Man does it feel good to be free.
Man does it feel good to be free
enjoy your sjw propaganda faggot
enjoy webms causing Sup Forums to freeze unless you install the x64 nightly version
It sure does.
>to be free
Feels pretty good.
>lying on the internet
>Pale Meme
>Man does it feel good to be free.
>Windows 10
I've never installed the x64 nightly version, and webms work just fine, never have they never crash Firefox
>enjoy webms causing Sup Forums to freeze
lmao what
>Have to use an old version of firefox before they started fucking it up
>However security risks
You can't win
>works on my machine
Free and slow.
>windows 10
>However security risks
>You can't win
You can and it is called managing your own security.
Your "free" browser doesn't even block third-party cookies by default.
Stop being a cuck and install Brave.
make me
Be Brave
Man it feels good to be using the best browser.
No memes here, gentlemen.
True, you'll never have a gf
Not freeze, but the video don't work properly for sure. It's confirmed on their bugzilla.
Man does it feel good to be Brave.
Nice adware you have.
>"""people""" itt are shilling browsers
>for free
way to make Sup Forums even shittier
link? never had any issues here.
Man does it feel good to be for everyone.
>no memes
Pick 1.
Increase the memes
I hate that chrome is the only good, fast and reliable browser around. I need something with good market share and standards for developing. I need it to not eat RAM like Firefox does.
What do? I've been using Chrome, but I really want to escape.
meme browsers are the obscure ones that people shill all the time on Sup Forums that turn out to just be a four year old fork of firefox with a couple of compiler optimizations turned on.
Firefox is laggy on Windows
And even worse on Android
But at least it's not botnet
That's why I've come back to it
Reader mode is also bretty gud
I just wish there were a way to open links in it directly
Until you realize it's slower than what you were using previously and go back to that.
>using Windows
I switched from chrome to firefox and it was super slow. Also, the lack of one thread per tab means that if one tab is loading in the background, they're all slow, instead of the current tab getting a higher priority than the background one.
I switched to chromium, then iridium, and I'm pretty happy here. I still have chrome installed for netflix but I have flash disabled in chrome, uo and ScriptSafe installed, and honestly it's pretty nice. I also appreciate that it gives you an alert whenever a network request gets sent to one of the botnet servers, which has only happened like 3 times since I installed (it disables a lot of those from even happening)
If you're on windows, try ungoogled chromium
werks for me
where do people get this 'le firefox slow' meme?
It's just false
Chrome is minisculely faster and that is apparently the most important metric of a browser now for some retarded ass reason.
stop being a faggot.
Was about to argue but I've used Nightly 64bit for years so maybe you're right lol
except for those people who dont agree with every single one of our talking points, them we censure and fire
>ancient fork of firefox
>author has to constantly issue updates for "website compatibility"
>shitty outdated gecko engine
Tryinig it out now.
This guy again. Seems bretty gud, but the Script Blocker is all or nothing, which I'm not a fan of. That said, it replaced Chromium as my backup browser. If they actually allow you to make individual exceptions on scripts, then I may switch over to Brave permanently.
double adolf can't lie
safari master race checking in
Brave is still in version 0.12.15 so there will be many more changes to increase usability and add features, the UI will be more polished, etc.
I also would like the Script Blocked to behave more like NoScript, hope the add that in the future. Looking forward to make the big jump from Firefox one day.
Already use it in my phone as the main browser.
read their FAQ, if you still want to use it after that you might just be retarded
I've started using Edge since it got uBlock. I'd much prefer to use uMatrix, but I'm willing to live with uBlock until gorhill moves support from Firefox to Edge.
I kind of wish Microsoft didn't shit up what they had going with reading view in Windows 8 because of backlash from anti-touch interface autists though.