Nintendo Switch Using "Near Stock" Tegra X1

The use of Maxwell is no surprise, but shockingly these reports are indicating (without stating conclusively) that the Nintendo Switch's SoC is likely being manufactured at 20nm. This is surely the last pre-FinFET design to come from a major hardware vendor. To compensate for its poor power/performance ratio, the GPU is supposedly clocked at an underwhelming 307MHz in mobile mode.

Nintendo is already walking a very narrow thread of power/performance to get console-like graphics in a portable device. Not using FinFET is a very bad sign.

What are your thoughts on these rumors, Sup Forums?

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Why is anybody surprised? Nintendo hardware is always shit. The people who obsess over their games will buy it and everybody else won't, just like always.

fucking nintendo, I just wanted a new Shield tablet. Now not only there's no new tablet but they are releasing it with shit tier support and it will only play retarded mario games for numales

I already knew it was going to be using the older Tegra because there's not enough time to develop hardware with the new shit. Also predicted it would be slow, hot and crappy and a bad fit for what they're trying to do.

This isn't news. It's a modified X1.

It will still sell like hotcakes because it's not the WiiU and it has a cool name and offers what no other tablet or phone offers, exclusive AAA games on the go.

I can't remember there being a time when nintendo ever released hardware with better specs than its competitors.

So why are you making such a big deal out of this?

>nintendo hardware

no, its actually nvidia hardware

yeah but this is like multiple times worse than the competition.

and the Wii U was AMD hardware, and Wii ATI hardware, etc.

Snes better specs than genesis
N64 better specs than PS1
Gamecube betters specs than PS2


Fuck that sucks.
My biggest concern is the OS. is it just going to be a big shitty Android tablet or is it going to be like good and android free

>>no, its actually nvidia hardware
You know damn well that he meant Nintendos decision in hardware. If they wanted to they could have worked with nvidia or any other graphics hardware vendor to make something unique and impressive.


you have to be 18 to enter this website

Probably some sort of Linux like the NES Classic, I assume. If they release games as Android apps, piracy will be massive.

But this is just my assumption. They could theoretically also have some proprietary cartridges like the PSVITA.

>N64 was 25 years ago

the NGC was 15 years ago, so EVEN A 15 YEAR OLD today saw a nintendo console not being the weaker console.

Nintendo make profits on selling consoles

Sony and Microsoft sell them near cost price

>Snes better specs than genesis


> N64 better specs than PS1


>Gamecube betters specs than PS2

That one's true, and widely acknowledged as "the exception to Nintendo's rule".

the n64 was indeed much powerful than the PS1, just compare the graphics ffs

>Snes better specs than genesis
I'd agree with that. More onscreen colors made a pretty big difference to how good SNES games looked. Also the SNES sounded better.

>N64 better specs than PS1
The 3D was better on the N64. PS1 3D was really pretty bad. Limiting the N64 to cartridges hurt it, though.

in before the launch models catch fire somehow


>no short hair qt indie gf

Poor dreamcast didnt deserve last place.

>Gamecube betters specs than PS2
I vaguely remember GC being lauded as having better colors than PS2 but as for better specs? I'd have to go check, and this never seemed to translate in reality. GC did have some nice looking games but nothing that could compare to late generation PS2 games (GoW 2, SotC).


>20nm chip
Why didn't Nvidia or TSMC stop them?

>talking shit about essentially an SGI Indy workstation in a Nintendo box
Nigga fuck outta here.

Who fucking cares.

>Nintendo hardware is always shit.
Except the n64 and gamecube

NES was easily destroyed by the SMS and 7800
Same with the SNES and Genesis

it's too fucking big, average people won't bother when they have phones, this is for kids to play in the car

Nintendo fans are destined to receive second-tier performance, but this is surprising from a technical perspective. FinFET was deployed by Intel back in 2011(!) and TSMC already had FF in 2014. This is pretty obtuse of N+n.

it's like we are still in the ps2 era

This is what I want to know. I can see Nintendo being this stupid, but nVidia? I thought they were closely involved with this project.

Realistically though, how much is this going to impact performance if it's already running at sub 1080?

lmao nvidia HATES console makers
why do you think ms and sony went amd after ps3/og xbox?

well here's how the tegra k1 ran half-life 2, and the tegra X1 wasn't even 2x as fast as the K1 when running at 1GHz

so yeah it's not gonna run multiplatform games great, don't expect RDR2 on the Switch

>That one's true, and widely acknowledged as "the exception to Nintendo's rule".

>1.5 GB disc capacity to 3.7 GB DVD

you lose

you forgot dual layer dvd giving like 7+GB
but gc discs had wicked fast seek times







They already perfected the glassless 3D on the New3DS. No reason for them to completely ignore that tech now.

I've noticed it does seem like they're release cycle of consoles has gotten a lot faster. That is the beauty of a proprietary blackbox that costs a few hundred and will be depreciated in a year or two.

Well, the alternative would be a PSVit. Very advanced but whose support ends 6 months after release and no games.


>AAA games on the go
I could technically play AAA games on a train with my laptop, but because of the heat, noise and massive hit on battery life, I'm not actually going to do that. I think it remains to be seen whether or not the Switch will make this viable enough that it will see widespread use.

>Nintendo hardware is always shit

Millenials actually believe this

performance=/=build quality

Developers who boycotted the WiiU are praising it and porting their AAA PC, XBone and PS4 games over.

They want it to succeed. Of course they do--anyone would want to get out of the race to 4k.

