Are you a bad enough dude to code on a phone?
Are you a bad enough dude to code on a phone?
I have ssh'd into my dev server from my phone and gotten some programming done while waiting at the DMV once, so I guess.
Why in the sam hill would I do that?
Same except still from inside the house because I'm obscenely lazy and don't want to turn my laptop on
Working on webdev in nano at the moment
You can't even type properly in a touch screen
I'd rather put my dick in a hydraulic press
Heh look at this luddite!
>remote desktop/shell
>vim in terminal emilator
>external keyboard
I... do think the idea of phones that plug into a display are pretty cool, and might even be inevitable. Though to be honest Windows 10M might be the only mobile OS not javashit enough to do it.
But for serious usage the processing power of a desktop or laptop are necessary.
webdev isn't work
I usually connect my bluetooth portable keyboard and start typing fast. :~D
>w-webdev i-isn't w-work
ya its true dude
Phones are pretty powerful though, a phone could be made that unlocks the cpu when it plugs to give it some juice. It would be great for browsing and office programs. Thin laptop for example are mostly screen and keyboard, extra ports etc, phones don't need all that.
I check my neural networks from juicessh, doed that count?
>he doesnt dream in code
that's right
it's artisan work
artisanry, it's an artistic carefully crafted work of love
made by carefully smashing together frameworks and libraries, pasting from stack overflow until it stops throwing error messages
Thats what most of the pajeets in our india office do
Considering who Scott Adams is, the joke is that the guy on the right is a fucking moron isn't it?
>reading Dilbert
Yeah he can write it so that Asok "wins" even though Dilbert is correct
Hey, they're not all bad
>strip labeled 2011
All of his shit-tier unfunny comics are retroactively rendered crap
It's not. Any pleb can go on GoDaddy and make a responsive, mobile friendly website that would walk circles around any webdev.
Face it, Web Development is quickly becoming unskilled, minimal wage work. You can take four libraries in ten seconds and finish in minutes what would have taken hours ten years ago.
So other than vidya and CAD programming is now unskilled work. Got it.
I've SSH'd into my phone from my laptop to develop code on my phone. Using a phone as an SSH client would be painful though, even with hacker keyboard.
Programming isn't, but programming isn't a job. It's a tool. Nobody programs today what they were programming 30 years ago. Nobody says "Hey we need 30 computers in this office better hire some programmers to write the kernel and an OS for them", they just grab off the shelf shit from Microsoft or Linux and hire some people to maintain the OS and the applications on them.
is correct.
Nigger, why do construct a meaningless argument based on the distinction between work and job or software development and programming? It's not adding any value. The only thing you did is upvote someone else post.
>Nigger why do construct
White people, please, stay talking in a civilized manner.
Stop talking like fucking american rapper wannabees
>telling others to be civilized
>using the word "fuck"
nothing you have ever said or thought matters
I'm a bad enough dude to voice-code on my holophone.
Get with the times, grandpa.