I have been away from the Linux scene. Which distro is the least cancerous now?

I have been away from the Linux scene. Which distro is the least cancerous now?

I hate the Amazon shit on Ubuntu but Mint has its own set of issues and is bloated with over 3,000 packages on install.

>inb4 Solus


>Which distro is the least cancerous now?

Taking out everything with cancer (minimalism, systemd and GNU-hate)..... nothing remains.

Maybe gentoo and LFS.

fedora is really catching up now. If not the top distro one of the very best.


Which distro has best implementation of KDE? Fedora default is Gnome, it makes me want to cut myself.

I dont know I dont use that bloatware kde. but I'd say kubuntu.

Jesus fuck. What the hell is this thing?

Try kde neon, its an ubuntu "fork", maintained by kde guys. It always has the latest version of kde.

I agree, that is one repulsive human being. If you can even call it one.

Ubuntu doesn't have Amazon shit enabled by default now.
Just install Ubuntu.

16.04 and 16.10 Amazon is embedded in unity-webapps-common which is required for the base system and unity tweak tool.

Cant remove the botnet. The launcher is always there.

why not debian OP?
you seem to want something along MINT/UBUNTU

Arch :^)

>inb4 >arch >not cancerous pick one

Which DE goes well with it?


it's called by internet slang
a fucking land whale

Speaking of KDE, has anyone tried Maui Linux?
It's a continuation of Netrunner, that was know for having a pretty good implementation of KDE.

Will check it out. Getting Debian Cinnamon, seems promising.

Debian, since always and forever.

>Current year
>No official GUI installer for Arch
>Arch wiki is a joke


Xubuntu, Qubes OS. My personal choice.

You can try Fedora a lot of people seems to like it.

Antergos with openbox.

Don't install the compositor. It causes tearing in mpv.

C2D is $30 so the "blote" meme is loser linux internet psuedo culture you've fallen for. Same for ubuntu amazon which is old information and even if it wasn't, it's just a package. and you wouldn't be caught dead on unity which is only where it worked.

you are gonna end up with a meme autism dropout distro. linux isn't a "scene" no matter how hard ricer irc circlejerklets try to make their internet anime clubs around it, it's for business and they choose the distros you think you don't want

Truth be told, she probably still gets more pussy than you.

Slackware has always been the least cancer-ridden, the most stable, and the most supported.

openSUSE, best KDE, professional no bs distro.

I use lubuntu desu

>hired british voice actor to do video for business
>has a min requirement for words
>500 words over unused
>copypaste the "slackware is gnu/linux for windows users" pasta
>He fucking voices it.
>haven't made the .webm animation for it yet
We go live on /gif/ in a week when I have time. See you there, contrarian!

arch has multiple different GUI installers. What does it matter if they're 'official?' Theres absolutely no difference.
>arch wiki is a joke
What the fuck are you smoking?

Ubuntu doesnt have the amazon shit now, does it?
And even if it does with unity, it doesnt if you use anything other than unity, which you should anyway.

Kubuntu is literally the worst KDE.

amazon on this board became a meme, they just use it as a fake excuse to say why they can't use ubuntu to ignore the real reason which is because they're hipsters.


If you want an up to date kde that runs fast in a vm or live cd, try sabayon kde.

And makes 10x more money.

Support is an issue with opensuse. You'll have to fiddle with it quite a lot if the thing you want is not supported out of the box.

For example, last week I tried to get open CL working on it with an Intel GPU, after several days of frustration and multiple dubious third party repos, I installed xubuntu and I got the thing working with one package from the official repo.

I wouldn't recommend suse as desktop or workstation os.

arch bruh

Just don't use Unity.

any DE is good with debian. It lets you chose from any of the major ones when installing, or you can install a base system and use whatever WM you want.

Probably Solus.
Only issue is it doesn't have thousands of apps like Ubuntu

arch niggz
all the apps

I use opensuse on my laptop and the bluetooth gives me nothing but trouble, although to be honest its probably Lenovo/Broadcom's fault and not opensuse.

Also i get occasional visual tearing when the vram is near 100% use, like when visiting websites like quora. lesson of the day is don't buy the yoga 3 pro

>Mint has its own set of issues
What issues exactly? And dont try to bring up the "security" or "package incompatibility" meme because that's already been proven to be bullshit

>is bloated with over 3,000 packages on install
what? It was 2000 when I installed, the fuck are you talking about? have you done any research at all?

Yeah but my mother can't break Solus so I'd rather stick to that.

Best "mom friendly" distro out there imo.

user, you need to work on those writing skills

yeah if your mom is kevin, kevin

Kevin is a boys name.
We don't take kindly to kevins around here, Kevin.

arch masterrace reporting in

Solus isnt too bad...

All this user friendly eye candy and functionality for less than 500Mb of RAM is rather impressive.

>inb4 kevin

When people say Arch takes tinkering, is that true or just a meme? If installed with a newb-friendly tool like arch anywhere, is it really any different from other distros?

I love it because it's more stable and even more difficult to break than Ubuntu.

That's why I usually recommend it at least, to Linux newcommers.


If you use an installer and don't download every shitty program you find you should be fine. I have installed Antergos several times ( i like distro hopping ) and It was pretty cool. No crashes or instability. Open Suse and Fedora are examples of distros that try to keep you safe though. In fedora or opensuse if a kernel or update or whatever is bad you can just select a different boot option in grub.

So just install Arch but maybe don't keep critical files on that laptop and have a usb key with something you know works ready if it should break.

I run Fedora 25 now if you should wonder. No real reason other than it just werks.

If's fine for desktop use. Which is it's intended use.

Hit some bumps while trying to use it for programming though.

But what will arch users do after everyone moves to wayland?

Get BSD if you want to do it yourself (It's cleaner, faster, safer and better than any linux distro) or just use OSX if you want a solid, functional OS without the same ricing potential. Every choice in between is an absolute compromise on quality or freedom.

Linux is for pseudo-smart "developers" who neither get anything done nor know how to properly administer an OS.

>Unironically telling someone to install selinux: the distro

Best for OP is debian