Is Sup Forums interested in the upcoming Ubuntu 17.04?
>Swap files instead of Swap partitions
>More of the Snap packaging system
>Unity 8
Is Sup Forums interested in the upcoming Ubuntu 17.04?
>Swap files instead of Swap partitions
>More of the Snap packaging system
>Unity 8
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Why is it not 17.0?
The version number is based off the date. 17 is the year, 04 is the month.
They release versions biannually in the Year.Month format. That is why you'll always see them ending in .04 or .10.
>>Swap files instead of Swap partitions
about fucking time
and I'll still use it with Gnome or MATE
Will it actually have Unity 8 this time, or is it going to be a repeat of last time where it's not ready again?
Literally nothing worthwhile is going to be added this release.
Unity 8 will definitely not be ready for at least 2 more releases.
I'll give it a bit to see if there's any major bugs in it before considering an upgrade. I'm on the LTS version right now.
>Swap files instead of Swap partitions
Windows has had this for literally decades.
Welcome to 1980, Linux. There's still a lot of catching up to do.
nice b8
distro hop more bitch
OP is a faggot
Fact, m8. Not b8.
So what's the advantage? If you stilll need swap space (unlikely on a modern machine), isn't it more efficient to talk directly to a partition instead of calling through the fs?
Protip: install gentoo
>unity 8
might as well be waiting for Upstart, Mir and whatever other hare-brained Canonical garbage they want to push next
>Windows has had this for literally decades.
Linux has literally had this for decades as well
Why would anyone be interested in that?
Because it's the future
Enjoy loading screens on your calculator “app”
Two friendly answers from Linux users right after eachother.
At least check your facts doggo.
It's not even LTS you dumbfucks if you are not doing dist-upgrading to use it then you're just distro hopping without knowing what you are doing.
jesus christ how horrifying
>Swap files instead of Swap partitions
Good thing. Swap files can be dynamically adjusted, swap partitions cannot.
>More of the Snap packaging system
>Unity 8
Meh, I download Xfce anyway.
I don't see the point of the ubuntu releases which is not LTS.
They do not have the same support as LTS releases, you have to install them way more often as ubuntu still doesn't have a way to upgrade where you actually save time.
Switching to swap files instead of swap partitions is a technical difference, but I don't really agree with it. Most people have so much RAM, they do not need any.
Absolute garbage.
Fuck you, Canonical. Trying to be special snowflakes.
At least RH have some competition even if they always give up the race.
This isn't a situation where competition is good.
Wayland is not tied to Redhat. It's a fresh start from X11, and had developers from lots of different places.
One of the most prominent developers near the start was actually Intel.
Now Canonical has come along and just fragmented shit for absolutely no reason.
Install Gentoo
It's not LTS so I won't be using it unless Unity 8 graces us with its presence, and even then I'll only use it in a VM to decide how shit Unity 8 is.
Not fussed about snaps either way.
i installed 16.10 on my spare laptop a week or so and set it up with unity 8 dev preview etc. It's so far from ready its not even funny. not to mention part of me wonders if it should even be worked on at all considering their current design goals. I can see unity 8 being what windows 8 was to its users in terms of ui.
How on earth is it that divorced from Unity 7 in form and function?
>watching the vid
my fuck, unity is still pretty much horrible
why are they wasting their time like this?
a button with a menu overlay is pretty easy, people already know it from phones, and looks clean
why all these stupid transitions and slideout menus?! it is like they are trying to evolve a paradigm that was already abandoned by everyone years ago
does it work on steam-powered computers?
it has no games
>Swap files instead of Swap partitions
The Architect installer has been doing it for ages
>Menu bar in the title bar
OK, Unity has my attention
Snap is pretty cool desu
Just that no one will support it and eventually red hat will create systemd packages that everyone will adopt for no reason.
how does ubuntu compare to lubuntu in terms of out of the box compatability? i find i have a fair few issues with lubuntu that i dont with windows, mainly stuff like ftp not sending files with non standard letters (like the e in pokemon)
They are exactly the same but with different default installed desktop environments. Stop being a stupid retard.
lubuntu is just ubuntu with a different DE, you'll have exactly the same issues
sounds like you need to just install microsoft fonts desu
Wouldn't it make more sense to have swap space as a separate partition that multiple OS's can use?
>wayland is not tied to red hat
Formally no, but de facto yes.
Just because Fedora was first to do Wayland by default, it doesn't mean that it's tied to Red Hat.
You've been able to use Wayland on other distros quite easily for a while.
You've always been able to set up a swap file in linux. Swap partitions are better.
so are there nvidia drivers for Mir yet? or am i just supposed throw away my gaymen gpu?
>Swap files instead of Swap partitions
wow it's fucking nothing
you could do that since forever
dd if=/dev/zero of=kek.swp bs=2M count=512
mkswap kek.swp
swapon kek.swp
The only limit is that the file must not be fragmented.
I'm not reffering specifically about fedora or other distros, but for the fact that Wayland was developed against the capacities of the Linux kernel in detriment for the other Unices.
Lots of interesting advances, sadly, are being doing for Linux disregarding POSIX and shit.
Appreciating that.
>Wouldn't it make more sense to have swap space as a separate partition that multiple OS's can use?
Yes, that's why it's done
But why? All of my OS's can use the same swapfile.sys just fine, thank you very much.
>Swap files instead of Swap partitions
The only thing good, the rest is shit, SHIT
I am i love Ubuntu but there a lot of problem with it i just hope it will be less resource intensive.
It's also the only Distro that have a Global menu that isn't shit.
True is there a single OS that have global menu that isn't shit so i can stop using unity ?
Will it resolve the crackling issue with linux and my dell laptop? It fucking sucks when the speakers are crackling constantly in the background unless I mute them.
Welcome to 1977, shitnux.
>in next year
>guys, you ready for ubuntu 17.10?
>come with Unity 8
>in 2018
>guy, ready for ubuntu 1x.xx?
>come finally with Unity 8
>in 2020
>come with unity 8
In terms of programs like FTP, no difference.
However I have tried every flavor of Ubuntu, and I find Unity to be by far the best, with a perfect balance of features and smooth usability/stability.
Runner up would have to be MATE. I might have gone with it instead except for the fact that I'm now addicted to global topmenu, the Dash, and HUD.
That's what the EGLStream stuff is for.
>Swap files instead of Swap partitions
how is this new?
you can still make a swap file without a dedicated partition
>with a perfect balance of features and smooth usability/stability.
I like how you consider stability to be a thing that needs to be ‘balanced’.
Last time I tried unity it was such a monumentally buggy piece of shit that constantly locked itself up in increasingly hilarious ways
It's new in that they added a checkbox for it during the installer. You have to realize that Ubuntu users are literally incapable of setting anything up unless there's a GUI checkbox for it
Tile WM's BTFO
>Wayland is not tied to Redhat.
Do you honestly believe this?
>touch friendly ui
>hey guys, you can now swipe notifications using a mouse
Will it ever end?
>>Swap files instead of Swap partitions
Not as eficient and can't be shared by two operating systems. Fuck that.
>>More of the Snap packaging system
>>Unity 8
Amazon botnet.
>Wayland is not tied to Redhat.
You can't be this out of the loop, can you?
Wayland is almost entirely a Red Hat construction (like systemd, GNOME/Gtk etc. AKA every other source of terrible developer elitism and bugs-as-features)
Back to your hugbox SJW