an image of being tough on crime.
Ayden Wright
>omg poorfag why don't you want to give money to the cyberhooker?!? >the cyberhooker is not going to get paid anyway >holy fucking hell just kill yourself already
Daniel Price
What's the point of uploading MP3 when 100% FLAC exists? It would accelerate my path to Torrent Master if I uploaded MP3s along with my FLACs but I don't see the point.
Aaron Hill
Don't underestimate the autism of private tracker staff.
Brandon Scott
>It would accelerate my path to Torrent Master if I uploaded MP3s that's the point
Thomas Watson
Pretty sure he's laughing his ass off cuz da /marked/ meme
Tyler Perry
no, honey
you see, your faggot nudeboy there is on that service. they chose to be on that service. who the fuck are you to say that the service _they_ choose to be a faggot on isn't good enough for Mr Precious You to give money toward?
the fucking leaps and bounds you people go to around here to avoid feeling morally reprehensible for *never* paying for a fucking thing astound me
i'm a pirate but for fucks sake pay for something you enjoy, especially if it's something small like this
you fucking faggot
Luis Nelson
Noy yet :(
Robert Campbell
312c runs a script that monitors Sup Forums for mentions of his name
If that is the only reason, it is a waste of time and bandwidth. Kind of like seeding torrents that you never listen to just to gain ratio.
John Cook
literally this. you have something new? great. here's credit for 1 perfect and 4 total uploads
Eli Kelly
We basically do his job for him.
Owen Brooks
private trackers in general are a waste of bandwidth niga
Julian Jones
we /312c/ now
Cameron Harris
I'll just stick with FLAC only. Not having MP3 keeps my torrent client cleaner, saves space on the seed box, and saves me time.
Screw ratio or ascending the user classes faster. My buffer is enough to download what I actually want.
I don't download freeleech torrents that I don't care about either.
Jordan Ortiz
You don't want to be TM, you want to be elite TM
David Long
In case you didn't know even after freeleech you get 1 fl token for every 5 perfect flac and 1 invite for every 20 flacs.
Your uploads are checked daily.
Robert Harris
potential: seed the flacs at home and the mp3s on your seedbox you can cover more material this way potentially yielding more upload credit
Caleb Carter
I think the point is that the fagboi doesnt get paid, regardless of whether user does or doesn't pay the service for it. Ultimately, user values the work of the fagboi but not the work of hosting the faggot content.
It's pretty simple.
Jaxon Wilson
Fair point. ETM requires 500 FLAC uploads
Blake Stewart
I think 312c actually marked me
Jose Lopez
Does KG prune for inactivity?
Chase Sanders
I've not logged in for like 6 months before and still have my account
Xavier Allen
It's not a meme, user.
John Ward
Were you seeding some of their torrents tho?
Justin Jenkins
>mtv still hasn't sent out the invites
Cooper Gray
>google my tracker username >only results are license plate sites
feels good man
James Sanchez
Aren't BRrips not allowed on AHD? Why do people recommend uploading content from different trackers? Isn't that BRrip?