Mark Zuckerberg uses Macs

So, it appears that Zuck is a Mac & iPhone user.

>one of the richest men in the world
>an actual programmer who could outcode 99.999% of Sup Forums
>one of the smartest guys on planet
>can literally buy any piece of tech he wants
>is programming a home AI based on Jarvis AI from Marvel universe


And he uses iPhone and Macs.

How mad are you, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm so mad, dude. FUCK!

idc, Terry A. Davis uses Ubuntu


Probably has a lot of machines if it's following a useful naming structure


They don't call him Zuck the Cuck for nothing

Who fucking cares

Or he isn't retarded like you lot

>one of the smartest guys on the planet

I don't hate Zuck like most of Sup Forums, and I give him credit for being smart and ambitious, which is certainly more than most people here can say about themselves, but let's not kid ourselves. He's not even close to being among the smartest people on the planet.

One of my friends from Caltech went on to get a PhD from Cal and now works @ FB. I'm pretty sure he smarter than Zuck.

>idc, Terry A. Davis uses Ubuntu
Terry doesn't even know how to install a custom theme and can't even install uBlock0 for his Firefox. I think he's an idiot savant.

>One of my friends from Caltech went on to get a PhD from Cal and now works @ FB. I'm pretty sure he smarter than Zuck.
The very fact that he works FOR him should tell you that he's not smarter.

He didn't develop any of the ML algorithms, he's just using what the Facebook team made.

Even if you're a huge Zuckfag who thinks he's the greatest entrepreneur on earth, you have to admit success at that level requires an extreme amount of luck. If Zuck had been born 2-3 years later or earlier, non of us would have ever heard of him.

So no, I'm quite confident my friend is intellectually superior. This isn't to imply that Zuck isn't a smart guy.

prove it. he did more by the age 16 than you did in your life.

They already made a movie that proves it, shit for brains.

It's in the text faglord

Some programmers literally just don't give a fuck about that shit

Yeah I'm sure some autist on Sup Forums can out code THE mark zuckerberg

lots of people are lucky. to become a billionaire takes way more than luck.

Yes, I understand that. It takes luck, hard work, creativity and in most cases intelligence to be a billionaire, not necessarily in that order.

What I was implying is that varying degrees of luck always come into play at this level of success, and you can't automatically state that Zuck is smarter than someone who works for him just because he's a billionaire. He could be extremely smart and hardworking, but also got very lucky by being in the right place at the right time.

Buddy, he's a motherfuckign billionaire. Yet he still codes and gets shit done. Do you think those Google billionaires still code? Do you think either of them could pass FizzBuzz? Zuck still has it and he codes daily.

That says it all.

I don't understand the point you're trying to make. I'm not disagreeing with your assessment that Zuck is smart and capable, I was only disagreeing with OP's point that being a billionaire implies he's smarter than everyone who works for him.

To your other point, I have a good friend who works at X and is pretty close to Sergei, he's definitely no retard either.

People like you are just meticulous about little shit like your DE or the best program to use. People who actually accomplish things use the path of least resistance so they can actually work on things


I think you meant scripter. Also jews are terrible programmers.

larry and sergei both have phds in CS from stanford. zuck dropped out of harvard.

>I think you meant scripter. Also jews are terrible programmers.
He can program in more languages than you.

And best programmers are jews. They're also the best physicists, chemists, economists, mathematicians and eveythign else that requires very high IQ.

>larry and sergei both have phds in CS from stanford.

having a phd doesn't mean they can code. and Zuck is smarter than both of them.


Fuck off kike

Shut up you kike

i dont give a fuck most programmers just want something that will work and wont be piece of shit in the name of customization

because it's the most secure phone
he doesn't do real programming anymore, he only does management shit now
he used a sony vaio when he was making facebook


Doubt he even has a basic understanding of ASM.

They created the pagerank algorithm that google works on

Apple products are the best option if you need to keep everything working 24/7. If this shit goes south (break, brick, explode) you just simply goes to MRA and they will give you A NEW ONE, they will not take 30 days to fix it or whatever, you just download your backup or use your timemachine to start from where you where, wich is a 90% automated process so you only bother yourself with what you do and nothing else.

Ubuntu is just a free version of MacOS (you don't need to buy a mac to have it)

>He can program in more languages than you.
this means nothing

Zuck is a fucking HACK! He stole ideas, he betraided people and now he is a good jewish who is owned by the jews. Ironic.

Come on man we're not that bad

He can Zuck my dick if you know what I mean

>And he uses iPhone and Macs.
because he's a cuck

why don't you steal some shit from jews and become a billionaire?

>Implying it's possible to out Jew the Jew.

are you admitting jews are smarter than you?

No. But I do have morals and they tend to get in the way of screwing over others.

Morals? Stealing from "thieves" is not immoral.

>now he is a good jewish who is owned by the jews

If you look at the way he runs pages you will see that in fact he has back stabbed the Jews as much, or more than, anybody. If an atheist page criticizes Islam it gets wiped, if a bunch of snackbars make a page saying to kill all Jews and it stays up. There are many examples. It has got even worse in recent years as he promises to curb "hate speech" which frequently excludes anti-Semitism (especially if it is Muslims saying it).

>t. mactoddler

>>is programming a home AI based on Jarvis AI from Marvel universe

Zucko ain't nowhere near that skilled.

look at the screenshots. he coded it all himself.

It's because of how shit Windows 10 is.

He has money, therefore he is smart.

Say what you like, I actually became an Apple convert after all the product placement in "The Social Network" movie. It made developing on a Macbook look so damn appealing, I went out and bought one the next week.

t. victim of advertising

ps. I love it. It was the best purchase I ever made.

>t. mactoddler

>The boss is the smartest of them all!

You have never worked in your life, have you?

The only reason Facebook became huge is because it started with base of rich kids to hawk shit too while having a clean design. Nothing complicated that Sup Forums couldn't do better.

He's got the luck and the people skill. That's 70% of his success

GNU/Autix btfo

He is not the solely 65% share owner of facebook. He is just the CEO. And as inovation facebook is lacking lately, wich only move is buying the "next facebook thing" (instagram, whatsapp, Oculus and so it goes) he might be feeling some pressure of the zionists above his head.

Windows 10 has been proven to be a oversized malware. I'm crazy to see actual companies making software to linux and dreaming to see macOS supported on PC. (not these hackintosh bulshit)

he's also a kike numale with a chink 5/10 wife

fits the profile of a mactoddler perfectly

He uses thinkpad in home


I'm still not going to use Applel junk. Appealing to social status isn't an argument.

>>an actual programmer who could outcode 99.999% of Sup Forums
He can write some PHP code. But yeah 99% of Sup Forums are CS majors

The math checks out, the other 1% are solus users.

99% of Sup Forums are NEETs and gaymers.

>product placement
but he did use a Mac way before he founded Facebook. they were just staying truthful to events.

I actually fucking lold, thanks

didn't he use a sony vaio before he founded Facebook?

>get help



>He uses thinkpad in home
kek'd at your broken English, Pajeet.

Zuck can still program?! No way.


>opening door based on face recognition
where does the bloke lives?
just print out an image of him or his wife and wear it as a mask, every door opens

>jew who fucked up half of internet

Blocking ads is not what god wanted tho

Well obviously. Windows and Android are totally, totally insecure and spied on.

Macs aren't

Rich+Jewish+wnats to stay rich and jewish+jew brains=Apple User

>Mac isn't insecure
Kill yourself shill

dell NBD is better than that.


Tell me more, rabbi.

There are no zionists above his head. He has at least 20b on every one of them.