Good evening, everyone, how are you doing?

Good evening, everyone, how are you doing?

I'm sorry if this comes as a dumbquestion, but that is because i dont know much about hardwares.

I'm going to buy a new notebook, and i'm left wondering: how much of a difference is there between a

6th gen Intel® Core™ i5-6300HQ (Quad Core, 2.50 GHz expansible up to 3.2 GHz, Cache 6M)
And an

6th gen Intel Core i5-6300HQ (3M Cache,2.3GHz up to 3.2 GHz with Max Turbo)

This is all the information the stores offer me, and the rest of the machine setup will be the same. The second optionis way cheaper, and so i'm wondering how much am i to lose if i get it rather than the first one.


So, i checked with a friend of mine, and he told me that, since they are both the same model (6300HQ), one of the websites had their description wrong, and the real one should be the one described in the intel website. I went over there and, in fact, it confirmed the first option.
Do you guys agree with that?

They're the same shit.

yeah agreed


Nah, it's a laptop, so one of them is thermal throttled

Fuck off kiddo.

that i5 is actually quadcore so even if it does throttle its still better than the i5 6300U

Hmmm both of them are for laptops

How come?

>implying his post was in any way incorrect

the model is the same so performance will be identical as long as thermals hold up.
HQ is the high powered laptop variant
U is the standard laptop variant
Y is low power variant
HK is the unicorn rare overclockable laptop CPU

might as well go through the whole intel letter power tree:

OP, do you have desktop computer? If so, I'd go for the 6300U, because it means you are actually getting a portable device that won't be noticeably slower anywhere.

I dont, i actually want to buy a laptop, i kind of move around too much to be able to have a desktop. So, with that in mind, you think both cpu are relly the same? Because the second option is considerably cheaper

No they are not the same, look up benchmarks.

The HQ is considerably faster in things like games and movie editing. That being said, you should do neither on laptop when you can avoid it.

For everything else the 6300U will be just as fast wile using just 30% of the power the HQ is using.

I know that since you're on here you have some form of autism but just mail the shop because I suspect there's something wrong with the description.

I have the 6200u. It's good CPU for everything other than gaming, video editing and the like.

Yeah, sorry, i actually meant the two ones in the original post... I dont even have the option to choose the 6300U

Yeah, will do that. But unfortunately i have no hope towards that since here in my country (i wont even bother saying where i live haha) everything is a joke and the shop probably wont even know what i'm talking about

Pretty much the same goes with the two in OP though. Only that you won't get the 30 TDP less on the i5 as you would with the U.

If you don't game or video edit, just get the i5.

just now read that they are both called i5 in OP. I think it's supposed to be i7 6300HQ and i5 6300HQ.

But still... just get the cheaper one if you don't game or video edit.

You stupid fuck, there is no such thing as i5 and i7 variants of the same ID, this 6300 only exists as an i5.
Someone ban this retard.

The retards fucked up the specs, they're either identical, or they are different models (they're not both 6300HQ)

Thats the catch! They both really are i5, the first option is from the Dell website, the second one is from a retailer. The one with i7 is way more expensive, in both websites...

I am going to use it for gaming, tho. the laptop is built for gaming, its and inspiron 15 gaming. As far as i did my research, its a pretty good and accessible laptop for gaming

if you want to game, you might want to look into 1060 laptops. For example the Asus Strix is reasonably priced and has gsync and all the good stuff.

A 960m is hardly made for gaming and with the performance of Pascal you are throwing money out of the window. Even a 1050Ti will be most likely be at least twice (!) as fast a 960m.

Holy fuck, why are you so butthurt you little cunt. I don't follow mobile CPUs continuously and read the same mistake with the i7 and i5 6300hq elsewhere as well. And while I actually was confused by Intel braking their naming scheme, I really didn't give a fuck and took it for fact.
I even think it was also on the Dell page when I looked into getting the XPS 15, but honestly I have no idea, nor do I care.

My basic point still is true that a basic laptop performance i5 would be plenty for everything but really demanding tasks, so fuck you.