Not owning the best Android phone

>Not owning the best Android phone
Are you a pajeet?

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It is also horrendous.

yes sir, i pajeet, sir.
i only like asus products because it is cheap sir, and i only use it mainly sir for clash of clans.
why i need pixel phone when my zenfone 5 can play

But you posted the pajeet phone...

>using handheld normie machines

commit self-murder

>dat bezel

This is worst design evar.

> evar

kill thy self

it dont even have buttons on it

also the design is no-brand Chink tier

>anything but pajeet tier

iPhone wannabe with shittier quality control.
No water proofing
No micro SD
Terrible battery life
Awful camera

> Speaker crackling

Good lord.

>Are you a pajeet?
Nope, which is why I don't have an Android phone.

I didn't want to be an early adopter, so I stuck with my iPhone 6s. If Google shows that they are going to support their hardware for as long as Apple, I'm not opposed to giving them a shot.

£820. Same price as a 7plus. Shit's too expensive.
Waiting for S8 edge. Shit better be cheaper than this.

>bezels: the phone
I absolutely LOVE this meme!

All the features for 40 bucks

There's a plethora of reasons not to get the Pixel, the most obvious being it's hideousness

kek, stay in denial, brainlet whiteboi.


thats one ugly ass font
Enjoy your purchase, fag.

>he doesn't use Inconsolata

This is a pajeet being ironic, right?

>If Google shows that they are going to support their hardware for as long as Apple
>support their hardware for as long as Apple
>as long as Apple

So you mean 2 years?

>Android phone
Lmaoing @ ur lyf

>iPhone 5 upwards still has the newest iOS-version
Get fucked, Navadeep

>paying extra for a fancy Google Botnet device
no thanks 


don't forget:
2 years of OS updates
exactly the same price (dollar for dollar last time I checked) as the ishit
Poor design aiming to copy while bringing nothing new to the table
Android ecosystem

Google is delusional if they think their garbage is on par with the iphone pricepoint or that it can even compete with current Android flagships. To the normal consumer, the Pixel is just another obscure overpriced Android


>looks like cheap chinkshit
>huge front bezels, but no front button/fingerprint scanner
>no mSD, no fm/dab
>expensive as fuck


How does it compare to the 6p? Have a 128gb model

Because I own the best iOS phone.

Not OP but have a pixel.

Much better. People keep on giving the pixel shit but it's so fucking stable and smooth.

Pretty much this.
Played with one at the store. It looks like a sorry iPhone ripoff (actually it's a throw away HTC design)
The bottom bezel is a joke, the thing is very thick with goofy edges, which typically isn't an issue, bit theres no sd to utilize the space.
Every week there's a new issue with it, and I personally don't like the Pixel launcher. It looks a lot like iOS.

How much can I sell my 6p for?

Is it because the CEO of Google is a pajeet?

>own OnePlus 3t

Best phone I've owned in my life, and i owned a nexus 4

The battery life is fucking dumb, it's making me constantly paranoid with how fucking little I need to charge it

I'm looking to add someone to my fi plan, should I upgrade my 6 to the pixel and give them my 6? or just buy them a cheap 5x?

Their opinion is moot since they're using a [spoiler]iphone 4s[/spoiler], so anything's an upgrade at this point.

>buying into consumerism

>snapdragon 410
why mane

>willingly vuying ptoducts from htc

it's not CM ready, yet

why would i want this over my 6P?

That's 2 years faggot

How the fuck is it so expensive? It doesn't bring anything interesting to the table.

Who cares? There are other serious disadvantages. See:

the best android phone looks like one of those chink fake iphones?
rly mks me fink

I have better things to spend money on.

maybe 250 if you sell directly to someone.

That's all? Damn

you could land an air plane on that bezel

Low power usage and its good enough

just guessing but it is not an Apple and it's not worth much new to begin with, especially in the USA. I'm seeing slightly higher prices than the 250 I pulled out of my ass in the netherlands, but the phone was more expensive here anyways and I bet they don't even sell at 350 euros.

Sites selling 32gb for 400, so 250 for that possibly

new straight from google is also $400

>Terrible battery life

I get 35+ hours on my XL, what the fuck are you talking about


>Terrible camera

For 32... Look at 128

But you posted an iPhone...

You mean 4.

literally none of those things are true, you're just a jellyfag

t. note 4 owner

about to get a pixel

so are all the glowing reviews (e.g., 'better than iphone7') just paid shills?


But user, I DO have the Pixel. More like Sexel, amirite xD

The Pixel is a beautiful fast phone and has a great camera. These are facts.

wew, google...

>halo-ing lens defect from hideous glass backing

no thanks my dude :^)

>Are you a pajeet?
I would need to be if I owned an Android phone.

>buying a pure Android device to throw a curry ROM on it
Are you fucking memeing me?
have you not heard of root and Xposed?

Why buy this over the S7 edge?

I like the size of my screen for the 6p, hard to imagine going smaller

Don't. And I wouldn't buy the S7 Edge either, because there have been reports of it exploding.

>awful camera
you're retarded

nice iPhone faggot

How's the dongle life treating you?

It's not hard to be better than a phone without headphone jacks.

Are you a mentally retarded shit stain?

how has the pixel has sold so far

I do own the best phone. It's called Sony Xperia Z5 Premium.

>tfw just came back from the store with it for $200

>also it is my first ever smart phone

>buying a phone on contract

The Google Pixel is literally the Pajeet phone. Indians hate Apple. At home because its too expensive and triggering and also when they're abroad because they can't repair Apple shit and scam people in their little hole-in-the-wall 'repair' 'shops'.

When the fuck will you niggers realize THE BEZELS ARE FOR DAYDREAM.


you can get more than $250 for a 128GB 6P probably.

A few 32GB ones sold for $300+

I have a Nexus 6

Kinda sucks but I'll stick with it till next year when Google announces the Pixel 2 which is likely to be better in every way.

>Owning a phone