Emacs or Vim?
Legit question.
I'm wondering which I should learn. Vim seems unnecessarily complicated and not as user friendly compared to emacs.
Emacs or Vim?
Then learn emacs.
Vim is not so complicated as you may first think. I personally use vi because it's all I need, it's like a watered-down version of vim (or rather, Vim is vi """improved"""). The basic idea is very simple, it has few commands, and they are succint and meaningful. It does take practice to get used to them though.You can consider Vim as a featureful version of vi, with plugins, themes, and all sorts of new features.
The downside with Vim is VimL (it's configuration language) which absolutely sucks and then some more, it's like the PHP or the COBOL of text editor languages. Emacs uses Emacs Lisp for this and it is 1000x better, though many people don't like it either (for no good reason really).
The advantage of Emacs is that you can do EVERYTHING from it, Emacs 25 can even be compiled for webkitgtk support so you can use the Web in emacs. It also has a (variety of) irc clients, and there are plugins for music players and whatnot. It has an integrated shell (actually 3). The strongest point for emacs is that it is thoroughly configurable, you can reefine all key bindings and even the primitive actions of the editor (for example, you can globally change "forward-next-word" to do something like print "fuck you I won't do that").
Lastly, Emacs has org-mode, which is often the sole reason for people to change to Emacs. I haven't used it much, so I can't say much about it.
Emacs is much more than a text editor. Its basically a small operating system built on top of a lisp interpreter. If you know llisp you can pretty much make emacs do whatever you want.
I onli use emacs for org-mode I dont even know the basic comands to use emcas but the easy features that brings org-mode is all I need.
Just so if people dont know org-mode is markdown, I use it for note taking and because if you serius about it you can implement a git repo. Before org-mode i used a hypster like note taking made in nodejs it was ok and worked fine until the program gliched out and deleted everithing i tried to recover it but that shit saved the data in binari form and not even a stadanrt sql :S
I use vim because I want a text editor not an eldritch abomination.
Learn Vim to get the universal UNIX editor, learn Emacs to get the most powerful editor in the world.
>I'm wondering which I should learn. Vim seems unnecessarily complicated and not as user friendly compared to emacs.
Why do people fall for this meme? If a text editor is so shitty that you have to "learn" it, then just leave it.
Nano for editing configs, IDE for coding :^)
Then the only thing we do as a species needs to be eating, shitting and fucking because you have to "learn".
ed is the Standard Text Editor
This is pretty much the essence of Emacs
vi takes a while to learn. Some people actually come to the conclusion that they are less productive with vi (or it's descendants), You just need to learn a handful of commands, get used to them, and you develop a nice workflow with vi editing. I use both, but when I am using Emacs, I often miss doing stuff in vi like 'd4w' or 'cf$' or '%' . These commands all seem arcane, but you don't need to memorize them right away, vi is like a game where you discover more and more things that can be done as you use it (and read about it's nifty features).
when I started, I didn't even use hjkl, I used the arrow keys, until I realized hjkl was much easier. I only used :w :q i and Esc. I then learned you can shortcut to :wq and even to ZZ, I realized too that you can :set number and use 15G to jump to line 15.
I do believe that vi is the opposite to complicated, it's very much simple, but it takes time to learn.
I also favor it because I do most of my programming at the command line: I use gcc, gdb, vi, objdump, xxd, readelf, tcpdump, sed, awk, grep...
Not him, but.
Not sure if serious or feigning stupidity for the sake of trolling...
i love programming from the command line really its the best way. i love gdb
I'll elaborate because you triggered my autism.
I compared vi with a game, in particular, I was thinking of nethack. When you first play nethack, it's fucking weird. It takes time to get used to monsters being T and : and G. When I started playing nethack, I would only move around and descend stairs (only hjkl and >), then I needed to see what I had in my inventory with i, then I needed to drop stuff when I got encumbered with d, then I started fainting for lack of food, so I learned about e, I read that you can drink from a fountain with q, also from sinks, and one time a sink started pouring snakes and they cornered me and killed me.
Sometimes doors wouldn't open so I had to kick them with ^D, I learned about the quiver and Q (when I had a bunch of darts in my inventory) and t to throw them. I learned about s to search and I always have to search a few times, so I use 10s
This is kind of how it feels to use vi, again, I like vi because the help is not so damn verbose as that of vim, you just type :viusage or :exusage or :set all and you have pretty much all the info you need.
My point is that the progressive discovery of the things you can do is really enjoyble
Legit question: why?
Is there anything you might need those you can't do with nano, kate or pluma?
Do you want your text editor to be a text editor that doesn't give a shit about you or your feelings, gitgud son? Then vi/vim
Are you the kind of guy who thinks that separation of duties is stupid and damn it, you think that your text editor should also be capable of H.265 HEVC content playback after you spend four months writing a plugin that doesn't work half the time but fuckit worksonmymachine.jpg and that's basically the par for all the other ELPA packages, then go for emacs.
Good analogy, you made me want to back to play dungeon crawl too.
If you expect Emacs to be user friendly you're gonna have a bad time
nowadays you have evil mode in emacs and vimacs in vim.
I only wish Id learned Emacs in my teens or even twenties. All the different shit i used back then was for nothing
Never been and emacs guy but i think you teach emacs and vim teaches you. They both have similiar learning curves but vim has you memorizing some esoteric shit to be a power user without meme plugins
I have used both.
Emacs is big pile of shit, it's slow, the bindings make no sense, you have to learn lisp to customize it. It's old and nobody should use it.
Vim is faster, cool bindings that are supported everywhere (including Emacs), can be extended via python scripts.
I've used vim for 5 years and now emacs for about 7 and I just can't go back.
If you're going for emacs remember to bind ctrl on your capslock key, it makes a world of difference and is actually the way it was meant to be mapped.
Why do you want to learn these new editors? What are you hoping to achieve that you can't already achieve on Sublime?
Maximum speed/efficiency of editing, being able to manipulate text by force of will, arguably the most complete and ideal text editor, but above all you're looking for a text editor because you have everything else handled? Then Vim.
You need more than a text editor, you need a mini operational system that you can do all your work from the inside in a well-integrated, carefully engineered and distraction-free environment (complete with a nice text editor as well)? Then Emacs.
Of course you can just use Evil mode on Emacs to get the best of both worlds. I don't really care for Emacs though and prefer to use Vim standalone.
What about the Meta key? Should I use Alt or Esc or something else? Isn't pressing Alt in its default location even more uncomfortable than pressing Ctrl?
I barely need alt when using emacs, but I have bound the functions I need the most to ctrl shortcuts.
if i caught you using either i would fire you on the spot. use an IDE like everyone else you autist.
I use my thumb, it has never bothered me.
The most common use is M-x, thumb-ring finger
I use Emacs.
Learn vim and then go for Spacemacs.