Let's be honest here OSX is the only OS that has no practical value whatsoever. If it stopped existing all of a sudden one day, no one would care.
>Windows Professional content creators use windows Office tasks and desktops are on windows Gamers use windows Servers run on windows
>Linux IT, sysadmins use Linux Supercomputers, embedded chip and Android runs on Linux Linux and FreeBSD has top quality emulation technology Servers run on Linux
>Mac OSX Tech illiterate hipsters that need a shiny facebook machine need OSX Unironically faggots use OSX even Apple CEO is a faggot and steve jobs was a smelly hipster who thought taking shower is not necessary (Not kidding)
Find me ONE reason that validates OSX's existence PROTIP- You can't
OS X has been used in server environments for the superior graphics apis. Apple kinda shot themselves on the foot with that audience with the can-shaped Mac Pro, although some people still were desperate enough to accomodate their datacenters for them: photos.imgix.com/racking-mac-pros
Benjamin Lewis
I use my MBP as my daily driver. Unlike Linux, macOS doesn't drain my battery life and it just works. Even MS software like Office works painlessly on macOS. In short, it's a UNIX for the masses.
Angel Foster
>daily driver. Epic meme right there. Your 1. Hardware is complete fisher price trash with shiny finish. Enjoy your 800MHz processor and 19h hour of facebook browsing 2. "UNIX" is a meme certificate that can be brought with money. UNIX philosophy itself is trash 3. At least Linux has better hardware support than your toddler OS 4. Pretty sure Windows can be installed and it can give better performance than OSX
Jace Robinson
why don't you daily drive your faggot ass back to
Grayson Rodriguez
>1. Hardware is complete fisher price trash with shiny finish. Enjoy your 800MHz processor and 19h hour of facebook browsing I have an i7 4870HQ and a GeForce 750M on my MBP from 2014
It's a lot better than your Thinkpad.
>2. "UNIX" is a meme certificate that can be brought with money. Yes, but it also means that I get to run FreeBSD userland ontop on a microkernel instead of the hybrid monolotih that is kFreeBSD.
>3. At least Linux has better hardware support than your toddler OS Why would I care about hardware support? It's a fucking laptop
>4. Pretty sure Windows can be installed and it can give better performance than OSX 1. It can't (give better performance) 2. Why the FUCK would I want to use Windows?
Evan Powell
>It's a lot better than your Thinkpad. lel 0 supercomputers runs your facebook OS
Furthermore at least even FreeBSD has better hardware support than your toytop
Brandon Ortiz
>lel 0 supercomputers runs your facebook OS Who cares? I don't carry around a supercomputer with me. Again, it's a fucking laptop.
>Furthermore at least even FreeBSD has better hardware support than your toytop And yet again, this point is completely irrelevant due to the fact that it's a fucking laptop.
Why would I care about portability, when I only need to run it on the specific set of hardware that is contained in my MBP?
Jordan Jenkins
Because people might not be poorfags that run i7 4870 with a fucking 750M.
Portability is always sourgrapes for mactards
Isaac Ward
>Because people might not be poorfags that run i7 4870 with a fucking 750M. My laptop is from 2014, those specs are pretty decent for a laptop that's two and a half years old.
There are newer Macbooks out, but since it's a fucking laptop I don't need the latest consumerware in order to play the latest release of Cawwaduty or Battlefield or whatever the kids play these days.
>Portability is always sourgrapes for mactards How on earth can it be a sour grape? You do understand that macOS is designed to run on Macs, right? Not on other computers.
Ryder Nguyen
>Macs More like over priced non customizable turds that people buy since they have no idea how to put together a computer, making them buy a new fucking machine each year like puppets
Aaron Perez
>More like over priced non customizable turds How often do you customsze your laptop?
>that people buy since they have no idea how to put together a computer, It's a fucking laptop, user. Do you buy laptops in separate parts and put them back together?
>making them buy a new fucking machine each year like puppets And again, I just told you three times now that I use a computer that I've had for 2 1/2 years.
Joseph Lopez
>"people buying new machines each year are like puppets" >"buying expensive new parts like a consumerist whore every half year is obviously superior!!!!"
Ryder Torres
stop this, hOmOSeXes will cry
Leo Cox
is he going to starbucks?
Mason Cook
OS X is fucking wonderful, Windows is the real useless one. Only legitimate reason to use it is software that devs are retarded enough to make Windows-only. Anyone who says OS X is bad has not tried it and has no right to comment on it.
Jose Taylor
>spouting memes that are older than you are
Isaiah Gonzalez
I do a tower build for roughly 800 dollarydoos then run that shit into the ground over four to five years then do it again.
it's really that cheap to be just behind the cutting edge.
Colton Wright
Luke Ward
As far as I know, iOS development belongs to OS X. Also content creation tools originated on Macintoshes, so there's some inertia about them. And pre-2016 Macbooks were cool.
Adrian White
By reading this thread it is pretty apparent that mactoddlers are anything BUT btfo'd.
But then again, this whole thread reeks of insecure Sup Forumsirgins who discovered Sup Forums for the first time and are trying to get a grip on the plethora of operating systems out there.
Landon Clark
For once I agree 100% with something posted on g even as a linux user. Can we all agree this spinning wheel looks gay as fuck? That alone is enough reason for me to avoid using mac os shit.
Benjamin Cooper
Linux is GOD OS
Ethan Torres
You have never used OSX other than a 2 minute fiddle at the apple store poorfag.
OSX is the more stable, best for productivity, and more private and secure OS available.
Owen Long
Nobody would care if linux disappeared
There's literally dozens of operating systems that can fill each of those linux niches (just not at the same time at like linux)