>literally 2017
>he still uses the firefox botnet
Literally 2017
Other urls found in this thread:
that's why we now use chromium botnet
I'll use it until it dies and there's not you can do about it.
what should I use then faggot
I arent think that
I used Vivaldi for like a day but it was fucking broken so I switched back
I like the red fox :)
I will keep using it for a few more weeks then switch to Brave.
Already did the change on my phone.
Well, you have the choice between, Vivaldi, Chromium, Chrome, some stupid Firefox forks.
Time to wait for some sweet sweet Servo memes when it's finally finished
I've been on brave a few months now it needs work
brave seems like it isnt worth it. its chromium with ads injected into it. whats the benefit of using it in ur opinion?
> its chromium with ads injected into it
You have the option to remove intrusive internet advertisements, replacing them with Brave ads, that is one route.
I like it because Brendan Eich and his team are actually doing some pretty cool stuff. For instance, I love the idea of being able to support my favorite sites with Brave micro-payments.
>Not still clinging on to Opera
>David neither earns or contributes.
fufkiacnashashsFhahAHAHAHAH what kind of fucking advertisement to watch crap ads is this holy shit
>replacing them with Brave ads
why the fuck would I want to support those sjw fags
>I love the idea of being able to support my favorite sites with Brave micro-payments.
>why the fuck would I want to support those sjw fags
Brendan was forced to quit from Firefox because of his donation, what are you talking about?
With so many click bait sites this days, Being able to support with bitcoins those few sites that actually bring some quality content to the web seems like a great idea to me.
You can always be like David and block all ads and just enjoy the content without supporting.
im actually appalled at this shit
I'd use nightly or some dev version, but my lazyness man.
Do you have any genuine reason or just going to post memes and spread FUD like
How do the actual sites get ad money when Brave removes their ads and replaces them with Braveshit?
Here you can read how it works
>Step One: Brave Blocks All Bad Ads and Unwanted Tracking
>Step Two: Brave Replaces Ads
>Step Three: Brave Pays You
>Step One: Brave Blocks All Bad Ads and Unwanted Tracking
So the actual sites are just cucks hoping Brave wont block their ads?
Pretty sure Brave fags will just run with your money lmoa. This is like Spotify is for music aritsts.
It's obvious you don't even car about informing yourself. You will continue to spread FUD and shitpost.
Have a last (you)
You could have corrected me but you didn't.
>2017 in less then 2 weeks
>Not compiling your own browser and native framework
>lost revenue
How can revenue be lost if it was never gained?
But aonon I haven't used Firefox since 2008
Brave for Facebook only. No other sites.
Chrome for Google services
Firefox for the rest of the web
Chromium for porn
dunno why you guys are so provincial about this, you know that computers can have more than 1 browser installed, right?
It means the same as "Lost Potential Revenue", they both mean the same but one is shortened.
That day will come soon. Eventually their shitty SJW programmers will fuck it up and the company.
This so much, for me is like:
Opera for credit card related stuff
Chrome for Google Services
Nightly for porn
Firefox for the rest of the web
Though I plan to replace Firefox with Brave in the future.
That's almost as stupid as wasting time trying to de-botnet Windows 10. Why would anyone use that shit?
>>literally 2017
it isn't
>>he still uses the firefox botnet
ok so it's a bait thread great
Different user, but I can correct you. People are sent money into their bitcoin wallets almost directly. Brave can't "just run with your money". You are dumb.
>Nightly for porn
You mean Tor Browser Bundle, right?
But yeah, I agree. I use Firefox in general because I like how it looks, but for performance critical stuff (developing) I use chrome.
I find it humorous that you think an established company with an popular open source distribution is more likely to install backdoors and botnets than a flash in the pan, fly by night distro or something that uses closed source, proprietary software.
chrome, all the performance with half the utility!
chrome is garbage.
it has trouble reading advanced css scripts, doesn't have plug-ins and chokes on flash and adobe scripts.
I find it humorous that you think they won't.
Why do you assume that just because something is popular, established and open source it is free from those things?
Remember OpenSSL.
Also, if you have a company with more than one thousand employees. I can fucking promise you that one of them has been planted by your competition, foreign agency, whatever you name it.
What's the benefit of Opera for sensitive financial info?
Nothing at all.
It was just the other major web browser that I happen to had installed at that time.
The other alternative was IE.
Oh, gotcha. See, I used Opera myself briefly about six-seven years ago and it was alright but I didn't really know anything about the nitty-gritty of it so I was curious if there was something I missed.
The Opera you knew is no more.
I would think so, yeah.
You can literally block ALL ads and that's actually the default setting. That retard is an actual shill trying to push some "come on goy, use your ads, they're good for you" bullshit.
You get to donate ad revenue you generate to organizations of your choice.
Or you can tell them to go fuck themselves and never see a single ad.
I can do that without brave as well.
I never said you couldn't.
Of course. My point is that the retarded shill is telling people that Brave can replace the ads with other ads, as if that somehow will convince people to download the browser.
using vivaldi
jokes on you faggot
>implying Google doesn't have more SJW programmers than Mozilla.
Seamonkey? No?
Oh neo Sup Forums
>Cathy loathes ads of any ind, but is very enthusiastic about funding sites to replace the lost revenue from ad blocking.
>lost revenue from ad blocking
That kind of entitlement talk rustles my jimmies.
Fucking Jews trying to lock everything down on the Internet with copyright, then complain forever about people reposting their content, because muh lost revenue.
That's the general attitude of all bloggers, tumblrinas, photographers, camwhores, YouTube shitposters, drawfags, and any other modern day slob.
That kind of attitude is what shits all over the idea of an open web, where people can freely share information without censorship or restraint.
>I am entitled to other people's work
Communism will NEVER work, shitskin
I don't think people who use that Brave feature will support those kind of sites.
When you select the sites your like to support with Brave micro-payments, you are most likely to choose those that write good stuff or post useful information.
>uploading shit to the internet is a job
No thanks. The wild west internet era was the best precisely because we didn't have a lot of these faggots.
Spot the entitled millennial
Go back to uploading shitty let's play videos and don't forget to subscribe and share it with your friends if you enjoy the content we also have t-shirts even a like will really help me, you absolute "artist".
Aww baby is hurt
Kill yourself, shit for brains.
Not exactly. Thanks uBlock.
Cancerous millennial posts.
nice source there faggot
can we add the daily don't use ff tread to the auto sage list now
still better than chrome