>and offers what no other tablet or phone offers, exclusive AAA games on the go.
You can already play AAA games on android and iOS devices.

It's not meant to compete with phones you weon, it's meant to compete with tablet gaming.

I don't know if you've ever actually tried playing a video game on a tablet - any tablet. It's fucking horrible. First, you only get touch controls by default, which is shit.

But additionally, both Android and iOS are very lax with their compatibility guarantees, and a game made with the SDK for a few versions of iOS or Android ago will likely run into buggy behavior or even crashing. They honestly expect game makers to keep their game up to date with the latest release of every SDK. It's the closed ecosystem of a console with the compatibility guarantees of a PC.

Wonderful. I have no idea what that has to do with whether or not it delivers a quality experience when you're out and about, the GPU is downclocked, it's cooking your hands and the battery is dying rapidly.

No they aren't.
This is the same hype and bullshit the Wii U had.
Remember with shit like Warren Specter and Ken Levine talking about how revolutionary it is.

Nintendo for some time now has not been 'performance oriented' with their systems.

Sad kind of, because the N64 was the shit back in the day.
Also GameCube was pretty good.

But yeah, no surprise that they're not competing with the PS4 even as far as capabilities.

there is literally nothing wrong with this

I'm going to emulate BotW on CEMU and then buy a Switch+


But discrete external GPUs mean you can switch between AMD and Nvidia more easily in the future, right?

Emulate with an external AMD GPU for Xbox/PS and an external Nvidia one for the Switch?

what matters most for emulation is the cpu
and this one isn't x86

More clickbait i see.

SNES, Gamecube and, arguably, the N64.

Dear God why would I want to play San Andreas with touch controls? The game is already frustrating and broken enough with physical controls.

Someone bought into the blast processing meme. SNES was better than genesis in literally every single way except for one, and that one way the genesis came out on top was circumstantial, not consistent.

Aaand there goes any interest I had in the Switch. Which wasn't much to start with, admittedly.

The new Zelda looks half-way decent, but I'm not getting a system for one game. Kind of wish Nintendo would give up on their consoles and just make mobile games.

Mobile gaming would actually be relevant then.

I'll get BotW for the WiiU. Between that, Xenoblade X, Smash, and MK8, as well as all the old games on the virtual consoles (game save batteries on my SNES are dying left, right and center) and the N64 (only a matter of time), as well as playing them via HDMI, the WiiU will just squeak out being worth the purchase to me.

>The game is already frustrating and broken

pleb detected; git gud faget

Except the PS1 was smart enough to use CDROMs so it actually had room for things like proper textures and CD quality audio. Meanwhile everything on N64 looked blurry as fuck like the textures hadn't loaded.

I wonder why games haven't started coming on flash drives yet. Seems like they would load faster than Blu Ray, but be fairly cheap so far as cost per GB.

SotC was god tier because Team Ico literally programmed a primitive pixel shader into the PS2 hardware, while Nintendo mostly just did what they always did and adjusted their art style to match the GC hardware instead of making it do crazy shit it was never meant to do.

which sadly doesnt mean shit unless game devs utilize the hardware to its fullest

I got gud, I beat it, but that was years ago. I have no interest in doing it again with worse controls.

Unless you're underage you have no reason to play a phone port, surely you have a machine laying around in which to play SA properly (PC, PS2, whatever)

Agreed. If I had the drive to play it again, I would just put in in my BC PS3 or download it for the PS4.

>The 3D was better on the N64. PS1 3D was really pretty bad. Limiting the N64 to cartridges hurt it, though.
Carts were one thing, the other was the hilariously awful texture cache size. The N64 was ridiculously powerful for its time. Everything looked like trash because all textures had to be squeezed into an astronomically minuscule 4 fucking KB texture cache.

The PS1 didn't even have a fucking z-buffer or hardware sprite support, don't get me started on that abortion.

>build quality
It's a fucking plastic box, what quality is there to it?

Nintendo makes the best consoles, without forgeting what fun is about, you want power and shitty FPS games? buy a computer.

>adjusted their art style to match the GC hardware instead of making it do crazy shit it was never meant to do
This kind of thinking has died out in the console space, and Nintendo creating bespoke hardware using niche architecture is only going to hurt them. Tegra was a great choice, ARM is practically as prevalent as x86 and there aren't bizarre nuances developers will have to learn and code around.

It would have been nice to see a die-shrink of the X1, but they can always release a version that runs cooler and has better battery life in the future.

Because a 64GB piece of flash memory still costs $13 for the cheapest grade garbage, $25 for something faster than a Blu-ray.

Blu-rays cost less than 5c each to stamp.

>but this is surprising from a technical perspective
Not really, Nintendo based the 3DS on ARM11, which was released 9 years earlier in 2002. The Nokia N95 released in 2007, 4 years before the 3DS came with a faster CPU and GPU.

Nintendo prioritizes fun over graphics and that isn't a bad thing.

It is if you like to play games Nintendo doesn't make. As long as they use underpowered hardware they will be irrelevant to most gamers.
They have put themselves in the niche kids market and I cannot figure out why.

>they will be irrelevant to most gamers.
Most gamers are retarded anyway.

this senpai

just get gud you autist, it plays well

Really niggers? A modern console will be released in 2017 with a 2 year old SoC because between 2015 and 2017 there just wasn't enough time to develop a new one?

Your rumors are trash.

Released 2 years later than the Genesis, difference wasn't that big anyway
Released almost 2 years later than its competitors, almost all games had horrible framerate and the blurry textures have aged like milk
Again released later and still much less powerful than the Xbox