AMD + AMD = Good
Intel + AMD = Better
Intel + Nvidia = Best
Do we all agree on this?
AMD + AMD = Good
Intel + AMD = Better
Intel + Nvidia = Best
Do we all agree on this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is AMD + NVIDIA bad?
>Get most powerful Intel Xeon CPU or i7
>Get 2 of the most powerful AMD GPUs
>Get 2 of the most powerful Nvidia GPUs
>128gb ram
>Watercool or submerge that fucker
>Hope to god you don't cause an explosion breather than he Tzar bomb
Thank me later. We have a new weapon worthy of ending g WW3
>pairing AMD with nVidia GPUs simultaneously
just divide by zero why don't you
Add onboard Intel GPU and we're set
If it can be done then we have to do it. The only thing stopping progression is resistance to move forward
You forgot Intel + Intel.
Can you at least try and explain, shill.
You missed Intel + Intel and Nvidia + Nvidia
AMD+ Nvidia = GOOD
because Nvidia cards have no driver overhead.
>AMD+AMD = Poorfag shitskin
>Intel + Intel = Normie
>Intel + AMD = Homosexual Mac user
>Intel + Nvidia = Masterrace
>AMD + Nvidia = Not of this world, alien visitors
literraly had this setup for years. It was fine back then. Probably would be fine now.
Intel + AMD=Nvidia
>but muh 5 fps differnce between X card and X card
Sup Forums needs to grow the fuck up
intel + nothing
using graphics is for peasants
AMD + Nvidia is pretty tempting with release of Zen. I liked old AMD cpus.
Wouldn't be fine now since AMD hasn't released a good processor for years.
If Zen is good it'll be fine again, if Zen sucks, nothings gonna change.
I'm still using my Phenom II X4 965BE
Don't you mean
Intel + AMD = Intel + NVIDIA?
Because if
Intel + AMD = NVIDIA
it would imply that I can run a system with only NVIDIA
I should've clarified more but yes that it exactly what i mean
>AMD + Nvidia
I'll take "git gud" for $600
AMD literally used an nVidia GPU in their demo of Ryzen
Pajeet go
with printers and paper this cheap, printing output is the only logical choice
AMD + NVIDIA = Retard
AMD + AMD = Bad
Intel + AMD = Best
Intel + Nvidia = Sup Forums
AMD+AMD is objectively the worst combination until every game is ether DX12 or Vulkan... or AMD fixes their driver.
if you run a AMD chip with a Nvidia card does the hardware try to cuck each other? will the computer explode?
No, it actually works decently unlike AMD with AMD card.
Got a 8350 for free about 6 months after released, picked up a ssc 970 that can compete with a 1060/480 from some random newegg sale that was $50 bucks cheaper than other 970/390s, rip.
amd fag with a 390x and i5 i agree with this
i am interested to see if i drop my old 390x in a zen if i get better min fps, we'll see
this because nvidia drivers are heavily invested in DX11 and cpu based optimization and less driver overhead
on the downside DX12 does fuck all.
if you have a shit cpu DX12 wont help if you have a nvidia card, even a 1070 or better
AMD + Nvidia here. Works fine. No bottlenecking.
I don't get why people keep saying that. Maybe it's just marketing.
It can help a little bit. All of the threading improvements in DX stack should still work. Most of the time people test graphics cards on super powerful CPUs so I don't think there is much information to go on when it comes to DX12 and lousy systems.
nope, i'm running an fx 4350 with a 1050 ti, its no god, but I hit 60 frames and it was pretty cheap soz
The only valid concern is AMD + AMD.
AMD cards have more performance-heavy draw calls. If a game is CPU heavy, an AMD CPU with an Nvidia card will net more fps than a similarly fast AMD card because of it.
Not sure why they aren't addressing that in drivers. They will fix it in a roundabout way with Vulkan/DX12 and stronger single core performance with Zen, but its still not ideal
Phenom II X4 940 with a 1060 here. The 1060 was shown to perform better with a CPU bottleneck than the 480. The Processor is starting to show it's age just in time for Zen, so all is well.
Used to be a problem because of the chipsets etc, not anymore though.
Didn't Linus Tech Tips do this with the 290x and 980?
since when novideo has a cpu?
it wont help you at all if you have an nvidia card (only if the game is developed with single render path it will help which is basicly dx11..)
linus? the same linus that bought an korean 4k 100hz monitor with freesync and tested it with a nvidia card?
30 fps vs 35 fps
16% difference. That's like the difference between GTX 970 and 980.
Or R9 280X vs 290
and 5 fps will affect your gameplay how? its like all of those retards who thinks having 1 million fps on cs instead of 60 of 100 or 144 is somehow better...
I included all the 4k capable AMD GPUs to the picrelated.
For a while now. Not x86 tho, because Intel refuses to give patents.
if you mean the arm this shit is as much as a cpu as i am a sexy frog
TFW i run a 6 core 6300fx with a nivida 970
Dat bottle neck i really hope this Zen core isnt shit or i am going to bwe switching to intel forever and ever
As someone with a toaster I can tell you that the difference between 15 FPS and 20 FPS is quite astounding.
in higher fps the diffrence is pretty small
yeah ok there is a 5fps difference with the 970 and 980
>Since when you stupid fucking jackass
Intel + Nvidia = the worst
AMD + Nvidia = shit
Intel + AMD = acceptable
AMD + AMD = best
Intel+AMD best overall value/not-a-brand-loyalist-fagget master race reporting
AMD GPUs have big driver overheads and benefit more from a powerful Intel CPU than nvidia cards.
My back up computer is a hodgepodge of parts including an fx 6200 (just replaced my 955be) and a gtx 680.
Intel + AMD is pretty much the best. Nvidia offers nothing except initial good performance, which dies after they fuck with the drivers for muh planned obsolescence. AMD cards on the other hand also provide better long term driver support, better raw computation for mining buttcoins, better open standards such as freesync and vulkan.
I'd switch your Bad and Good around, but other than that I agree. I've had the least amount of performance and temperature issues as soon as I went IntelxNvidia
This is true but hasn't the impact been overstated for a while now? AMD's drivers have been getting much better even in DX11.
Considering already gimped 1060, amd+intel is the best option
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
|______________|||__|__|__|]beep! beep!
>tfw i purposely built a computer using an FX 6300, GTX 970, and 16GB of RAM just to spite Sup Forums
Is 2007 guys?
>AMD + AMD = best
But that's wrong, user.
How about Intel + Intel?
If you read your own site, it says there's 15% difference.
On a taxing game that does 30 vs 35 fps, that's exactly where the number would hit.
$0.05 have been moved to your bank account.
Normie laptop scum
>tfw out of this world
I have this setup now. I got no problems.
[any] + [any] = doesn't matter
i mean are you a poofag if you pay 300 euros for rx 480 ???
But Nvidia and Intel are objectively superior to AMD, only Pajeets get butthurt and deny
>30 fps
Fucking amateur. Everything is 60 fps and up these days, so really you should cut that performance gap in half, at least. Now factor in price, and the wide variance across games and rendering software. The real difference, dollar per dollar, is negligible, and if I sat you down in front of two machines, running comparable cards of the two brands, you wouldn't be able to tell.