>Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the shittiest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.
Remember the following: >Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before. >This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites. >Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
anyone on bib can share that deDRM patched edition?
Samuel Moore
>yes, search for that torrent, click on it, in the details it says "Uploaded by $username"
Where fuck?
Nolan Martinez
xth for AB sucks
Jack Morales
If you like JAV.
Adam Sullivan
What's the best value SSD seedbox?
Will be using it for racing
David Sanders
>still no one snatch on PTH seriously i'm done uploading to this tracker
Dominic Taylor
Bentley Hill
Nevermind I already found the user >look at uploads >a lot of rare lossless rips that can't be found anywhere else >mfw
Cooper Green
Most underrated shounen. Trash like like Dragon Ball gets a new season and YYH lies forgotten.
Thomas Parker
Hunter x Hunter is an improvement to YYH in every way so that's not a problem
Zachary Thomas
Anthony Cooper
Any news about the nigga who was dumb enough to show his username here?
Chase Morris
>Hunter x Hunter is an improvement
Colton Lee
Probably would go with seedhost.eu or whatbox.
Zachary Thomas
No one gave a fuck and no one banned me
So you really think anyone fucking care about your speg subhuman trash sicrit club meme?
Ryder Sullivan
That's like everyday lol
Evan Bailey
the dub is pretty good too
Luis Gonzalez
Retarded bitch, you don't need a SSD seedbox for that, ram buffer is a thing in seedboxes
Thomas Ortiz
post it, and ill snatch user. Have buffer to spare. :)
Jackson Howard
seriously, i'm sick of your spamming xanax staff pth already surpassed half a million torrents, you should be spending your time helping your curry tracker to catch up
Parker Martin
>Torrents: 502,120 >look for something >Your search did not match anything.
I think some bot is just filling this tracker with bandcamp shit
Wyatt Roberts
>upload 500 torrents manually, including flacs and non-automated transcodes >get banned good job AB-sama
Levi Johnson
Reason of the ban? Which kind of transcodes?
Isaac Powell
>2016 >V2 disgusting only useful for padding the total torrents count
Liam Lee
wew, now try that on apollo :^)
Caleb Russell
>weebshit op image >pth forum link Ugh
Luis Nguyen
>FLAC / Lossless / Log (100%) / Cue
Holy shit
Thanks for the advice
Hunter Cook
>mfw I got into PTH just unraring shitty porn raws
Hunter Davis
You're trying too hard PooLoo staff and, ultimately, not impressing anyone
Ethan Gomez
hdb when??????????????
Christopher Sullivan
I only have 10 uoloads in the poo and 570 in PTH
Only 13 of them was snatched
Joseph Fisher
Former WCD member here.
I have been interested in getting into PTH recently, but have been told previously on /ptg/ that the best course of action for now is to wait a few months for "signups" or whatever. (I'm guessing/hoping it will be something similar to what WCD had) Is this still the case? Are there any avenues open now to anons that have a good seeding capabilities and what not?
Also, what is the process for getting into AB? I have a pretty decent ratio on Baka, but I figured it is high time that I use an actual "good" private tracker.
Lincoln Carter
Youre pathetic. You were afraid to become a meme like D***N and now you act like a dick again.
Xavier Phillips
You won't get into AB unless someone invites you.
Zachary Peterson
Glad to help xanax staff! Shame that you guys don't have much confidence in your tracker to search for torrents on Apooloo first, especially before crying to /ptg/ about how something isn't on PtH. :^)
Isaiah Morgan
fuck off nala i'm not xanax staff ... wish waffles come back soon :(
William Roberts
Well, so it goes, I suppose. Thanks user.
Jayden Ramirez
/ptg/ is about retards doing retarded things
Get into GGn and level up or get into AB and upload 50 torrents
and no one cares about your retarded seed capabilities, there is a million fo subhumanr etards paying for seedboxes already
>Also, what is the process for getting into AB? Make weeb friends with good connections
Luke Rogers
imagine being this upset
you can leave your dead tracker at any time and step into the light
there's no shame in wanting to be on the right side of history
Christian Reyes
I actually went first to rutracker, then SS and then PTH, what a surprise it was finding exclusive shit on pooloo
Matthew Perez
that dude isn't me f.am
Adam Sanders
thanks dude I appreciate the offer
Carter Collins
Cool, didn't even see that paste. Thanks user.
>le carrot smiley face
Jackson Thomas
Even when motherfucking WCD was pretty much open reg there was a lot of people that never got in because interview 2hard4u and open curry got SOME actual OC uploaders in despite memes
Michael Cooper
meh, I've been finding the same desu. There's torrents not on Apollo and torrents that aren't on PTH, most of it is sourced from old what.cd uploads though. I've been cross-seeding stuff from Apollo back to PTH because it's ridiculously easy with PTH's 'safe cross-seeding'.
