Did I do good Sup Forums?

Did I do good Sup Forums?

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I'm unironically proud od you, user. Great job!

Thanks user! Feels pretty good, I'm not going to lie.

Interesting. I think I'll do it too tomorrow in my lunch break

Whatever the fuck that is, you did good user. You spent any amount of time learning a useless skill because you liked mr robot a tad too much.

Next certificate you should get is the hanging thyself one.

grow up, he's trying to better himself, leave him too it.

>OSCP is useless to a penetration tester
>People do OSCP, one of the most difficult and one of the only actually respected certifications outside of HR departments because they like a TV show.

What am I reading here?

Well I tried to penetration test your mum later and she failed. Also, wanting to be a leet haxxor for a job is merely cringe-worthy.
Stop samefagging OP

What have you actually learned to hack though?

This. Did you actually learn something?

Of course. The course is 50 lab machines set up as a simulated enterprise environment that you access via VPN.

The exam is 24 hours where you have to get root on 5 machines with varying operating systems, vulnerabilities, etc. and at least one where you have to write your own buffer overflow exploit from scratch and then 24 more hours to write your report. You are only allowed to use metasploit on a single machine during this and if you choose wrong and the module doesn't work you don't get to choose again (this is obviously to make it so you have to know how to actually exploit systems instead of just running metasploit, but it is also of course very important to learn deeply how metasploit works for real-life penetration tests so it is included).

ie: At no point is there any multiple choice 'exam'. It's all hands on. This is why it's actually respected by people that do work, unlike other certs that are just ways to get passed HR.

If you are interested I suggest you read some reviews about it:


I completed the penetration testing with your mom's asshole exam and obtained crabs.

>Penetration testing, reverse engineering, malware analysis, exploit development, etc. are cringe-worthy jobs.

Is this some shit Sup Forums meme or something?

proud of you user~

How much did it cost you?

Thanks man

About $1000.00 for the course, 3 months of lab time, and the exams.

nice job, hope it helps you find work you enjoy.

Congratulations user. We're all going to make it


Thanks fellahs. If anyone is thinking of taking it I'll answer any questions as best I can.


What does this even mean?

Good on you man, you actually do something with your life

This shit is a paradox, Fred memes are inherently reddit anyway

Also congrats OP

E-Lita says, come and penetrate test me, big boy

>Next certificate you should get is the hanging thyself one.

What certification body provides these certifications? Is it useful to put on the cv?

looks like a man

>looks like a man

Beggars can't be choosers!

How much did you know before you started?

Thank anons..

It depends on what subject.

Well, at least you're doing something else than shitposting Sup Forums memes all day long so, congrats I guess

Amazing Job user! proud of you, keep learning

It will be good once you have put that to use.

Now apply as a hacker for NSA.

good job OP! you're a certified 1337 h4x0r now. put your skills to good use.