hey does anyone have a link to m00t's Something Awful user account?
he was banned for "being a paedo" just after he created Sup Forums right?
I'm researching how the CIA (etc obv) has infiltrated the moderation team of practically every "most popular" website from like 2004 on (it was easy they just mastered sucking admin cock)
links to WT Snacks' or Shii's account appreciated too. anyone else from SA who was involved in chan shit really
>my life is so boring I have to make up conspiracies to give my life purpose
Mason James
t. CIA
Oliver Hughes
Wow dude, I had no idea the CIA has more power and influence than any force on earth now and forever. Do yoy have any proof of this?
Michael Sanders
Don't get your problem. It's necessary for the elites to infiltrate Sup Forums and reddit etc to preserve their power. Would be very naive to think they wouldn't. So it's good that OP wants to investigate.
Aiden Moore
So its a hunch, Edward Snowden didn't prove the government's mass surveillance program by telling journalists "oh I just got a hunch, I mean the government is evil and they try to give me medication when I tell them I hear voices in my head it makes total sense."
It "would be very naive to think" ____ wouldn't infiltrate foreign insurgencies, television, video game journalism and my favorite websites. Your logic falls when you consider Sup Forums didn't get popular till project chanology in 2007, the CIA wouldn't know Sup Forums would get big when it was created dumbass, do they infiltrate every new website just in case? How many people to they assign to monitor and control popular websites, and how many do they assign to aiding foreign insurgencies? Which one do you think they have priority over? What would the CIA do with the 50+ crew they hired to monitor and influence reddit? What types of things would the CIA want to influence? Was pedobear a anti-CIA meme and child pornos were actually code for info on the CIA?
Isaac Morgan
Is this some discomposure method? What do you even want to tell?
Ian Wright
OP here what the fuck makes you think it's a hunch?
i havent published shit yet this is research
where the fuck are you moot you woulda replied to me directly by now in ye olden days
Tyler Moore
Once you start asking questions and think more about what would go into a CIA internet influence conspiracy, you realize it is retarded.
Brody Perry
Answer some of my questions, why would the CIA influence for Sup Forums at its inception when it was a little dumb site and there are 50 million dumb sites? How does the CIA choose what website to control and what not to?
Cooper Martin
Even if, why shouldn't OP investigate? WHY?
Charles Perez
Gavin Taylor
are you retarded? do you know nothing about internet history?
Sup Forums is not just some dumb site. anyway why wouldn't they be EVERYWHERE when they're *everywhere* IRL?
Leo Wright
white Hiro
Jacob Perry
>m00t >WT Snacks >Shii who the fuck are you talking about?
this shit thread is allowed and not desktop threads?
Ayden Sullivan
Grayson Edwards
that guy who posts with the red trip
Benjamin Hernandez
Sup Forums is like the jewish conspiracy of the internet
If society is a pyramid, Sup Forums is near the top; because Sup Forums culture leaks out and dominates the rest of the internet, with sites like reddit etc. aggressively following it
Tyler Gomez
Hey dumbass, I know that. If we are talking about 2003-2004 when Sup Forums was created then it was just a small site like any other, if the CIA had influence it would be after project chanology when Sup Forums reached cable news awareness.
>why wouldn't they be EVERYWHERE when they're *everywhere* IRL?
Because they are not? Your logic is completely based on fear. If the CIA had all the control, how did Edward Snowden and all the other whistleblowers get away with it? How many people are hired by the CIA to carry this shit out and how come none of this has been whistleblown?
Isaiah Myers
>red trip
Thomas Perry
Moot isn't banned, but he stopped posting around 2005-2006, back when SA/YTMND/Sup Forums LOIC'd EbaumsWorld in the one collab Lowtax wants everyone to forget happened
I'm pretty sure he doesn't post just because he'd get dogpiled for being Moot or an associated act of Sup Forums, same deal for MrSpooky (mid-tier FYAD poster who started to get postcocked on sight after Sup Forums got big) and Snacks (who would probably be permabanned on the spot if he was posting in the wild again)
Wyatt Hughes
Why shouldn't you investigate 9/11 or the moon landing? It is a waste of time, if you want to know my personal reasons it is because when I was younger I looked into conspiracy theories all the time, so I know what kind of mindset these people have and how detrimental it can be.
Look at this image. Why do you think it is a human? It looks nothing like one yet we can associate it with a human because we possess the greatest pattern recognition skill over any animal or machine. Conspiracy theories simply take advantage of our pattern recognition skills to see patterns that aren't there, we believe them because we fear the possibility of them being real. Once you get over the fear instincts you realize it is bullshit, don't live your life afraid of shit that logically can't exist, that was how I lived my younger years.
