That feel when no Botnet

>That feel when no Botnet

How can I fix this technological feel?

Install Chrome

No i want to be the one controlling it

The easiest fix would be to kill yourself.

install Windows 10

I want to be the botmaster.



Create your own Linux distro and then shill it on here

Code it yourself, it's not that fucking hard, you literal retard


Confirmed clueless college student.

But yeah, it's easy to write your own. Not that much to test it properly before deployment.

I don't know any programming languages.

Plus how the heck am I suppose to make complex components?

Find someone who already owns a large botnet and purchase it from them.

Why would they give it to me when they're making lots of money on it from their own?

Where can I learn how to make formgrabber and bootkit?

I don't know my man

I don't know anything man

should I just hang myself?

I want a botnet of at least 15k bots or else I see no point in enduring this torturous journey we call life.

no man, go live in the woods or something

t. Kevin

git gud or sudoku

Ok I will learn go lang

do it