You can literally put the apollo .torrent file into the upload form because it automatically generates a new one for you.
Adrian Bailey
One of their newer staff is super autistic about music uploads and has removed several FLACs that had 100% logs on WCD but he claims were "transcodes" as he obviously can't read spectrals properly.
Justin Hernandez
>oppaitime >same level of autism of what.cd mods but no actual content What is even the point of that tracker?
Matthew Wright
this is a feature of gazelle not pth specifically
Noah Smith
Brandon Cooper
Same here, APL have some exclusives PTH have some exclusives
Just be in both
Nolan Young
Phishing schemes.
Easton Harris
He got me.
Sebastian Morales
>he's on apooloo
Xavier Price
5/10 I thought there was a point to the webm but I just watched an entire minute of naruto instead. fuck you
Nathaniel Price
Brody Butler
If it's a feature part of gazelle it's odd that more trackers don't implement this. Cross-seeding just becomes super easy and you no longer have to add a personal announce URL to your .torrent files.
Logan Hill
But the actual good JAVs never get uncensored because there is no western market for it. >hentais I already have a Fakku subscription and they don't even have that content there last time I checked.
Jaxon Phillips
Joshua Adams
People don't get banned for bad uploads. They get their upload privilege revoked. So even if that's true, that's not the reason. Shisumon likely did something stupid.
Easton Gray
Caleb Smith
>fakku There is already 15 fucking hentai publishers releasing uncensored animated hentai/VNs/manga/games/doujins
Fakku is the reddit of porn
Hunter Walker
Yeah something stupid like question why the mod removed hundreds of his torrents for no reason. It's almost like you're never been part of private tracker before and don't know how power hungry autistic mods are
Thomas Wright
>I already have a Fakku subscription and they don't even have that content there last time I checked. topkek
Ryder Lee
Jace Gray
>Fakku is the reddit of porn So I guess reddit must be really good and every body else complete shit because Fakku is the only company releasing quality material from decent artists
Jose Perry
>the only company Do you even know any other?
Also fuck off Jacob
Nolan Hughes
Why is the contents of the repo not put into the wiki? It would be much better if all the help was in one place.
Jaxson Hall
It's true, they don't. The only content available there is the same available on nyaa and AB
Joshua Gomez
Does anyone remember when AB Yen was super easy to get? I miss that, I'm barely getting ~100 yen/hr for a ~1.5TB seed size.
Anthony Carter
ok? nice blog post
Logan Williams
>I already have a Fakku subscription Fucking normie get out of my general.
Justin Gonzalez
Why do you even need them?
Also you are doing something wrong, I'm getting 7k/day with not even 500gb
Hudson Baker
I know Project-H, and I know how god awful all of their content is. There was also this new one that was doing mostly doujinshi at 4.99 per doujinshi and their quality was also terrible But go on tell me about better companies
Connor Hernandez
>not having >500k saved up
Jeremiah Parker
So you can buy them?
Shoo jacob
Wyatt Jenkins
Sorry, I was just reading the yen posting from the last thread and wanted to comment. I should post things only super relevant to the /ptg/ cause L-LETS RIPPING ONIICHAN
Kayden Lewis
>I pay to pirate but I don't pay for service I don't get it
Jaxson Lee
>So you can buy them? What do you mean? You can buy books from fakku and all the doujinshi they released as well.
I bet you also think paying for Crunchy Roll supports your chinese cartoons.
Jace Collins
He's seeding stuff that's popular and/or doesn't seed it very long.
Caleb Howard
they're both essentially freeleech trackers anyway
Juan Gomez
Is it a lot of it music or something? I think the Yen system benefits seeding many torrents of smaller sizes vs fewer large torrents. Also I'd like to be able to donate more to the freeleech pool, send yen to invitees etc.
Hudson Murphy
because it ended you retard. What do you expect them to do if it's already over?
Grayson Wood
You aren't fooling anyone
Jaxson Walker
Well, it does. Regardless of how small their cut is there is a cut. How do you think they get their content?
Robert Morgan
A lot of music and porn and I'm seeding it for a long time
Brandon Clark
Find me a place with weekly uploads of the magazines they translate and I will cancel my sub right now.
Carson Ortiz
How is the PTH Invites Forum looking lads? Can anyone post an update? Thx
Justin Nelson
just 100% curry shit and ggn
Ayden Rivera
It's probably half popular stuff, but most of it has a seeding time of 1yr+. I think it's just the fact that a lot of it is larger in size vs many small torrents.