Frontend? Backend? Mobile?
Which makes you want to kill you're self the least?
Frontend? Backend? Mobile?
>Which makes you want to kill you're self the least?
the least, he said
>yfw having to do a MVC ASP.NET exam
I love C# but every Microsoft framework is the most pajeet thing ever.
Is Go any better?
Backend because you don't have to deal with people and their shit
Backend with perl and mongodb
The one with the least interaction with users. It also sucks having to deal with other people at all, but that's what you get with certain jobs
Backend by far.
Front end is cancer.
Well I don't think Sup Forums is a fair opinion because nobody on Sup Forums has social skills.
Having to deal with customers is a pain no matter what.
Managing developers :^)
>kill you're self
kill yourself
>mice on all computers
autism much
Until you have to debug what's fucking up the I2C bus.
Frontend is incredibly oversaturated. Don't bother trying to become frontend unless you are a girl or a qt trap.