What's the least meme static site generator?

What's the least meme static site generator?

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>static site generator

pick one

Site generators are for retards that lack the intelligence required to learn basic HTML.

If you use one then you deserve to be gassed.

What if i want to keep a blog and not manully update tags and index?

What if i write my own static site gen?

what else are you supposed to do

Personally i use bashblog, an easily configurable 1000 line bash script

>blog and not manully update tags and index?


i want to have a blog but i hate dealing with css and webshit. what should i use?

Write your content in Markdown or RestructedText, versioned with Git

Pelican turns it into acceptably looking HTML, free of JavaScript and blazing fast because everything is static

How autistic would it be to have a stallman.org style website? just plain text no bullshit

jekyll is okay.

On a scale of normie to full blown autism i'd say it's analogous to engineer's disease.

If you make it a max width centered column and adjust the colors it's fine. Check out Bashblog, a bash script that let you update and maintain a blog using only markdown and a text editor such as vi.


The default stylesheet is kind of ugly but it's very easy to edit.

for a blog? gohugo.io/

Use literally any CMS


>jekyll is literally a textbook example on how not to make a static site gen
it's ballooned beyond any semblance of simplicity and is just a jumbled mess of kitchen sink garbage, exactly what it was meant to be against

what's the most uselessly bloated static site generator?

>How autistic would it be to have a stallman.org style website? just plain text no bullshit
Warren Buffett has a plain text no bullshit website (berkshirehathaway.com/). Decoration is literally there only for marketing. If your plain website has good enough content and you're not trying to pull as many readers as possible, it is alright.

I cannot afford an oncologist


Version 2 and 3 are pretty cool. But when they introduced themes and shit, I know its gone down the drain.

>What's the least meme static site generator?
1. Go to staticsitegenerators.net/.
2. Sort by oldest.
3. Pick any that isn't "literally who" tier.


hugo is maybe a meme but i found it easy