>Have pic related
>windows 10 is unbearably slow and malware
>21gb harddrive
>uefi so linux doesn't work
i got this over a chromebook because i wanted to be able to use windows apps but theres not even enough room to install it. is there a uefi friendly distro with good touch screen use i can install to uncuck myself
Have pic related
install gentoo
You should have not bought such a weak-ass system.
what are the perks over arch aside from the autism buff
but it was cheap
should have bought a used x230
I was just memeing. I use Arch when not in Win 10
you could do Arch with xfce if you are worried about system resources.
What is your CPU, RAM situation?
>>uefi so linux doesn't work
Linux has no issues with UEFI. The machine I'me using has had Fedora and Arch installed with no issue or special thought and it's UEFI.
also isn't there usually an option in the UEFI config thing where you can turn off secure boot?
or is that just on older UEFI laptops?
It shouldn't matter but yeah and there should be an option for legacy boot but there is no reason to do it.
my wife has a similar, 4gb, a celeron and 32gb mmc, wtf are you even talking about, the thing is more than decent and cheap as hell
and ubuntu has no issues installing on uefi systems
just stop
legacy boot =/= secure boot
legacy boot is bios emulation
secure boot is only booting MS signed boot loaders
This version only has 2gb of RAM it can't handle more than one application at a time without stuttering and beeping as both RAM and CPU get overloaded
also 1.6 dual core
none of my signed version will boot in uefi, only windows will boot
Windows 10 is slow on that bechause it's constantly updating stuff, install windows 8.1 and tweak it a little like set max performance on the appeareance menu and so on.
>buys shitty hardware
>realizes it's shit
What the fuck did you expect you dumb idiot?
>buy new laptop
>windows 10 is unbearably slow
>100% HDD load nearly all the time
>40% CPU usage while idle
so fucking what, throw arch on it, with a basic DE you'll only be using about 600-700MB of RAM.
Even with chromium open you only hit about 1.3GB.
Like CaNcer, but missing 1/3 to be at least that.
It's there any good de that makes competent use of the touch screen? I prefer kde