Write shit on my Raspberry Pi

ddosers will have bad luck in 2017 and die in their sleep

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>someone's just spamming ahueuhueuhuehuheuhue over and over again.


Post result OP


>no playable source
fix it user pls

get a non-meme browser

>calling firefox a meme
psh... nothing personal kid

works on my machine(tm)

try VLC or something

just opened chrome and its working now, thanks

not sure what to tell you

is there any way for you to extend the "display" by adding more LED's?

sure, just need another display. have just 1 though

nvm it's working in VLC now
(Deleted post because I accidentally quoted but you replied anyway)

How is this set up user? What's that red board?

the red board is just an extender so i dont have to connect cables directly to the raspberry pi.

im running a web server on the raspberry pi accepting requests to print text on the display.

you never access the pi directly, it all goes through the main web server that is also hosting the stream.

Oh, the pi has enough outputs to do all this stuff directly?

I wish I wasn't stuck behind a uni firewall so I could host cool stuff like this. Maybe someday.

Here's a picture of the setup.

Thanks user.

I saw a flash on the stream, I assume that was you taking the picture haha

>not ignoring "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" and other obvious spam strings

OP are you even allowed outside without a helmet?

the pi does not have enough pins to hook up 2 of these directly. you'd have to some some chips to come around that.

i limit messages to 32 characters and remove repeated spaces :^)

Also, where's a good place to start learning about electronics like this? You can get super cheap chinese arduino kits online with a bunch of components but I'm not sure I'd know what to do with everything if I got one.

I got this: ebay.com/itm/321804943935
It came with a PDF guide that I learned the basics from.

Your pi is in a DMZ or not ? why not port fowording ? there a 7 open ports, thats embarrassing

The site is hosted on a throwaway digitial ocean vps.
The site's backend communicates with my pi at home.

my bad

>You're temporarily rate limited. Try again in a few seconds.



>no playable sources found

autist detected

>tfw your raspberry pi tells you to kill yourself

feels bad man

do a thumbs up in front of the cam

just for you

Sause or github OP?
pretty cool desu keep it up senpai

wooo thanks ;))

it's spaghetti code in like 3 different places to make this work.
if i decide to redo this i can make it cleaner and release the code :)

post it i wont bite :^)

what is it written in?

You need a better spam filter and a character limit.

A text editor

ill post it one sec


There is a character limit, dick lips.


A shorter one, anus reaver

Okay, why didn't you save that then, scrotum sniffer.

This is a Python script that scrolls a piece of text on the display.

This is a simple web API, allowing remote requests for text to be displayed, also running on the Raspberry Pi at home. It has some simple rate limiting.

This is the final part, the website hosted on the VPS. This code calls my Raspberry Pi with text to be displayed.

I'm streaming using OBS to an nginx server, displaying it using JWPlayer on the site.

whats happening

not much, whats happening with u

Thanks OP

oh sorry i thought it broke for a moment ;)
and nm, setting up quake 4 on my linux machine

>This is a Python script that scrolls a piece of text on the display.
#!/usr/bin/env python

import urllib.request
import os
import time

text = open("text",'r').read()

def wait():
return false

for i in range(int(len(text)/32)):
while True:
request = urllib.request.Request(url, data.encode("utf-8"))
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
rRes = response.read().decode("utf-8")
print (rRes)
if (rRes.find('limited')==-1):

gn user thanks for the fun


IT'S OVER! The memes got stale and I want some sleep.


It's only 10 PM, you nutsack nibbler.

why not leave it on for the night?

So it can spend all night telling him to kill himself?

you realize it wont matter because its letters.. it doesnt yelll out "kill yourself faggot cia nigger" while hes trying to sleep

Fucking hell, I almost passed out from laughing at the thought of that.

The point was that it would be a waste of electricity and bandwidth to leave it on without better filters, you mong.


o ok