>Install linux
>not a single porn site works
>html5 is garbage
nice OS losers
Install linux
Other urls found in this thread:
>HTML5 is garbage
How to spot a retarded wintoddler.txt
>99% of porn sites use flash
>the 1% that uses html5 doesnt work nativelly on linux without stupid workaround shit
>not a single porn site works
I take it you have not mastered the art of installing a flash player plugin on Linux, or just getting Chrome (which has the player baked into it)?
>html5 is garbage
HTML5+JS is better than any sort of browser plugin for doing video, animations, etc... The problem is that many porn videos are still encoded as flash.
THIS is what decides if an operating system sucks or not, whether you can jack off or otherwise.
If you can't figure out how to install the adobe flash plugin I don't know what to tell you.
>the 1% that uses html5 doesnt work nativelly on linux without stupid workaround shit
>without stupid workaround shit
Well aside from the fact that all of the video codecs you need are likely installed by default on Ubuntu, or with one package install, "needs extra software installed" is not the same as "doesn't work". You will NEVER have everything work out of the box on an OS, and it is useless to complain about what is installed by default, as long as it is sufficient to download everything else.
>mom I need flash but I can't install a flash plugin
>mom I go on shitty POS porn sites that STILL require flash
Just kill yourself retard wintoddler
>not torrenting your porn
wrong board faggot
I'm not a big porn fan, but the major porn sites use html5 now and works well on linux browsers.
>nice OS losers
I'm not a tech illiterate cuck like you, but thanks.
>Steaming porn
Hope your internet goes down for an extended period of time.
At least provide a site name to let me laugh at you even more. :)
lol you use loonix
what a retard
linux user here
porn works fine for me
Pornhub works
>Steaming porn
Sounds good.
>(((porn))) sites dont work
pick one user
it's quite obvious OP is a nigger, but he does bring up a valid point against Linux. I find it extremely inconvenient to have to load certain websites on a windows vm just because they simply won't load on linux.
My favourite
Give me the website
because you post it all the time loser
>he doesn't use Chrome
Even better
>installing nogaems OS
You fell for the meme OP.
I got more :^)
ur still retarted tho
Who nofap2017 here?
Just another graphs that says IE users are stupid :^^)
>implying anyone beside grandmas uses IE
>using the "I'm hiding my anger" smiley
I'm not a big porn fan, so these are pretty much _all_ porn tube sites I can think of without googling. I think OP's problem might have something to do with him being a faggot and visiting some obscure gay sites.
Don't be so mad, windows users are just stupid.
Example: OP
>not streaming porn with youtube-dl + mpv
but it's linox users that are dumb lol
ur the example
Just a friendly reminder
ALL computer illiterates use windows and internet explorer
but all computer illiterates use lonix cuz it has no softwares
>Only watches mongolian gay sex with horses and sheep on one specific website registered to some farmer living in Bhutan. It's hosted on old Windows Me machine and content uses old indeo codec and pictures are in casio2000 format, now he wonders why the site does not work on every browser on every OS out of the box.
but all computer illierate use w**dows cuz they are dumb
pornhub, redtube, youjizz, xnxx all use html5
what uses flash anymore?
w10 just works tho unlike ganoo loonicks
Are you actually trying to reason with a dumb w**dows user?
Dude, we get it, you're smarter than him, stop samefagging.
>flash games require flash
>not a single porn site works!!!!!11!11
It's the case with meme distros maybe
Gentoo has up to date flash
But that dumb wincuck triggered me
REEEEEEE lunix on suicide watch and BTFO
>W**dows ten
Only the dumbest of the dumb people use it cause they can't defer """"((((upgrade))))""""
How about 90% of the internet, shit for brains.
only grandpas use old shit like 7 desu
Gradpas do not need XD12
not even normie sites use flash anymore, turd goblin
BT sport does
Use google chrome or mpv w/ youtube-dl. Most porn sites work with it.
>ALL computer illiterates use windows and internet explorer
so if I use windows with chrome you're saying I literally cannot be tech illiterate since you used the terms "ALL" and "and"
the site loads, but you cannot play any of the videos.
I'm running Arch and use Chrome as my browser.
see above
see above
hey OP I got some javascript and flash for you to run. totally safe I promise.
>things that didnt happen: the post
>The Last Tango in Paris
Install flash player? Or just use a modern browser with an integrated one: Firefox, Opera, Chrome.
Nice bait.