/rgt/ - Ricing General Thread

Welcome to /rgt/ - Rice General Thread. Ricers of all levels are welcome to ask questions about ricing & or GNU/Linux.
Resources: rizonrice.github.io/resources

Other urls found in this thread:


How do I into ricing OSX?

Is there any way at all to get rid of / change the bar at the top?

I set up xquartz (Which is basically xorg) but I couldn't get xmonad to run properly and tile my windows (Modifier key doesn't work ;().

is this the new desktop thread

Ricing GNU/Linux is made by not only choosing themes and colors, but what software goes in your computer. "Display Managers" are the login screens, "Window Managers" are the part drawing the borders, colors, etc, and "File Managers" are what handles how you browse your machine. More info:

>Window Manager Reviews. To decide the main look and feel.

>GNU/Linux Software Big List. For options on many more stuff.

>How to Customize your Bash Prompt

>Where to get some themes and icons

Arc, a GTK Theme: omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/06/arc-gtk-theme
Mac OS X (MacBuntu) Transformation pack for Ubuntu: noobslab.com/search/label/macbuntu
How to have a Win 95 theme on Lubuntu: ghostbin.com/paste/atb7t
Macintosh System 6 XFCE4 Theme: github.com/ubuntufag/System6-theme

IRIX icons: darkdoomer.deviantart.com/art/da-motherfuckin-irix-icon-set-179568520
Win95 icons: gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Classic95?content=157298
Paper Icon Set: snwh.org/paper/icons/

pls dont

That's fucking disgusting. Stop immediately.

pls dont be rude

You're not even fucking trying to hide it. Kill yourself.


is this the /mentalillness/ general?


muh lappy



can i rice the fuck out of my aero windows 7?


Install Classic Shell to begin with.
Install some funky new fonts.

my thanks

I will never understand how people are so SHIT at setting up Foobar2000 .....

same old win7 rice i've had for the past few months

>incorrect ram usage
are you even trying user?

>no thumbnail previews
Linux is still a piece of shit and no, I don't want to use KDE just to get fucking thumbnails

>incorrect ram usage


post the pic?

That's win7?

I hope you are mutiple people or wrote a classifier based on the archived desktop threads.

n-no its just me (。>﹏

>GTX 770
and some fucktard call this a status symbol.

Holy shit, just gas yourself.
>gay pink theme

You are a cancer to society, consider suicide

hachikuji fucking sucks

ricing general?

delet this self-murder yourself

I think my one looks better than all of your ones. All you do is stick a picture on top of your soild background

Can your your Sup Forums css?

what reproductor is that ?

Are you a cute trap?

>I think my one looks better than all of your ones. All you do is stick a picture on top of your soild background

All you do is stick an anime picture on top of an anime backround on top of a shitty os

Fuck ricing, I just want my OS to stay out of my way.

>[17:46] == #rice You need to identify to a registered nick to join that channel. Check /msg nickserv help register
WHOA DUDE that's what I call true anonymous community x---DDD
Let me add you all on Facebook and Twitter as well :D


Nice thread, why don't we have these more often?

can I have that superkawaii wallpaper pls


What's the font?

kill yourself degenerate

How do you get your windows like that? What wm are you using?

Not him but I have it.

You should set autofocus for your search input or capture the image inside a label, it'll make your experience much more comfortable. You're welcome.

since when were these threads on Sup Forums again? also w7 best

-_- #rice -_-

Thanks, that's much better.

Found it fanasque sans mono thanks

can you post your ncmpcpp config?

What's that doujin?

>actually having a wallpaper


what WM / bar is that?

post configs you jew

i want other people to post their configs, but when people ask me to post mine i'm too self conscious about my messy implementations and unpolished work to post them.

sucks but i can at least empathise w/ some people not posting their stuff

Fuck off to

where this cancer belongs

that's a wallpaper board though


install StyleChan, pick some colours you like (or edit an existing style) and set the backgrounds all to that colour. then add this CSS:

.board {
margin: 0 auto !important;
max-width: 700px !important;
margin-top: 20px !important;

.reply > .postInfo {
background-color: !important;
padding-left: 4px !important;
padding-bottom: 5px !important;
border-bottom: none !important;
box-shadow: unset !important;

.thread {
max-width: 600px !important;

Then you need to hide whatever text you don't like, I have mine set to show up on hover.

.dateTime {
transition: 0.3s;
opacity: 0.0 !important;

.dateTime:hover {
opacity: 1.0 !important;

Lastly, the font.

body, .post.reply, .opContainer, #board-list, #custom-board-list, #menu.dialog, .entry,
.yotsuba-b:root .suboption-list > div:last-of-type, option, #qr textarea.field, .field,
#index-search.field, #updater.dialog, #thread-stats.dialog, #thread-stats, .boardSubtitle,
#thread-watcher, div.post div.postInfo span.nameBlock span.postertrip, div.post div.postInfo span.nameBlock span.name,
div.post div.postInfo span.subject, #qr:not(.captcha-open) .captcha-counter > a, #file-n-submit > input, #watcher-link,
.settings-link, .expand-all-shortcut, .qr-shortcut, div#boardNavDesktop, .yotsuba_b_new .backlink, .quotelink,
div#boardNavDesktop a, table.postForm > tbody > tr > td:first-child, input[type="text"], input[type="password"],
table.postForm > tbody textarea, #recaptcha_response_field, div#boardNavDesktopFoot a, #qr select {
font-family: 'Gotham Rounded' !important;

How do you get rid of the tab bar and menu?

How do you use your browser without those things? Keyboard shortcuts?

You're doing it wrong.

For my setup the tab bar and address bar are combined, so I just need one extension to hide them both on a hotkey: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/hide-tabbar/

Ctrl + . toggles tabbar, Ctrl + / toggles addon bar at the bottom (I almost never need this), Alt displays a miniature hovering menubar (ex. Alt+T,D opens downloads)

Hi chaps.


> Also

somebody rate mine

also, is there any way to to make the fonts look better
I only use fixed and bitmaps
but when I use fonts like ubuntu mono, they look not crisp

I know about infinality, but how do install it, I use arch btw

here you go


I think he's complaining about the fact that you have it as


instead of:


I've got to agree, Used/Total looks a lot nicer and seems a lot more intuitive

Retards. All of you.

stop replying to yourself

what the fuck happened to your screenfetch


no, it's showing used/total


do you even rice

ITT: faggots who don't use linux for what it is instead use it to display their pedophillia on the internet.

forget being proficiant at programming or using emacs or vi(m) im just going to put up an illustration of an underage girl to masturbate to all day.


d-don't you like anime ???!!



would you mind saying why? :3c owo

am I doing it right

spot on user.

Could you share tjat wallpaper, please?

sure bby


c-can we do this our official logo Sup Forums?

~no time for love~.png

wat distro?


Or as I've taken to calling it, Windows + NSA

For Windows 7 ricing, is there any alternative to Ave's Vista Style Builder?


Blackbox / BlackboxBar + bbInterface

Are any of you non-pedophiles?

agreed, this thread is taking up valuable space when we could have another nothing to fear nothing to hide thread

I've got nothing to hide :^)

too much conky shit,
I don't like the fonts or cholor scheme

Whats peoples problems with these threads? Why does the idea of a thread about aesthetic customization of your OS Make people so butthurt and aggressive? Why?

takes up room that could have been used for tech support and GPU threads

This was my desktop at its finest, I think.

Anything other than bbwin/rainmeter to rice windows 10?
