Stop buying Chinese tech

Stop buying Chinese tech

/csg/ and proud

So don't buy anything.

fuck you protectionist man

Just tech or products in general?

You're a worse commie than the chinks.

If Trump were a penniless tech head, and knew that import taxes were on the way, he'd load up on chink shit. Businessmen are practical that way.

Stop putting make up on.

Jawohl, Mein Führer

Stop buying drugs.

only cucks do what they're told

the jews told you to hate trump
congrats cuck

maga, you cuck
just because I support trump doesn't mean I'll blindly follow him

>vote for me, we're gonna make american business great again
>how am I going to do that? simple, we're going to give insane tax-cuts to the wealthy, and make the poor pay for it!
>"how will that provide incentive for american business to stop outsourcing all of our good manufacturing and labour jobs?" you may ask
>It wont! Everyday products will just become more expensive

You americans got memed so fucking hard. You thought Clinton was part of "the establishment" and in the pockets of big business, so you went and elected what is essentially Ronald Regan 2.0 who's just going to further shit on the regular, working class and help the rich get richer

Don't you want Mitu and his gril to be happy?

I wish non-Chinese tech still existed

I know as late as the 1980s there were genuinely 100% UK-made computers

You'd think somebody would cater to the niche flag-waving market

Reagan was the economic opposite of Trump. He loved that Chinese slave labor and that Mexican servant class.


>and employ all the creatures that live at the bottom

So does trump, he's just completely lying to you, as he has with basically all of his policies. He's just going to cut taxes for the rich, pass it along to the poor, and change basically nothing about the way international business works

But you blindly support him

>So does trump, he's just completely lying to you, as he has with basically all of his policies. He's just going to cut taxes for the rich, pass it along to the poor, and change basically nothing about the way international business works
Even if this is true he's still the only politician to say it out loud in 30 years. Everyone's had to circle-jerk about how much exploiting foreign labor benefits us because you can buy cheaper goods at Wal-Mart using the paycheck you're not getting.

Fucking Hillary Clinton attacked him from the RIGHT on trade

do I?
I just said I won't stop buying chink goodies.

you CTR shills need reading lessons lmao


>means anything other than getting rid of politicians putting citizens before donors

>I know as late as the 1980s there were genuinely 100% UK-made computers

Yeah, and they were priced like 100% UK products and performed like 100% Chinese products.

All that money for a worthless Made in the UK sticker on the side, that was probably made in China.

>I know as late as the 1980s there were genuinely 100% UK-made computers
and then production in china was made 4590860846% cheaper, so it just isn't worth it anymore.

But I think that the Raspberry Pi devices are assembled in Britbongia

>dude just pay your geopolitical adversaries to work for you what could possibly go wrong lmao

companies don't give a shit senpai
if it's 10% cheaper to make it there, they'll make it there

I don't buy Chinese tech. I buy Taiwanese tech.

Firewalls or Censorship?

Worst meme to ever hit this board

all tech is chinese tech


Burgers are amazing, in a way.


- gunpowder
- compass
- paper making
- printing (wood block printing, first book being diamond sutra, then ceramic printing)
- gunpowder
- deep drilling - brine yielded natural gas (primarily methane) turned into firewells used to heat evaporation pans of brine to make salt.

lmao trump drones are more delusional than those who voted for obama in 2008. hilarious.

don't owe you shit, will buy cheaper until i die.

also, how much closer to true cyberpunk dystopia are we now?

I think it's cute and comfy

i'm pretty sure he'll do one year and pop.