Alexander Nguyen
derp time moves sideways and things that happened in 2004 don't matter anymore
no that's not how it works fuckwit
SA was one of the biggest forums and spawned Sup Forums and a bunch of other shit. Sup Forums then became one of the biggest forums and spawned a bunch of other shit too
Liam Powell
actually moot isn't real, Sup Forums was created by japan
Henry James
Cia is nothing against putler who single handedly hacked paper ballots and put trump into office
Luis Clark
I got four 10 dollar accounts banned from SA, I wonder how much money lowtax actually made
Sup Forums full of FYAD expats and reddit full of GBS types who edit their posts in word processor with a thesaurus
Brandon Clark
You might be thinking of karabiner or whatver his name is? Guy who started 420Chan
Anthony Evans
Except SA was always shit
Jacob Hughes
Because of all the cp on old Sup Forums. And more recently Sup Forums. Sup Forums has intelligence capabilities rivaling actual intelligence organizations.
Brayden Thompson
This has to be the single most retarded post I've read on Sup Forums.
Robert Ortiz
hm do you think there's a possibiilty that might have been because SHILLS WERE FUCKING WITH IT?
that's irrelevant anyway. no matter what you think, it spawned Sup Forums, the entire genre of let's plays and subsequently the fucking concept of videogame streamig, MINECRAFT, and like a million other things
it's a huge, popular, ancient forum that is STILL huge and popular. it's an obvious target. so is Sup Forums. so is facebOH THATS RIGHT
Connor Thompson
>Because of all the cp on old Sup Forums.
You know, thinking about it in retrospect, I bet you the literal FBI were the ones posting all that CP.
Didn't they just admit that it was them running 21 out of 28 known darknet CP sites?
Hudson Green
>Don't investigate because I found nothing myself as a child. Not an argument.
>It is a waste of time, Do you even have a single satisfact to snack that up?
Jonathan Brown
There's a story from somewhere around 2008 detailing how an FBI swat team would stand next to Sup Forums's servers in the datacenter they were in, waiting for cp to appear on Sup Forums, demanding it be taken down and if Sup Forums wouldn't comply they'd take the servers. Supposedly, eventually moot let the FBI moderate Sup Forums, and developed a law enforcement archiver for Sup Forums that would collect dead threads from Sup Forums for inspection.
Janitor appliances were open again just recently, you might've noticed that there were some boards you couldn't apply for. This time the list was expanded from being just Sup Forums though. Which seems weird to me, given how Sup Forums is supposed to be the zomg none board where even the moderators don't need to follow rules.
In 2008, moot intended to go back to the more chaotic days of Sup Forums's moderation, but the board hasn't seen a public ban in years.
The cp darknet sites the FBI run are always compromised ones. Someone hosts a site, it gets pulled down or hacked, is run for a short while by the FBI, and then all identifiable users are arrested. This doesn't happen only in darknets though, it's very likely m*sterchan is such a honeypot.
And on how fast intelligence agencies get involved. A friend of mine set up a board, and on this board was a hidden board, /pepe/, used to secretly gather rare pepes. To keep the board more out of light, a wordfilter was implemented, filtering all mentions to 'pepe' to 'jihad'. Now trying to link to the hidden board would result in a link to a nonexistent board. From that day onwards NSA and FBI hostnames were among the top visitors of the site. Eventually he pulled the board offline, partly out of stress.
Noah Smith
why would it be the cia,and not NSA?
Thomas Morris
i'm not sure the distinction matters, but operation mockingbird is a CIA project. CIA does stuff, NSA watches, FBI plants evidence.
Tyler Nguyen
>when I was younger You mean when you were 10 years old? You're not going to find anything else now you're 15 kid.
Aaron Davis
>hey does anyone have a link to m00t's Something Awful user account? Yes >he was banned for "being a paedo" just after he created Sup Forums right? No
Jason Williams
> on a public image board > Hurr durr CIA infiltrated our ultra secrecy society
Connor Flores
Wow you're saying we shouldn't be surprised that the CIA has infiltrated the mod staff? That's your angle, pig? Seriously?
Brayden Moore
>2008 >data center back then it was hosted at m00t's home you newcuck, stop spreading conspiracy bullshit
Ethan King
No, you shouldn't be surprised at all. If they approached you with an offer to either with them or against them, which one would you personally choose? Ask yourself that, I'm not interested in the answer. Also, I hate people who use "seriously?"